Paranormal Musings #1 – Hide and Seek Alone

Hide and Seek Alone.

This is the first in a series were we look at videos from the net and tear them apart to see if they are real or not.

This episode, we take a look at this bizarre game where a spirit is summoned into a doll and then engages in a bizarre game of hide and seek…

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Do we need to earn the right to be loved?

Landmark Park - Dothan AL

“I feel like I’m not worthy of being loved.”

Have you ever heard someone say this? Have you ever said it to yourself or to another?

This perception that you need to be worthy of love is more widespread than you might think.

It seems that many are of the belief that in order to receive love, be loved or find someone worthy of love; we, ourselves have to earn that right.

We have to prove we are worthy. We have to demonstrate, not only to ourselves and others, but to God, the universe, Source, or whatever you’ve chosen to call it, that you have earned the right to be loved.

And then there is the question: What constitute as being worthy in the first place?

Is there something we need to do? Lives we must save? Some mighty and great deed that we feel we are tasked with?

Are we even capable of such deeds? Continue reading “Do we need to earn the right to be loved?”

Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy ™- Why it may not work.

Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy

If it’s so amazing…

The most famous of the Bach Flower Remedies is called The Rescue Remedy ™. It’s what is mostly seen at health food stores and pharmacies.  As that name is trademarked, it is also referred to as the Five Flower Formula.

It’s also what many use as a benchmark for whether the remedies actually work or not.

Studies have been done on this product and the conclusions are generally that it is a placebo.

The problem with such studies is that those conducting the trials didn’t have a clue what they were doing.

Rescue Remedy is an emergency formula, so unless the circumstances are right, there simply would be no real benefit.

What does it actually do?

But why is this? In order to understand, let’s take a look at what makes up the Rescue Remedy ™.

Star of Bethlehem

This is one of the most important components of this mix. Ironically, it suffers because it’s part of it.

This is the remedy for clearing shock and trauma.  When taken on its own, it can work miracles. I’ve seen it cure clinical depression literally overnight.  The problem is, it must be taken by itself for the full effects to be felt.

In this mix it’s useful for when you’ve had an accident, a shock or bad news. Continue reading “Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy ™- Why it may not work.”

Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to it.

Yin Yang

And now for a rant…

This is somewhat personal, but written for so many of those good people who offer to help others.

If you choose to take offense to this post, that can’t be helped and you are missing the point.

For a long time now, I’ve noticed a trend where if someone finds out that you have psychic abilities, they will expect you to give them a reading for free. If you’re a healer, they will ask for healing or a clearing. Maybe they want you to tell them how their relationship with someone they are interested in will work out or if it will happen.

Many expect you to drop everything you’re doing and respond. Rarely will they ever ask if you’re busy or if you even mind.

I’ve seen some people become offended, hostile and outrage if you tell them that if they want something deeper, some kind of exchange will need to take place. As most don’t have something they want to barter, money is often the most common option.

I might be a healer (and I know I am good at it) but that doesn’t mean I sit around all day waiting for people to ask me for help.

Yes, I’ve got some unique abilities (as many will attest to) but regardless of what people think, it takes energy and work to get results. I don’t do cold readings. I actually do the work that’s required to see what is going on and do what can be done to remove the issues.

What most don’t seem to get is that you’re not paying for my abilities; you are paying for my time and skills. I don’t actually charge for being able to heal someone or remove demonic beings or close portals. I charge for the time it takes to do so, the resources that are used and the decades of experience and knowledge that were hard gained and extremely rare.

For three decades I’ve helped hundreds of people for free. Few ever bothered to even say thanks though they had no issues in asking for more help when they needed it.

To those who feel self-entitled, I say move right along and see if someone else will do what I can do for free. To expect me to always be there answering questions, clearing attacks and recommending what you need to do is disrespectful of my time. It’s disrespectful of anyone’s time.

People’s skills aren’t free, you know?

You wouldn’t go to a mechanic and say: I hear you’re great with fixing cars. Fix mine for nothing. You wouldn’t ask a doctor to provide his services and medication for free.

Nothing is free. There must be some kind of exchange. In the case of spiritual healing, this is very important as I’ve found that those who do give something, anything , in return, benefit greatly. And to be fair, there are a few who do give in return, and that opens the door to receiving more even more healing back.

The exchange does not need to be money. It can be support, services, helping someone or even the intention of doing so.

Personally, I would love to do healing as my living, but current attitudes make that almost impossible, at least for genuinely gifted people. Ironically, people will spend hundreds of dollars on cold readers and scam artists who are extremely generic in what they do.

Personally, I never expect anything for free. I will always give back more than I take. I will always remember those who have helped me and show my gratitude. If you do me a favour, I will remember it for lifetimes.

If I’m working a full time day job to support myself, I will want my downtime, same as you.

The only exceptions are soul calls. If I am called to help someone, it will be free. I do this a lot and I do it gladly. I will tell you if I get the call.

Otherwise, please respect someone’s time and skills. Ask if it’s okay. Just don’t assume. The well only has so much in it and once it’s empty, it hurt the giver tremendously to keep on giving for free. If you feel you’ve benefited from help that’s been received, offer at least to make a donation. Don’t keep on asking and expecting them to keep on giving.

What is given freely is given freely, and I’ve provided an abundance of free resources for people to have the tools to help themselves and will continue to do so. I will gladly point you towards them. Otherwise, please respect mine and others time.

Thank you.


Just an additional comment….

I had posted this on my Facebook group and a lady called Shannon Maree Routledge said what I am trying to say in better way.
As an empath I do not do linear 3D time well and I’m not money motivated… I’m a soul call and Gary responded to me at a crucial point where I was in deep darkness and despair… I did not ask or expect, Gary was drawn for reasons we now know but I won’t go into here… His compassion and generosity saved my life that day ? if I had the gift that Gary has, I too would find myself in the same position, torn between understanding the importance of energy exchange yet my heart would win out knowing I could help alleviate another’s suffering… 
When we begin to understand energy, we understand consequences! When a healer who’s driven by compassion and love for humanity isn’t reciprocated via energy exchange, the healer suffers and becomes depleted and vulnerable to psychic attack to attempt to stop them from helping others…
However, there is a flip side that the people who expect, demand or feel entitled to free services, are unaware that when they receive “free” sessions, and do not reciprocate via energy exchange, there are also consequences that hurt the client as they are in the frequency of taking and that keeps their frequency low and open to psychic attacks and blocks growth and progress and most will use seemingly free sessions to also spiritually bypass as they jump from healer to healer from the ego wanting to hear what the ego wants and in the process creating more pain and destruction to the spirit…
Gary is not writing from a “poor me” perspective, when someone is a natural healer and giver, it’s hard to comprehend the taker-entitled mindset… When someone comprehends how energy works, it’s easy to see the damage that is being created via the “I want it for free” attitude…
Musicians have a gift that some people are happy to pay out $200 to attend a concert, a healer is no different, they have a gift and deserve the same for exchange of time and service… Gary is open to negotiation in extreme financial difficulties and his prices are MORE than reasonable compared to other healers websites I’ve researched with starting fees from $150 up depending on what service…
So next time you think “what’s in it for me?” maybe change your thinking to “how can I contribute and be of value here?” as I know most of you consider yourselves “light workers” who have chosen to be here at this time to assist planetary and humanities healing ??
Okay, end of rant. 🙂

Bach Flower Remedies Suicide prevention mix

Thanks to Anneli Rufus

If you’re having suicidal thoughts, this is for you.

Suicidal tendencies can make life hell for all concerned. The emotional pain that one experiences is so intense that, unless you are actually experiencing it, you are not likely to understand just how serious it is.

If you are still talking about suicide, it means you’ve not got to the point where you have fatalistically made up your mind.

If you aren’t, and are close to working out the details, this is where you need to take note.

Those tormenting thoughts you are hearing in your mind, the ones telling you that you’re not worthy… The ones telling you that everyone would be better off without you…

Those visions you are getting of throwing yourself off a bridge, under a train or something similar… 

Those thoughts are not yours. 

They are coming from outside influences. They are coming from what one would class as either demonic beings or negative energies.

You might be targeted because you have a job to do that might help make the world a brighter place or it will benefit someone or something to have you removed.

But take it from me, those are not your thoughts. They are psychic attacks.

Even if you know better, you can still be very vulnerable to such influences. Especially if you’re carrying guilt, doubt or feel like you’re letting other people down.

I know what it’s like because I’ve been there and it’s hard. Very, very hard.

Bach Flower Mix

Help is at hand, though. I’ve found that a certain mix of Bach Flower Remedies can turn it all around.

White Chestnut: – This one is vital. This is the remedy for those tormenting thoughts that you can’t turn off.  It helps prevent and stop suicidal thoughts – Especially those that are playing on your fears and self-worth. In essence, it blocks those negative beings.

Cherry Plum: – For those who are prone to uncontrolled actions and compulsions. Traditionally the remedy for letting go of what you are bottling up inside of you.

Willow: – Those on the edge are often in a victim mode.  They might feel bitter, resentful or simply feel that their situation is not fair, and no one is able to understand them. Willow is critical to stopping those feelings.

Pine: – Many who carry massive guilt can barely bear it. The pain can be so intense, and the feeling they should remove themselves from others, and life, is overwhelming. This remedy stops the guilt. There is a high chance that those who carry guilt don’t even know that they do. All they will experience is this unending emotional pain that they can’t seem to place.

Gorse: – When all feels hopeless, and you don’t believe that anything is going to make a difference. This remedy restores hope.

Gentian: – The remedy for faith. The comforter. Taking it in a crisis will bring reassurance that everything will work out in the end.

Larch: – For those who suffer from a lack of self-esteem.  It’s the remedy for when you simply do not feel worthy of being here or of other’s love.

Agrimony: – When one tries to suppress their fears and concerns, and hide them, even from themselves, it can produce great anxiety. Agrimony will assist in releasing those feelings and stopping that anxiety.

Important Information

It’s important to note that you will get the best results by taking each remedy individually. If you mix them together, it will dilute their healing power.

You also need to take them frequently.  I will take them every 30 seconds until relief is obtained. (For me, I find relief comes after two to five minutes).

It’s also important to understand that these remedies are vibrational in nature and hence, they do not interfere or react with any other medication you may be taking. They are safe, nontoxic, non-addictive, gentle and effective.

I don’t sell these remedies myself as I consider it a conflict of interest. I do recommend the HealingHerb brand as they are cheap, made to exact specifications and are potent.

You can find Bach Flower Remedies online. My personal source has been a shop called Skylark Books, that is in the United Kingdom. I’ve ordered from them, regardless of if I was in Australia, Canada or the U.S.A.

If you know someone who might benefit from this information, please pass it on. You might just save a life.