Paranormal experiences series: Losing our possessions or now where did I put that thing again?

In the last entry, I spoke about attunement and how every action defines the reality you end up in.

Now, you may argue that if this is so, then how come life sucks so much? How come, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get is bad things happening?

Here’s the thing. If you keep on choosing the same thing over and over again, and try to live your life in a way that is according to who you are, then eventually things will begin to shift.

But there are a few things, in my observation, that you might want to be aware of, even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

In order to shift, and make the shift not so blatant, events may happen in your current reality that prepares you for your next one.

For instance, before my ‘death’ back in 2000, I lost a lot of childhood memorabilia that was important to me. It was put into a garbage bag during renovations by my then partner and I never saw them again. I suspected it was thrown out by accident.

I suspect that when you lose possessions, it may be due to us being made ready to move to another time line. If the objects are no longer are around, you won’t miss them when you shift. This is important if they don’t exist in that particular timeline.

I’m sure you’ve heard stories, or experienced things that you knew you had, but have vanished without any explanation or a trace. What if the person in question shifted, and those possessions were never obtained in that particular reality?

You could extend that theory further, such as objects being lost to theft, fire or any number of the ways that might happen.

Now, I realize just how that might come across to those who have experienced such things. It’s not pleasant to have experienced that, to put it mildly. But what if the tragedy was so you could move on with your own evolution and life?

Possessions do weigh you down. I can feel that myself. When I have too many it’s like the energies get heavier and more cumbersome.

When I moved house a couple of years ago, I made a decision to throw away entire collections. Not because I didn’t want to keep them, but it felt like it was the right thing to do. I still feel that way.

And this is where it starts to get a little more complex.

When move to another time line, it may well appear to others, that  we have actually died. However, to the person who supposedly died, but continued on elsewhere, nothing will  have appeared  to have changed. Maybe it might even appear that others have departed instead.

Major disasters, where entire groups die may well be people who have shifted, as a collective, to another reality.  Do they continue on in another timeline?

One thing I am very sure of is that we don’t die until we’re ready to.

Next: The World of Warcraft analogy on parallel worlds. 


6 Replies to “Paranormal experiences series: Losing our possessions or now where did I put that thing again?”

  1. Gary it’s funny I almost have this superstitious belief about possessions that they can carry the past with them, am constantly trying to keep too many at bay.

      1. I would say that also. Also it seems the energy you give to an object gets absorbed and then will continue to resonate that energy after your energy has changed or is trying to change. This post really spun my mind. Thanks.

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