Poll: How often should I blog? or a moment of your time, please.

How often should one blog?

Lately I’ve been pondering how often I should be blogging on this blog.

While I try to keep my pieces short (around a page or so) I also wonder if posting five days a week might be too overwhelming for subscribers.

For those who read this blog regularly, do you find it hard to keep up? Would a slower feed or articles suit you better?

So, I’m doing a quick survey to see what you, the readers, would prefer.

It would really help me out if you could take a moment to answer the poll.




4 Replies to “Poll: How often should I blog? or a moment of your time, please.”

  1. I really like your posts but actually haven’t had a chance to read them the last few days as my internet slowed right down. I ended up deleting almost everything in my inbox without reading the blog posts as I subscribe to quite a few. I do enjoy reading your blogs but probably up to twice a week is good, or every three or four days?

  2. i think you should blog every day – of course, depending on your time and energy. those who wish to read it once or twice a week, can obviously do so as per their time and convenience. in any case, most of your pieces are independent of each other (unless it’s a specific series), so they can be read individually.

  3. My thoughts are that you post when the muse moves you, write when you feel you have something to say, people will always catch up with posts, if you start deciding when to write dependant on others, it stops the creative flow, you have a message to get out, say it 🙂

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