Paranormal series: Psychic Empath or at least I think I am.

Now, it may seem odd to people reading this blog that I seem to go out of my way to discuss if psychics and the paranormal are real or not, especially, considering that I have named this blog Psychic Empaths. Indicating that I am both psychic and an Empath.

I do believe I am an Empath, and from time to time, I do certainly experience what would pass for psychic abilities.

There are certainly those who will maintain that I am both, regardless of what I tell them. There are also those who put me on a pedestal, which is something I’ve actively discouraged.

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences and knowledge and ideas and help others benefit from it. I find that many can relate to what I’ve experienced, and just as many can’t. As I cover a very broad range of topics, eventually people will come across something they like.

I do have some hard and fast rules about what I blog about, though.

I need to believe it’s genuine.

I need to be critical, yet open about the experiences.

I need to ask the hard questions, especially of myself.

I must relay my experiences as fully and as honestly as I can. (Which means that leaving out something that isn’t convenient isn’t allowed and same goes for adding in something that didn’t happen, or happened out of context.)

I find this a difficult balance to achieve as there can often be a temptation to fudge things to make things look better, or worse as the case may be.  However, I am a purist and while that’s annoying in many ways, it also helps me to be exact.

Personally, I’d like to believe that I am psychic and that I’m a high level Empath, but there are times where I appear to be neither.

I can’t control it and things seem to come in waves. Maybe that’s how it’s meant to be because it’s not healthy to be ‘on’ full time.

And yet, I will always pick up certain things regardless of what I do. For instance, I was picking up the general anxiety of one of my staff, who suffered from low self esteem and had personal problem, and in spite of her excellent work, she never believed in herself.

Everyday I would come into work and feel this so strongly that I started to dread going to work. Thing was that I couldn’t do anything about it. Eventually she resigned and i immediately felt a great relief, in spite of the fact it meant more work for me.

But as I said, I can’t seem to control the empath side. It’s either there or it isn’t, it would appear.

What I try to look for, though, is consistency. Do I get the same results when the same events or circumstances occur?

Surprisingly, yes. I can’t control those events, but when they do happen, there are definite patterns.

For instance, when I’m feeling ‘muddied’ and  anxious, my partner will pick this up as a headache, and she will know, even if we’re not in the same room, or sometimes country.  She will also know exactly how clear I am, which will always correspond with how I am feeling.

This is a double edge sword, though, because the natural tendency is for her to distance herself from me so she doesn’t become infected by whatever is around me right then.

Consistent results are certainly important, even if you can’t control them.

It’s the reason I use Bach Flower Remedies. I can get very consistent results with them, unlike anything else I have tried. I can use them with confidence and recommend them without feeling like I’m misleading people.

Unfortunately, not everything falls into that category, and it’s the exception, rather than the rule.

Next: Searching for evidence.



4 Replies to “Paranormal series: Psychic Empath or at least I think I am.”

  1. Totally can relate to what you have said about at times feeling that you are both and at times feeling neither. It all makes sense to me now but for a time it did not and days where I seemed to be in a gray area place made me doubt or at least for a time not be totally sure about which side of the fence I was really on. Your blog and writing is very nice…thanks for sharing XOXO

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