Empath Series: First steps – I’ve just discovered I’m an Empath. Now what? Part 4 of 4

Photo by Maxime Bhm

So you’re an Empath, huh? – Part 4

I get a lot of questions from people who say: I’ve just found out I’m an Empath. What do I do?

There are an abundance of resources and support groups for the Empath, but I thought we’d look at what would be helpful for any Empath to know when they discover they are one.

Personally, I had no clue how to write this, so as usual, when stuck for ideas, I asked my guides to assist.

Their responses are in italics

There are seven steps


Trusting in yourself.



Practicing your abilities



In part one we discussed  Acceptance and Trusting in yourself.

In part two we discussed Research and Self-awareness.

In part three we discussed practicing your abilities.

Now we’ll look at the final two: Grounding and creating.



When you are ungrounded, it’s very hard to get a handle on your abilities. The key to grounding is self-confidence. When you doubt yourself, you will rarely be secure or grounded. This can occur when you doubt your feelings, feel that you don’t belong somewhere or take someone else’s point of view over yours.

Self-doubt is the nemesis of the Empath. They cannot afford to allow it if they wish to live a happy life and use their abilities to help others and their own path.

Whatever you do, do it with conviction. Whatever you do, make sure it matches your feelings. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

And whatever you do, don’t get stuck in a mindset that you feel you have the answers. Nothing is absolute as everything is always changing. Always be open to new ways and new perceptions. If you become stuck, you can not only stall your growth, but lead an increasingly miserable existence.

Always allow change, but always make sure that change is in line with who you are. All change it good, even though it may seem tragic or horrible at the time. Remember, we often can’t see the forest for the trees.

And the final and seventh step isCreating.

And by that, I mean take back your creating power and letting it work for you, rather than letting others create your reality for you. We are all creators, in spite of what others may believe. We have the power and abilities to create a reality that is amazing and wonderful.

We are always creating with every thought and action. We do not realize it, though. Then when things turn out horribly, we do not understand that it was ourselves that created it. 

We do this in so many unwitting ways. We believe we are not good enough. That we do not deserve to be happy. That we are not worthy of riches, fame and success. That we are not capable of doing the things others can do.

But truth is: We are. We have exactly what we need in order to achieve what we came here for. It may not seem that way, but free dictates that you must have it, otherwise it would not be free will.

So remember, every thought, action and state of being is creative. Watch everything you think and say. Even simple words such as: ‘I’m sick and tired of this’ will eventually create a reality where you really are sick and tired. And you will not see it as something you created. You’ll simply see it as validation for what you’ve been saying all along.

Choose to take back your creative power. Choose to take reasonability for your life and circumstances. You are not there by chance. Nothing is random (unless you believe that it is, in which case you are choosing a random existence.)

Choose to be an amazing Empath that can life a joyful and prosperous life with full control over their abilities.

As always, choose wisely. 


4 Replies to “Empath Series: First steps – I’ve just discovered I’m an Empath. Now what? Part 4 of 4”

  1. I find that I am trying to stay true to myself and my beliefs, but on occasion I will make a snap decision and then regret it. There is no point in regretting past mistakes but to learn from them, and for myself personally, I have to develop an ability to contemplate eventual outcomes from my actions and ‘count to ten’ if you will before acting. It is hard to turn around a feeling of self doubt when it has been signature for so many years but I think I am making progress, and I swear the back flower remedies are working well for me, especially the Larch and the Pine. Thank you so much for introducing these to me!

    1. If I may, rather than counting to 10, perhaps you need to fully immerse yourself in the moment and what that present moment needs to exist. Do not THINK about the possible outcomes of your actions, FEEL them coming to existence in your reality and use those feelings of what is to tell what will come. I hope that made sense, I find it hard to explain things of such a fundamental nature for my own being, but hopefully you can understand my experience and make it your own!

      1. Yes, that does make perfect sense! I imagine it will take some effort and concentration on my part initially, but with practice it sounds like exactly what I wanted to achieve. Actions have consequences and if I am able to think things through and let myself feel my way through it, if you will, I think I would have much better results. Thank you so much for your suggestion.

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