Phony psychics and faked paranormal or why are my eyes tearing up?

They are out there in abundance and they hurt those who are really trying to demonstrate that the paranormal side of life is real, is happening and people are experiencing it.

A quick browse through You Tube with the keyword ghost will produce a multitude of videos that claim to be real, but are not.

Some are poltergeist activity caught on tape, others are ghosts that just happen to be captured while someone decided to film some place for no apparent reason.

Mixed in there, are some examples that feel quite genuine, but thanks to all the other videos, they get lost, discredited or dismissed out of hand.

Sadly, there are many out there who pretend to be psychics while using the tricks of a stage magician.

One of the more notorious ones that come to mind from my childhood is Uri Geller. Everything he did was totally contrary to how a person with true psychic abilities would act and use his abilities.

I mean, seriously, if you really had telekinetic powers, would you spend them all bending keys and spoons? Why not just move something with your mind if you’re that powerful? Why all the window dressing? Fortunately, many of his tricks have been revealed, but people like him hurt the psychic community a lot. Sceptics come out and use them as proof that psychics and spirits don’t exist. Sadly, they go to the other extreme, though I do respect the work they do.

As an Empath, you can normally tell what is real and what is faked. When you hit upon something that is real, your eyes will start to pickle, and tear up, even though you are not sad or emotional in any way. I guess that is the equivalent to goose bumps, which is that shiver that goes through you and you feel your skin start to literally crawl.

I used to experience the tearing eye phenomenon all the time, and could never work out what it was. No one was able to tell me either. Eventually, I understood that it was when I hit on a truth that was connected to the astral / spirit levels, it would happen. When I saw something that felt real, I would break into tears. I still do. It’s both disturbing and absorbing at the same time.

I know I’m not the only one who experiences this and for those of you who do, it’s an excellent way to determine if something is real or faked.

Personally, when something is faked, even if I don’t know anything about it, I will feel a sense of extreme annoyance and irritation about the subject. I will get feelings of belligerence and anger. If I look closer, it’s because it’s a subject that’s being touted as real or true, and people believe in it.

It’s the belief in this subject that causes those feelings. If the truth comes out that it is fake, those feelings dissipate.

For those of you reading my blogs, I would hope you would use those feelings to see if what I write about feels true, and resonates.

There are genuine psychics and genuine sightings out there. Some are indeed caught on video. Use your feelings to determine the ones that are real.


24 Replies to “Phony psychics and faked paranormal or why are my eyes tearing up?”

  1. I learned something today. I know what you are referring to about the “shiver” that goes out through your body. For me, I have learned that it is the “truth”. I had no idea about the eyes. I hadn’t made that connection until you mentioned it. Even now, I am noticing my eyes “pickle” up! LOL Thanks for that revelation!

  2. So I am curious Gary, since you are an “empath”, I wonder if you share the same sense of foreboding that I have been experiencing all week. It started a couple of days before the Boston Marathon carnage and it has escalated. Today has been the worst. I am curious to know if other empaths, intuits are sensing this or is it ME and I need to look within. I am sick to my stomach, literally! What’s your thoughts?

    1. I feel it strongly, and it’s annoying cause there is never any apparent cause at the time.

      Right now, I just felt an enormous drop / drain in energy. I wonder if anyone else felt that.

  3. I have been very nauseas for like two weeks. Just about any time of day I could throw up if I let myself. I have tried very hard and so far been successful in keeping it down. There is no rhyme or reason to when it will happen.

    1. America has had two major events occur in the past week. The might we more than enough reason for people to feel what they are feelings.

      And while events like this happen around the world on a regular basis, people are attuned to their culture, and that’s what makes it much more intense for them.

  4. Tears have come to my eyes unbidden and for no apparent reason my whole life, whenever someone else noticed, although I always do my best to blink them away, I get asked what is wrong or you’re too sensitive. Thanks for the insight!

  5. I’ve gotten the ‘shivery’ sensations for as long as I can remember. They are developing with me though. It used to be I felt them in times of great energy such as a group prayer when I would be overcome by waves of them thoughout my body. Then when someone would share something “meaningful” or emotional I would get them. It was as Krazy Intuitive Coach said for me, Truth, or I used to say, Absolute Truth. I haven’t heard it shared from anybody else before. Sounds similar to eyes pickling.

    1. Thanks for sharing that. Yes, it’s odd that no one else seems to have really discussed it, but I know others have experienced it. I call them shivers of truth, incidentally.

  6. I’ve always wondered why I have a shivering sensation and watering eyes when observing certain phenomena, and it’s good to know I’m not alone & crazy. The feeling that I’m witnessing a truth beyond any doubt crosses my mind during each experience; this reaffirms for me that idea.

  7. Thank you for putting this into perspective for me I have been struggling with this my entire life. I have always been able to “sense” peoples emotions as well I always just thought I was good at reading people. As my mum always said I wear my heart on my sleeve but ive come to realize I have a hard time controlling my emotions around emotionally unstable people. I wish I could find a group or people that could help me understand this further.

  8. Thank u for this blog. I have also noticed the real and fake phonama. I have only Had 1 real life occance I saw a shadow I followed this shadow to a closet in my ex gf apt this shadow feels as if it goes through my body and my eyes teared for hours. I never noticed this eye tearing phonama before this happened to me and now it’s happens every time Im read watching a show or video about ghost..
    Things that are fake do not do this to me . My sister has this same problem not sure if is as agrissive as mine… There’s times my eyes hurt from wiping the tears it gets quit inoying but I guess something I can’t can’t rid of…. I always felt I was not the only person with this problem or gift it almost feels like a connection that I have but again thank ku very much for your blog means a lot to me

  9. Well, I am the same way and my mother told me when I was a kid, I had very weird spiritual abilities.
    Apparently I was capable mind reading and predicting the future which disappeared when I grew up.

    We are so called “GhostCryer” and people say we have a very old soul and did experience “the other side” in a past life or something happened when we were young that left such a deep scar that we have to cry.
    And please… by any means, this is not a “problem” and should not be considered “annoying”.
    This is a gift. We feel things other people can’t and are very sensitive of paranormal events.

    If you are a GhostCryer, try watching this video I found of a guy exploring mines.
    While watching this my eyes started to tear so much like never before and I had to analyze the audio file.

    This is not fake, and the sounds hearable were actually audible at this moment and have not been edited later on.

  10. Well, I am the same way and my mother told me when I was a kid, I had very weird spiritual abilities.
    Apparently I was capable mind reading and predicting the future which disappeared when I grew up.

    We are so called “GhostCryer” and people say we have a very old soul and did experience “the other side” in a past life or something happened when we were young that left such a deep scar that we have to cry.
    And please… by any means, this is not a “problem” and should not be considered “annoying”.
    This is a gift. We feel things other people can’t and are very sensitive of paranormal events.

    If you are a GhostCryer, try watching this video I found of a guy exploring mines.
    While watching this my eyes started to tear so much like never before and I had to analyze the audio file.

    This is not fake, and the sounds hearable were actually audible at this moment and have not been edited later on.

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