The Guide’s guide – Dos and don’ts. (2)

dakini guides

Guides – what not to do

This is a two part look at spirit guides. Part one looked at how they may communicate with you. This entry looks at dos and don’ts and how you might end up with your guides, guardian angels, or whatever you may choose to call them. What you should do, and more importantly, what not to do.


You might well ask: How do we even get guides?

Generally, there are a few ways.

You might contract their help before you come here. (Or sometimes you might do it while you are incarnated in your body.)

You might have a discussion with them about what you need, and why you want them, and offer payment for their services. (Not money, though. That has no use in the astral levels. Energy is generally the currency of the astral realms.)

This is not uncommon, as everyone has their own missions and things to do. If you need guides with special abilities or skills, expect to offer something in return.

These types of guides could also include gods, angelics, demonics and other such beings. Generally, no one does anything without an exchange on these levels. It’s just how it works.

Also, DO NOT try and get a demonic as a guide. They find it demeaning and will most likely screw you over for their own pleasure. They would have to be paid extraordinarily well to even seriously consider helping you.

Continue reading “The Guide’s guide – Dos and don’ts. (2)”

Empath Series: First steps – I’ve just discovered I’m an Empath. Now what? Part 4 of 4


Photo by Maxime Bhm

So you’re an Empath, huh? – Part 4

I get a lot of questions from people who say: I’ve just found out I’m an Empath. What do I do?

There are an abundance of resources and support groups for the Empath, but I thought we’d look at what would be helpful for any Empath to know when they discover they are one.

Personally, I had no clue how to write this, so as usual, when stuck for ideas, I asked my guides to assist.

Their responses are in italics

There are seven steps


Trusting in yourself.



Practicing your abilities



In part one we discussed  Acceptance and Trusting in yourself.

In part two we discussed Research and Self-awareness.

In part three we discussed practicing your abilities.

Now we’ll look at the final two: Grounding and creating.



When you are ungrounded, it’s very hard to get a handle on your abilities. The key to grounding is self-confidence. When you doubt yourself, you will rarely be secure or grounded. This can occur when you doubt your feelings, feel that you don’t belong somewhere or take someone else’s point of view over yours.

Self-doubt is the nemesis of the Empath. They cannot afford to allow it if they wish to live a happy life and use their abilities to help others and their own path.

Whatever you do, do it with conviction. Whatever you do, make sure it matches your feelings. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

And whatever you do, don’t get stuck in a mindset that you feel you have the answers. Nothing is absolute as everything is always changing. Always be open to new ways and new perceptions. If you become stuck, you can not only stall your growth, but lead an increasingly miserable existence.

Always allow change, but always make sure that change is in line with who you are. All change it good, even though it may seem tragic or horrible at the time. Remember, we often can’t see the forest for the trees.

And the final and seventh step isCreating.

And by that, I mean take back your creating power and letting it work for you, rather than letting others create your reality for you. We are all creators, in spite of what others may believe. We have the power and abilities to create a reality that is amazing and wonderful.

We are always creating with every thought and action. We do not realize it, though. Then when things turn out horribly, we do not understand that it was ourselves that created it. 

We do this in so many unwitting ways. We believe we are not good enough. That we do not deserve to be happy. That we are not worthy of riches, fame and success. That we are not capable of doing the things others can do.

But truth is: We are. We have exactly what we need in order to achieve what we came here for. It may not seem that way, but free dictates that you must have it, otherwise it would not be free will.

So remember, every thought, action and state of being is creative. Watch everything you think and say. Even simple words such as: ‘I’m sick and tired of this’ will eventually create a reality where you really are sick and tired. And you will not see it as something you created. You’ll simply see it as validation for what you’ve been saying all along.

Choose to take back your creative power. Choose to take reasonability for your life and circumstances. You are not there by chance. Nothing is random (unless you believe that it is, in which case you are choosing a random existence.)

Choose to be an amazing Empath that can life a joyful and prosperous life with full control over their abilities.

As always, choose wisely. 

Empath Series: First steps – I’ve just discovered I’m an Empath. Now what? – part 1 of 4

I’ve just found out

I get a lot of questions from people who say: I’ve just found out I’m an Empath. What do I do?

There are an abundance of resources and support groups for the Empath, but I thought we’d look at what would be helpful for any Empath to know when they discover they are one.

Personally, I had no clue how to write this, so as usual, when stuck for ideas, I asked my guides to assist.

Their responses are in italics

So, what are the first things any newly discovered Empath should do?

We’ll look at seven steps that may well help any new Empath. While they are not in any particular order, they will be presented as one leading to the other.


Trusting in yourself.



Practicing your abilities



Today we’ll look at Acceptance and Trusting in yourself.


Step one:


One of the main problems with finding out that you’re an Empath is the doubt one feels. The first question they generally have is: Am I really an Empath?

The answer, as a rule, is, yes, you are. This is certainly true for those who fit the traits of an Empath. However, to their mind, it seems like such a big thing that they can’t comprehend it.

It’s as though you suddenly discover you have psychic powers (and you do) but in your mindset, this is something that only occurs in movies and fantasy fiction.

Comprehending that you are actually an Empath is hard because the first thought that tends to go through one’s mind is: It’s only me. I’m no one special. There must be some mistake!

I’m sure not everyone thinks that way, though.

Some are born self-aware and some have that self-awareness drummed out of them by their parents, peers and the religion they are born into. Generally, if you tell your ‘non-psychic’ friends that you may have some abilities, they will be prone to dismiss this, most likely saying that you are just too oversensitive. This leads to invalidation and doubt.

There is a strange perception that someone else must know more than you do, even though they aren’t living your experiences. We let other people’s points of views and belief systems overwrite our own, and thus, we, ourselves, invalidate our belief systems.

So be aware of that. No one can really tell you what you feel and experience. You need to validate that for yourself.

You don’t need outside Validation

Which brings us to the second step:

Trusting in yourself.

The biggest stumbling block with any psychic ability is that there is no trust that it is real, or that what you are feeling is correct.

It cannot be repeated often enough that your feelings are your truth. If something feels right for you, then it is right for you. If it doesn’t, and your intuition feels like it’s in panic mode, then take notice of that.

You don’t need outside validation. No amount of that will help you anyway. You will always doubt in your heart. You have to listen and trust in what you feel. 

Next: Part two: Research and Self-awareness

Past lives: Why we remember and why we don’t.

past lives clockIn my last entry, I asked the question: If past lives are not important, why do we remember them?

When I’m unsure of the answer, I’ll sometimes ask my guides to channel one. As usual, their response is in italics.

This dialogue also ended up being more personal than I thought it would, so if that kind of stuff does not interest you, feel free to skip it.

So, my question to you is: If past lives are not important, then why do we remember? In fact, why did you go out of the way to help me remember?

It very much depends on what your soul agenda is. Are you here to experience yourself in the presence of what is not you? If so, then it generally is not required that you remember who you are. You will experience this without knowing or remembering anything about your past or future existence. (Which is all happening now.)

So, what you’re saying is that if we want to just experience who we are, we need to forget everything so we can do this?

Yes. That is the basis of most people’s experience here. It doesn’t matter what they did or what they were before, they can choose to forget everything they ever knew and have a life that seems completely independent of everything they ever experienced. Of course, they will not remember this, so they will assume they have only one life.

Is this a good way to do such a thing? The answer is: depends. There is no right or wrong way, just what suits your purposes and soul agenda.

And some people have no other agenda than to live a life without any recall of their other ones.

You, on the other hand, are not here to just experience who you are. You have a very clear and defined agenda. In your case, it is quite important that you remember who you are, and why you are here.

I guess so. I’ve certainly got a few comments that me defining who I am, and who others are is not a good idea.

If it wasn’t what you needed to do, you simply wouldn’t be doing it. As I said, you have a very clear agenda in mind. You have a very lofty goal and you would have great difficulty achieving it without those memories. Do you think anything you’ve managed to do in the past 20 years would have been achieved if you had no clue as to how it all fitted together?

It’s possible. Things seemed to happen regardless of what I wanted. Especially back then.

Then you reached a point where you could proceed no further until you began to understand exactly who you were. You were even told this at the time (though you rejected it out of hand).

Okay, so whether it’s important for us to remember past lives depends on what we are here to do then?

Yes. As we said, you have very specific goals and agendas. You also have stated that you do not wish to return so you need to get it right ‘now’ and not stumble about blindly.

So… what exactly am I hear to do that is so important?

Your main agenda is to help people remember who they are. Give their power back to them and have them understand that they have the ability to create the life they desire. Too many feel they have no control and have to live with the hands they feel they are dealt with. Little do they realize that they choose those very hands they believe to be random.

How does me knowing who I am help here? Surely I can just read this stuff in books and pass on it on to others.

You can’t read in books what you have remembered. You can’t find that information online. It simply doesn’t exist at this point of time. No, you can only impart it once you remember it. And on that subject, when are you going to start doing so?

I thought I was already doing that. Isn’t that what this blog and my websites are all about?

In part. That is general information. The knowledge you can pass on can help explain why this world is in such a mess. It can explain why things happened the way they did. It can help people understand some of the history and what can be done to create a higher version of this life.

But you hold back on doing this. Why?

Maybe because the information is so out there, I would doubt it would be believed in any way shape or form.

So, you’re deciding for others if they are going to believe it not? Fear is never a good enough reason not to do something. Yes, your information might appear to be ‘out there’ but think about this. People, who are meant to find it, will find it. They can only find it if you’re ready to put it there.

Empath information is wonderful, but you have other things you can share. It’s time that people understood that they are not the only ones experiencing the things that you do. You can give them this gift. Don’t worry about how it will look. People will make their own decisions regardless of what you write. Some will accept it. Some will reject it. That’s not for you to decide. That is their own life-path. Your job is to make the information available. What people choose to do with it is then up to them.

Okay, well, I think I’ve gotten somewhat off the topic here.

No, the topic is why remember past lives? In order for you to do what you must do, you need to remember. It’s that simple.

So, to sum it up, it depends on the individual and what they wish to achieve?

Exactly. Hence, do not tell another what they should or should not try, especially if it feels right for them. You have to right to do what you need to do and they have the right to ignore you.

That sounds like an open invitation for chaos.

All actions have consequences. Always be mindful of that. If your actions do not reflect who you are, and where you going, then you are best not doing them. If you wish for chaos, act chaotically, but remember, you will end up in a world that reflects that. If you wish for peace, then act peacefully, and you will end up in the world that reflects that.

Choose wisely.