Psychic attack series: Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing.

germOver the years, I’ve come across many forms of psychic attacks. I’ve met many people who seem to be endearing them.

Of course, there are always those who will tell you psychic attacks aren’t real.  They label those who believe they are under such attacks are delusional or will tell you that such things simply do not exist.

Curiously enough, even those who are considered guru’s and have given us amazing knowledge will tell you the same thing.

At its purest level, you can indeed argue that we’re all one and that no one is attacking anyone.

However, that’s like saying that no one can kill or attack another because there is only really one of us in the room.

This is all fine and good, but we live in the realm of the relative, and not only are such things real, but they happen more frequently than you might suspect.

Not believing in it doesn’t make you immune to them.

As a friend of mine recently put it to me: It’s like saying you don’t believe in germs, therefore they can’t make you sick.

While we don’t have the technology to see psychic attacks, let’s remember that at one point, we didn’t have the technology to see germs either. People didn’t know of them. They still got sick, though. They still got infections, diseases, viruses and died from them.

To say that if they just didn’t acknowledge such things then they would be been fine is just nonsense. Would you tell a doctor to not wash their hands just because you don’t believe germs exist? You’ve probably never seen one, save in a photo. Those with the right equipment can certainly see them. It’s very much like psychics who can see shadow people. They have the right equipment, so to speak.

Knowing germs exist and can affect us is important.  We can take steps to protect ourselves. We can work on our immune systems, stress levels, watch what we touch, eat and what can make us very sick. We can become immunized to certain things and generally live a healthier lifestyle.

Of course, you can say I’m making a faulty analogy here, because you can actually prove germs exist, but my view is that just because we can’t see things on another level, it doesn’t mean they are not there.

There are certainly spirits about. More than you would ever imagine and on many different levels that are just too fine for the human eye to perceive.  It is a fact that we do have a limited spectrum of what we can sense. Imagine if we had the abilities of say, a dog. Their sense of smell is mind boggling. Unless you experience it, though, you can’t really know what it’s like, but just imagine if you could track things just by smells? Imagine if you could hear things that are way too high for the normal ear to hear.

Imagine if you could see things that are way out of our spectrum?

From my own personal experience, I can tell you that psychic attacks do exist. They can come from either people or astral beings. I’ve had both happen to me and on a frequent basis.

It did not matter if I believed in them or not. I still experienced the effects of them.

In fact, there was a period of some years where I believed I was immune to them and that they really didn’t exist. Eventually, though, I had to admit that something was going on, and whether I acknowledge it was real or not, the proof was definitely there.

I’ve also dealt with too many people who came to me because they were being attacked. Believe me, there is nothing more irritating than being told it’s all in your mind and if you ignore it will go away. It doesn’t.  At least not on its own.

I’ve touched on psychic attacks a number of times on my website, blog and the Empath Guidebook, so I don’t want to go into it again.

What I do want to do is talk about one way of stopping them.

Next: Simple affirmations 


3 Replies to “Psychic attack series: Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing.”

  1. would real gurus say that psychic attacks aren’t real? I doubt it very much. they know that on the way to light there exist many such dark distractions who will try and stop us from moving forward – they make us understand the fact and often guide us on how to deal with them or protect us from them. the problem is a whole lot of spiritual entrepreneurs masquerade as gurus these days. they are as credible as one’s neighbours.

  2. Gary is right I have sought out help for paranormal and many people say that they do not exist or that I am being ‘negative’ and un-spiritual for even considering it or even primeval, primitive. Personally, I have also experienced family members not believing me and sending me or suggesting a doctor.

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