Empaths… whether or not you believe in them, they do exist, and they are out there. I’m not talking about your general person who can empathize with others, or those who say, yeah, tough break man (better them than me!), I’m talking about people who can pick up on the feelings of others and feel them so strongly that they believe they are their own.Those are what I call high level empaths; someone who picks up on all the emotions and energies around them, and are overwhelmed to the point where they feel like they are drowning.Right now, there’s not a lot of information that I’ve found out there on this subject, and there appears to be less on the psychic side of being an empath.Many empaths are also psychic. More likely than not, their psychic abilities are enhanced by their empathy.The purpose of this blog is to explore all sides of being an empath, and all sides of being psychic.
Every week or so, on average, I'll get an e-mail from someone who has read my definition of what an Empath is.The thing they say the most is that they've been an empath all their life, but never knew there was a name for it. A lot believed they were crazy, but once they did some research,. they found it explained what had been happening to them all their life. Some get very excited and want to know as much as they can, and others are just happy they have found an answer to their questions.In general, though, there is a feeling of relief that they are not the only ones, and more importantly, there are others out there who understand what they are going through. I make it a point to answer every e-mail I receive, though it is the rare person who enters into any type of correspondence with me. Some feel weird that they are e-mailing a total stranger, while others feel guilty about taking up my time. It's probably just as well that only around 1% keep in contact, as I don't think they'd be enough hours in the day to keep up otherwise.
I've seen this question asked, and I raised my eyebrows, thinking that I had never assigned gender, or sexual preference, etc, to if someone is an empath or not.
Is the movie you’re going to see empath friendly?
Photo by Annie Spratt
Empaths and depression
This is a repost of a recent depression series I wrote. It specifically written for empaths.
Empaths and depression - Guilt.
Empaths and weight – part 1
Empaths and weight – Part two
Empaths and Weight: Part 3
Empaths and weight – Part 4
Shock and trauma
The sceptical Empath
The dark night of the soul.
Over-concern for others.
Holiday depression
This list is what many people may experience if they are highly emphatic. You may not experience them all, but some do. This list is not inclusive.
The following blog is a 8 part series on on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
Seasonal depression
The following blog is a 8 part series on on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
The following blog is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
The following blog is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
Depression is really is a major problem for so many. You don’t have to be an empath to suffer from it, but it certainly doesn’t help you if you are one.
A lot of people are empaths, but what makes them one?
The pressure of success
Discovering the Dakini – Part 3
Psychics and the spirit world.
The following blog is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
As an Empath, I’ve come across a lot of strange things that I would have sworn could not be true. As a sceptic, I tend to not take things on face value. As a cynic, I tend to look between the lines. As an intuitive, I have learned to trust my feelings completely.
Many depressed people have more than just depression going on with them. They also suffer from exhaustion.
Sometimes things don’t go right. You know those days where everything seems to go wrong in clumps?
Contacting your guides – Part 1
Fear is not a good enough reason to not do something.
Longevity in dogs.
Contacting your guides – part 2
Diet - Part 1.
There’s a lot to be said about empaths. There are so many about, and it seems that many don’t even know they are one.
Diet - part 2Here are more suggestions of how food may contribute to depression, and avoiding it.Avoid an excess of alcohol.Apart from it not being good for health reasons, an empath can become severely depressed by being tipsy or drunk. It also might leave you more vulnerable to outside astral influences.Balance your alkaline / acidic intake.It is suggested that a 60% alkaline / 40% acidic balance should be the right balance for PH values.
Drink fresh fruit juice
Drink water with a few drops of lemon squeezed into it.
While I'm not a dietician, I do believe that empaths tend to ingest
the energy of foods they eat. Some foods have no real substance.
Avoid foods that might carry negative energy.
Food does carry its own type of energy. ..
I believe there are at least two energies it carries.
• It's natural resonance
• Resonance that has been transferred into it.
Energy will tend to take on an external physical form and what you see is a representation of the energy within. The natural resonance of food is something that typifies the energies that will be passed into our bodies when we eat them.
Certain foods work better for you, depending on what you need.When I look at food, I can sense if it will add anything good or negative to my energies.Some things just don't feel right for the body's current energy need when you run them
past your intuition and some feel just right, though mostly in moderation.
An empath is very much susceptible to the energy of things, and this includes foods. When you eat something, you are ingesting the energy into your body and it becomes part of you.
Eating something that isn't harmonic to you can throw you out of balance and effect how you feel.
Food that has been touched by others can transfer their emotions or vibrations into it. That might be anything from fear, anger, annoyance, tedium, frustration, love, etc, etc. When we eat something, we take those properties into our bodies.
Another factor to consider is how livestock is bred and if fear or discontentment, etc, has become part of who they were. When we eat these things, we may well be taking those things into our energy fields.Naturally, you can't avoid everything that might be tainted, but it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea to try and buy things that have been humanely prepared. Also, as you don't know the mood of the person who has prepared your food, it makes it a difficult task to know exactly what you might eat.
However, there is a simple solution which I believe would be quite effective.
Before you eat anything, bless your food.Put your hand over whatever you're about to eat and send positive energy and love to it and ask that all negative energies be transmuted or replaced. It only need take a few seconds, but it may make a world of difference.
Before you decide what you want to eat, run your mind through the options and ask yourself if this is going to help you cope or not. Easier said than done, I know. Sometimes we just need 'comfort' food, but more often than not, we later regret it. We eat things that we don't even want at the time, but feel we need something to get us through that moment.Eat in moderation. Balance is certainly a key here.When stressed or depression, we do tend to eat more and tend to seek out food that is tasty but not good for us, but it only helps in the moment, and rarely beyond it.Most of this information is obvious. Still, it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves of it.I really think there is an industry out there for Empath friendly food.
They are out there in abundance and they hurt those who are really trying to demonstrate that the paranormal side of life is real, is happening and people are experiencing it.
Dear all,
In January 2013, I had, what was to me, a rather intense experience.
Love would be easier if we didn't fear loss.
Depression can be cured.
Bach Flower Remedies – Introduction
Are they a placebo? Part 1.
I've had a question in my mind recently:
A few people who have responded to the survey on the side bar have asked for a question and answer session.
A number of times, when I've mentioned that someone is an Empath, they say it’s a label, and they don’t like using labels.
There are many Empaths who are on a path where they have an overwhelming desire to help and heal others. Some choose to put themselves in the service of God (or whatever force they believe in) while others work to help those who ask for it, or need it.
I like this list. It covers a lot of traits I've not thought of or come across. Thanks to Crystal Moon for this posting.
Not all Soul Calls need be major events. Some can be, and they can last years, but sometimes it can be as simple as just passing on a message.
One of the things with Soul Calls is that you may feel very awkward or embarrassed passing the message on. The Fear of looking foolish or deluded tends to stop us from doing so.
You might wonder (or not) if there is any benefit to answering a soul call. It can be a lot of work, and while the pay offs might be rewarding at times, there will be other times where you feel it’s just been a waste of your time and effort because nothing seems to change.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"] It's a ghost![/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"]
Laugh [/caption]
I've seen the below link a number of times touted as the best description of depression.
So, I received a nomination for an award. Twice, actually.
In the last entry, I spoke about attunement and how every action defines the reality you end up in.
When it comes to time-lines, the reason you shift is because the current one you are on no longer serves your current purpose.
This particular topic might well come across as controversial, (though, by now, you've probably come to expect that from me) but those who have experienced it will tell you that they are real, and those who haven’t will more than likely scoff.
[caption id="attachment_1065" align="alignleft" width="138"] Drawing by Mari[/caption]
Types of psychic attacks – Part 2
Psychic attacks: Attacks by either people, or entities. Do they really exist?
As I've mentioned, I've spent much of my life under attack. There have been various reasons, which I won't get into here, but most I have overcome, especially once I've tracked the source.
Many Light-workers consider themselves as spiritual warriors. They see the darkness, they spot the enemy, charge in with their shield and sword, strike it down, and the day is saved.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"] Spock (Photo credit: Tram Painter)[/caption]
I don't know what it's like for others, so I can only draw on my own personal experiences here. For me, I find when I'm thinking about a certain course of action, or am doing something; my stomach (in the solar plexus chakra area) will either feel distressed as though something is churning within me. (It's a feeling resembling fear, even if no emotion is attached.) Or I will feel a sense of joy, connectedness, truth or love.
It’s one thing to listen to your intuition, but it’s another thing to work out what it’s actually telling you sometimes. It’s like a riddle. Sometimes it only makes sense once you know what the answer is. For instance, you might get a sense that something is wrong, but you’re not sure what. (In Bach Flower Remedy terms, it would be called an Aspen state.) You may feel uneasy, but you don’t know why, so how do you know what is going on there. How do you know which choice to make? I found one effective method is to run through options in your mind, and see what 'clicks' into place. You'll know when you've hit the right one, because there will be a feeling of 'yes, this is right' that goes right through you. It will be like a sense of excitement, joy and progress, or maybe just a sense of relief. If it’s the wrong choice, you might well feel uneasy, or even feel panic. The more you shouldn’t do something, the more extreme the panic. (Which may sometimes lead to a panic attack, though it’s not always the reason.) A game twenty questions (though you can have as many questions as you want) can help you work out exactly what is going on. Always include people you know, situations you are involved with and personal life and work places. For instance, you can ask yourself: Is it to do with me or someone else? If you feel it’s you, then you can continue to ask questions. It is my relationship? Is it work? Is it family? It is money? And so on. Eventually you will hit what is bothering you, though there may be times when the answer is so obscure, it may just elude you. The Bach Flower Remedy, Cerato, is wonderful for clarifying intuition, and taken with Aspen, the remedy for anxiety, it can help clarify exactly what you need to know. Next: There was this one time at Hanging Rock…
So, you've decided to do something. It feels right, and you’re excited. You go to bed, but when you wake up the next day, you suddenly feel doubt, and a sense of uneasiness, or even panic.
One of the complaints from Empaths that I hear a lot is that they often feel overwhelmed by too many feelings and emotions.
For those who don’t know, I live in Australia. It’s been a wonderful place for me to live, though lately we’re going downhill with our standard of living. (Though we still have wonderful conditions.)
I don't normally just repost articles, but right now, I'm on leave, and very slow with my writings, and I saw this one that I felt was well worth sharing from The Huffington Post.
In the year 2001, I was taking a break from work. I got up to play a game on my computer, and as it was at night, I decided to not turn on the lights, so I wouldn’t disturb anyone.
I took some well-earned vacation this month. (Hence the lack of blogs.)
One of the things that contribute to psychic burn out are the requests for help that I get on a pretty regular basis.
I get a lot of questions about soul calls. Very many people seem to get them, however there is still so little information about them, including other people’s experiences.
There’s a balance to being Empath who has psychic experiences and yet tries to be remain objective to what is going on.
This is a six part story about a paranormal event that occurred in January 1980. As usual, it’s told without any embellishments and according to a document that I had written after the event.
I have to admit that I’m a big fan of skeptic and debunking sites. This might seem odd, especially considering that I would almost certainly be a target for them, especially with my pseudoscience and belief in the Bach Flower Remedies. (Which are just plants soaked in water to capture their vibrations, and yet… they work!)
Last post, I relayed my rare experience of getting a prediction that actually came true.
Now, it may seem odd to people reading this blog that I seem to go out of my way to discuss if psychics and the paranormal are real or not, especially, considering that I have named this blog Psychic Empaths. Indicating that I am both psychic and an Empath.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"] Ghost below the Sunset? (Photo credit: Scott M Duncan)[/caption]
How often should one blog?
I really liked the thoughts on this blog and thought it was well worth reblogging. From a Bach Flower Remedy point of view, Aspen is amazing for anxiety.
What is a soul mate?
You meet someone and you instantly click with them. It may be love at first sight, or at least at first touch. They make you feel great and they feel fantastic with you, too.
Twin Souls
In the last entry, I recounted how many women, who had the same type of energy, were all attracted to me and eventually, around 2012, it began to dawn on me that something wasn’t quite right there.
Twin flames
As mentioned previously, I’m a compulsive writer.
“I used to believe in reincarnation, but that was in my last life. “ – Author Unknown.
I seem to have this weird knack of recognizing if I’ve known someone in a past life or not. I can’t tell you the details, but I can tell you who they were.
There are various methods of remembering such things, including meditation and past life regression.
I really liked this blog entry. Lots of food for thought here and I thought it was well written.
Today is a minor rant on how I see too many parents treating their children.
It’s another day. Another week. Yet another month.
A while ago, I came across an amazing blog called 30 Traits of an Empath which covered many more traits than I come across before. They were written in a very clear and succinct way.
Just a quick note.
It’s when something bad happens that your true belief system is called into question.
It’s almost Christmas time.
Recently, I was asked to go to Mumbai, India for 10 days. My company decided to follow suit of other shipping lines and centralize part of their operations there.
A while ago, I came across an amazing blog called 30 Traits of an Empath which covered many more traits than I come across before. They were written in a very clear and succinct way.
When it comes down to it, I’ve had a really interesting life. Even during my earlier years, things were rarely dull. (Though they were certainly painful emotionally.)
In my last entry, I asked the question: If past lives are not important, why do we remember them?
I normally don't advertise for others, but I feel this lady is genuine and has a lot to offer. I know there are people who seek these kind of services, and I'm always leery of the general psychics that are out there, but I feel comfortable to recommend this one for those who are looking.
I've just found out
Photo by João Silas
Photo by João Silas
Photo by Maxime Bhm
Over the years, I’ve come across many forms of psychic attacks. I’ve met many people who seem to be endearing them.
As mentioned, I’ve dealt with a few people recently that have complained about psychic attacks. It has screwed around with their lives, and effectively even made some consider suicide, just to avoid them.
I've been putting off writing this blog entry for a while now. Not that there’s anything in it I’ve not posted elsewhere before, but it is one that I feel it’s time to push into the mainstream.
There’s a parable by Neale Donald Walsch called The Little Soul and the Sun. There are two parts to this tale. In a nutshell, the story is about a soul who wanted to know who he was., but because all there was, was light, and all he was, was light, he could not do this.
Raul Taciu
It is said that animals appearing in our lives are symbolic. They represent a message for us.
Thought this was worth a repost.
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
This particular blog entry by Omen did seem to cause a …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
For those who are interested, Omen has started his own blog.
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
Sometimes you are meant to have some downtime, but you don’t take it because something always seems to come up.It’s like you’re rushing from one fire to the next.I have just completed four weeks of leave, but I still wasn’t getting any real rest for three weeks of it.E-mails keep coming in asking for help. People have questions. Situations in the chat room that call for attention and so on.Seems that my higher self decided that if I wasn’t going to take a break, it would force me to take one. And it did.Due to an infected finger, typing became very hard and painful. I was forced to minimize what I did at the computer.For those wondering, this blog will resume in due course. In the meantime, remember, there’s always the chat room and 200+ other blogs to go through if you've not already seen them. 🙂
Being an Empath is a difficult thing.
The follow series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge. This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
Over the years, I’ve come to certain conclusions about the choices we make.
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
What is an Attunement?
The following series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge. This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.
Following on from part one, where we discussed what attunement is, we look at what the process is all about.
I’ve been involved in chat rooms since I first joined the internet back in 1995.
The following series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge. This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.
For a while now, I've been thinking about creating an empath community.
The process of attunement part three
This is an excellent offer and I highly recommend it.
The follow series of blogs will contain some very …
One thing that has struck me about Omen’s blogs is …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
My thoughts on Ghosts and the afterlife. Omen’s talk …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
Following on from Omen’s thoughts on beings of …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
This is a good parable about seeds and how intentions can either help or hinder what we wish to manifest. Enjoy.
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
Thought it might be worth a reblog and wishing everyone a safe and joyful Chirstmas.
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
Over the past years, since I have put it online for free, thousands of people have downloaded The Empath Guidebook.
I received an e-mail the other day from an empath called Anneli Rufus.
I received an e-mail the other day from an empath called Anneli Rufus.
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
The following series of blogs will contain some very …
It is said that no prayer goes unanswered, and if you believe in free will, then that is true.
How do I know I'm an Empath?
[caption id="attachment_2508" align="alignnone" width="660"] Emmy the Empath[/caption]
Human bodies are seen as commodities by denizens of the astral world. By binding a soul (that is, imprisoning them so they are trapped or under their control) they gain access to bodies which they can then use for whatever purpose is intended.
Personally, I like the term 'e-closet'. So many people feel ashamed about being an Empath as if though it's a bad thing.
It does not make you in league with Satan or evil. In fact, more likely the opposite. Empaths will be more likely to help you than hinder you.
I recently asked if any Empaths from the Facebook Empath Support group would like to share any of their experiences that would be considered unexplained or creepy.
I passed by a claw machine that was packed with stuffed animals and I idly pushed on the control handle. To my surprise, it moved. I instinctively pushed for the other direction and then the claw dropped up and picked up a toy mouse.
When I was a baby, my mother woke up in the middle of the night and saw this tall hooded figure looking down at her. He nodded and then walked backwards into the wall and vanished.
Years later, my step daughter claimed she would see a hooded figure in the same house. What was even more disturbing was that when we moved to a new house, she kept on seeing it.
You might think you're falling in love but you don't even like the person. You may have experienced a soul call.
If you haven't downloaded it already, it's free.
This is a repost, but I feel it's a perfect example of an Empath dealing with depression.
My views on psychic readings.
Ever felt someone walk over your grave?
This week's video is about three tips for coping as an Empath.
This week's video is about psychic attacks. The first of a series.
This video is about how Guilt is used as a particularity viscous type of attack.
This video is about how our feelings can be magnified as a type of attack.
The Demon on the Staircase
[image-comparator left="https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ducks-before.jpg" right="https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ducks-after.jpg" method="fade-in" width="100%" value="0" hover="true" overlayed_slider="true" hide_slider="true" link_images="false"][/image-comparator]
Class A Electronic Voice Phenomenon?
Ján Jakub Naništa
[image-comparator left="https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/well.jpg" right="https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/dry-well-2.jpg" method="overlay" width="100%" value="0" hover="true" overlayed_slider="true" hide_slider="true" link_images="false"][/image-comparator]
Podcast #1
Podcast #2
Empath Podcast #3
[caption id="attachment_2850" align="aligncenter" width="2448"] Phones[/caption]
Podcast 4
If you're having suicidal thoughts, this is for you.
And now for a rant...
If it's so amazing...
I just happened to be around.
“I feel like I’m not worthy of being loved.”
What causes people to awaken spiritually and what are the signs to watch out for.
Photo by patricia serna on Unsplash
Hide and Seek Alone.
Adding Turmeric to my diet
Short term success
The Empath Guidebook (and Bach Flower Remedies for Empaths) – 2nd Edition.
[quiz-cat id="3780"]
Bach Flower Remedies Healing with Bach Flower Remedies …
I'm a psychic healer. You might wonder if I am real and how I do what I do. In this entry, I explain exactly what I do and how.
Synchronicities I’ve had many synchronicities in my …
Tingle There is a tingling sensation when you take a …
Personally, I feel that buying a full BFR kit is a worthwhile investment as they will last many years and allow you to take whatever remedy you need in the moment.
Disclaimer Disclaimer: I am not religious. I do not …