Creating our reality series: Final thoughts or can we move onto something else now?

Al Hirschfeld Theatre, view to the stage 302 W...

Still with me? Thanks for coming this far. I started off with my experience on shifting time lines, and ended up with re-creating reality. Oddly enough, a direction I was not expecting.

So, to finish this off, here are some final thoughts on the subject of belief systems.

It is one thing to create a new belief system. It is another not to sabotage it.

When you begin to create something, you will discover that events will occur which might leave you confused.

People and things will come in and out of your life. Some events may seem like tragedies at the time, but are actually blessings in disguise. (Though you will not see that unless you understand what is going on, or look at it in retrospect.) Remember, the master always blesses those things that happen because they know there is a great gift contained within.

Trust your intuition. It is your guide. It will tell you to do one thing, and your logic, and sense of status quo will scream at you to ignore it. Don’t let fear stop you. If it feels right, do it. The results may not always be immediately  apparent, but remember, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but your intuition can.

Do not resist change. Changing your belief system and then resisting the synchronicities that come your way is a recipe for frustration and misery.

When I created my new belief system, some crazy things happened, and I did things that made people think I had lost my mind.

But I did them anyway, because I had finally learned by that point to trust my intuition, and I did what felt right, even if it looked wrong.

I kept alert for signs and synchronicities and followed them at every turn. My personal life has been amazing because of it.

Every decision I made by this process ended up being the exact one I needed to make at the exact right time and even though there were times when I was going through traumatic shifts, they had to happen so I could come to where I am now.

Without them, I’d still be stuck where I was back in 1995.

Changing your belief system is not easy the first time you do it. There is the tendency to fall into old patterns, play the victim card and enter into a poor me drama, especially when you are just about to make a major shift.

It can also be extremely traumatic.

The reason for this is because when you choose something new, all the things that are no longer needed fall away, and all the things that are needed come into your life. Change can be traumatic.

I got through it because of the Bach Flower Remedies (and yes, I will eventually get onto them!)

But is it worth it?

Gosh yes!

Every one of those points I made in my own belief system came true. All the negative beliefs that I had are no longer present in my life.

According to my guides, I’ve shifted time-lines quite a few times. Some memories feel very unreal to me now, like they were more a dream than something that actually happened. They shifted because I kept on my path with a single minded tenacity. Most of the shifts are very subtle but every so often something will come up that makes me think: Didn’t I hear that this person died? (But he’s still alive.)

Shifting does occur because every time you move to a new level, the reality around you has to change to accommodate that.

And for those who are reading this blog before the earlier ones, I discuss my experiences on this subject in great detail.

Now, you may well get negative thoughts, or situations come up when you change your belief system.

This is because when you declare yourself to be something, everything unlike it comes into your life in order to give you that experience of being what you have chosen to be.

Remember, you cannot know light if all there is, is light.

What do you do about it, though?

There is a wisdom that states: What you resist persists, and what you look at and make your own disappears.

I have found this to be true.

When you resist something, you give it energy and acknowledge its presence in your reality. By embracing it, you accept it as a part of your energies, and the situation tends to vanish.

Whenever you come across something you do not want or you do not like, always thank it and bless it. Either send it on its way or state that it is welcome to join you, as long as it’s from a place of love, or for the highest good.

Yes, sounds new-agey and simplistic, but I’ve seen just about everything shift by doing this.

Also, if you get a negative thought that you do not like, simply state: I do not choose that outcome.

Finally, and most importantly, when changing your belief system, make sure that everything you do is in line with it.

It is said: Be the change you wish to see, and that is very true. When you are that change, all that is around you will start to conform.

It may take a little time, depending on how proficient you are at it, but never give up and don’t give in. Keep on choosing the same thing over and over, and don’t let self-doubts, or naysayers discourage you.

Remember, you are powerful. Don’t give your power away to others. If no one can make you a better offer for your reality, then create your own.

Paranormal experiences series: Losing our possessions or now where did I put that thing again?

In the last entry, I spoke about attunement and how every action defines the reality you end up in.

Now, you may argue that if this is so, then how come life sucks so much? How come, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get is bad things happening?

Here’s the thing. If you keep on choosing the same thing over and over again, and try to live your life in a way that is according to who you are, then eventually things will begin to shift.

But there are a few things, in my observation, that you might want to be aware of, even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

In order to shift, and make the shift not so blatant, events may happen in your current reality that prepares you for your next one.

For instance, before my ‘death’ back in 2000, I lost a lot of childhood memorabilia that was important to me. It was put into a garbage bag during renovations by my then partner and I never saw them again. I suspected it was thrown out by accident.

I suspect that when you lose possessions, it may be due to us being made ready to move to another time line. If the objects are no longer are around, you won’t miss them when you shift. This is important if they don’t exist in that particular timeline.

I’m sure you’ve heard stories, or experienced things that you knew you had, but have vanished without any explanation or a trace. What if the person in question shifted, and those possessions were never obtained in that particular reality?

You could extend that theory further, such as objects being lost to theft, fire or any number of the ways that might happen.

Now, I realize just how that might come across to those who have experienced such things. It’s not pleasant to have experienced that, to put it mildly. But what if the tragedy was so you could move on with your own evolution and life?

Possessions do weigh you down. I can feel that myself. When I have too many it’s like the energies get heavier and more cumbersome.

When I moved house a couple of years ago, I made a decision to throw away entire collections. Not because I didn’t want to keep them, but it felt like it was the right thing to do. I still feel that way.

And this is where it starts to get a little more complex.

When move to another time line, it may well appear to others, that  we have actually died. However, to the person who supposedly died, but continued on elsewhere, nothing will  have appeared  to have changed. Maybe it might even appear that others have departed instead.

Major disasters, where entire groups die may well be people who have shifted, as a collective, to another reality.  Do they continue on in another timeline?

One thing I am very sure of is that we don’t die until we’re ready to.

Next: The World of Warcraft analogy on parallel worlds.Â