Creating your reality series: – What is Attunement? Part two – The process

Following on from part one, where we discussed what attunement is, we look at what the process is all about.

The process of attunement – Part one.

This brings me to the process of attunement. Making agreements is one thing, but the process of attunement is another.

Where you end up eventually (from lifetime to lifetime) depends on what you have chosen to do and be.

Every situation is an opportunity to decide. Every choice sends out a message to the universe (or whatever you choose to call it) that this is who I am and it is said that the universe never says ‘no’ to your idea about yourself. It simply reproduces it.

This is wonderful, in theory, but in reality, it means that whatever you send out there is what you get back. Too many people make choices that they end up regretting later on.

For instance, making decisions based on exploiting others is a common mistake.

This could be anything from scamming others, cheating, being dishonest, not playing someone their dues, lying and anything along those lines.

It’s actually mind boggling just how often people do this and how many are consciously making such a choice.

They do this frequently and generally as part of their day to day routine.

Maybe they will deliberately misrepresenting a product in order to make a sale or pretend work needs to be done that doesn’t.

A well known example are second hand car dealers, who have a notorious reputation for selling what are called lemons or cars that just have problems. The salesperson will generally know if the vehicle is defective, but they generally fail to disclose it to the buyer. They have made a choice to cheat someone for their short term gain.

Still on the car theme, another common one are auto-mechanics who have charged  for work they did not do, or did not have to do. (I’ve had this more than a few times, and they certainly lost any impending business because of it.)

In short, anything that’s deliberately misrepresented in order to gain an unfair advantage over another is a decision and opportunity for attunement.

There’s an expression: Never give a sucker an even break.

I find it an interesting saying because it’s almost giving you permission to prey on those who are trusting and unwary.

In my view, though, it’s just a justification to rip off another. All you are really doing is demonstrating this is who you are, and attuning yourself to that type of reality. In the end, who is really the sucker?

Of course, not everything is premeditated. There are many decisions we make in reaction to things that happen to us.

It might be something as simple as being under charged or getting back more change than you should. Do you keep quiet or give back what you agreed to? If you were overcharged, would you say anything? If it’s good enough for one way, it’s certainly good enough the other way.

And surprisingly most will keep quiet when they get more than they expected. Some will even crow about it to their friends or acquaintances, as though it’s something to be proud of.

Yes, they might get a dollar or more, and feel they have somehow gained or won some kind of victory, but that extra won’t make a difference to their life. All they have done is demonstrated that they are willing to be petty and even potentially create a situation where the cashier might be taken to task for the shortfall in the till.

We could continue on endlessly, but I’m sure you get the idea.

Next Thursday: The process of attunement – part two.


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