Paranormal experiences series: Defining who we are or I look after my own interests… so what?

From left to right: Snidely Whiplash, Dudley D...

So, we have discussed death, alternative memories, coming back, and parallel worlds.

I also mentioned that this kind of thing happens to us a lot, but we don’t normally remember it, or we don’t twig to what is really going on.

Clearly, this raises a lot of questions, some I will attempt to answer and some I am trying to still work out myself.

Let’s start off with one of the overused sayings in spiritual circles. Time is an illusion.

It’s also a very good and complete one.

However, all things are happening now, and everything that ever was, is, and will be is all occurring right at this very moment.

It’s only the illusion of time that allows us to experience it as a separate stream of time.

So, if everything that ever existed is happening now, and there is no time, then we, as spirit, can choose to enter into any timeline we choose, at any particular moment in history. The only limits are what we are attuned to within our own soul aspect (which is what we call our soul).

By this I mean that if you have raised your personal vibrational levels enough, you can shift to a higher version of the world you just left, and if your level is lower than before, then you might find yourself in a lower or darker version.

Now, I’m not trying to use anything like Heaven or Hell, or trying to scare or convert people, so please hear me out.

What level you are attuned to depends entirely on you. There is no being sitting in judgement deciding if you are worthy or not. There is no judgement: Only experience and attunement.

Every action you took, every thought you had, every intention you have all add up to who you are right now.

Whether you come from a place of love, or a place of fear, it all has an effect on you.

Every decision you make is an opportunity to redefine yourself. None of the things that happen to us are random. They are all opportunities.

To use a simple example, let’s say you buy your lunch, and you notice the sandwich hand gives you back too much change. Do you keep it and say nothing or do you let them know? In the scheme of things, it won’t change the world if you decide to keep the change, but this isn’t about what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s about an opportunity to define yourself and declare “this is who I really am.”

Do you give the money back? Do you keep it? Would you say something if you were short changed and you noticed? Does your moral code work both ways?

And so forth.

And these opportunities come up all the time. Some are small, some are large, and many just happen as a matter of life happening to us. And every single one of them counts.

Even the smallest decision can change the course of your entire life. You just won’t know it at the time. At least, not till you look back and see it.

Now, this is not an attempt to convince people to be a goody two shoes, or be holier than thou, it’s simply stating that in every moment you are making a choice about what you will experience, and the type of world you may end up living in.

Also remember, belief creates reality, and reality creates belief. If you are not happy with your current reality, change your belief system.  (I will discuss this subject in a future blog.)

Just remember that we are choosing our reality all the time.

Next: If we choose our lives, why do they suck so much?
