3 Replies to “Depression series: Melancholy or Why does my heart feel so bad?”

  1. It happened to me twice.

    Back in the beginning of 2011, when I looked at the Calendar for January (that was about to start) I felt something bad. I told my best friend and he didnt believe me. Then, Japan had it’s earthquake. . .
    And ever since I was a child, I knew that when I was 21, that I would die and I almost did. When someone mentioned 21 or 2012, I would get a very dark feeling. I would always feel scared and depressed. It finally hit, in short I almost died- Something gave me a choice to live though. I don’t know what it was but I’m alive today.

      1. Is that possible?
        I did tell you the story of this before, if you remembered. But I had a choice to live or to die when the question was presented to me.

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