Creating our reality series: I think, therefore I am or I am, therefore I think.

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin Bronze

Have you ever really taken the time to examine your thoughts?

What you are thinking right now?

Is it in line with what you want to happen?

For many people, it is, in fact, not.

If our thoughts and intentions create our belief system, and our belief system creates our reality, then it stands to reason that everything we think is creating what we are experiencing.

Generally, it is accepted there are two main realities going on here. Our personal one, and a co-created one. The latter is everyone’s thoughts, intentions, etc, pooled into a mass of energy, and the energy creates the outcome.

The former is what we experience personally.

Two people in identical situations may experience completely different things, depending on what their belief system is.

When we say something enough times, it takes on its own energy, and becomes manifest in our lives. The more energy we put towards a though, a more powerful it becomes.

However, it’s not just what we say, it’s what we believe about ourselves in relation to those thoughts.

If you say or think: I will be rich, but your true thought behind it is, yeah, right, I don’t believe that for a moment, you will find that such things take longer to manifest, if at all.

It’s all about your core belief and what you are  really expecting.

There are exceptions, of course, and they have to exist in order for us to progress, but for now, I’m going to focus on comment things people say.

Phrases such as,

  • I am sick and tired
  • I can’t afford this
  • I don’t have the time
  • I can’t do this
  • I’m fed up

just to name a few are often said without thought, like a mantra.  Eventually what happens is that even though you may not mean it to begin with, when said enough times, they will start to manifest, and once things start to manifest, they become your reality.

They may not have started off as part of your belief system, but they will end up being so because they will become your experience.

You might say, yeah, okay, so if I say the opposite, then that’s really going to work, right!?

And you’re right, it won’t work, because you’ve already decided it can’t. Saying the opposite will not produce those results if your belief is that nothing is going to change. It especially will not work if you are out to prove that this doesn’t work.

And curiously enough, if you do have a success, the general inclination is to dismiss it as coincidence, rather than validation.

Next: Experiences outside of  yourself.

Creating our reality series: This is a world of illusions… or is it?

SVG picture demonstrating Ehrenstein illusion....

Our belief system (part 1)

Belief creates reality and reality creates belief.

Many have heard this (I know I use it a lot) but what does it really mean?

And more importantly, what does it mean for you?

This is a subject with several layers and all of them are important.

Not only do they affect your life, but they also affect your reality.

It has been said throughout the ages that this is a world of illusion. However, this statement, while accurate, it also misleading, as it doesn’t really explain anything useful.

Yes, this is a world of illusion, but the fact is, everything is an illusion. The entire universe is.

The problem here is that the word illusion suggests that something is not real.

I think a better phrase would be a created reality. Because while this is all an illusion, that doesn’t mean that it’s not real, because it certainly is.

So, how can something be both an illusion and real at the same time?

From a metaphysical perspective, there are two realms. The realm of the absolute where all is one, and all there is, is oneness  and light and love Then there is the realm of the relative, which is where we are right now.

It is said (and I agree) that the entire point of life is to experience who you are, but when there is only oneness, that is not possible to do.

In order to do this, we need contrast, and the Realm of the Relative is exactly for that purpose.

What is more, it can be molded to allow us to experience anything of our choosing so we can experience exactly what we want.

What is created is said to be an illusion because it creates the illusion of being separate with everything having its own individual properties and abilities.

Oneness is divided into infinite aspects, but it’s all the same stuff at its very base level: The stuff of life.

So, while this world may be created, we are living in it, and it is, for all intents and purposes, real and should be treated as such. At the same time, those who can see and understand it is created  should always bear in mind what the purpose of this illusion or created reality is.

What is important to understand, though, is that someone else didn’t create it. It was created by you, with the help of your other aspects (which are also parts of you.)

The problem is that we actually forget that we have done this, and we forget because we need to so we may experience who we are completely.

But the power to create never goes away, and we use it in every moment in our lives.

The next entry will be looking at how we do this, and what we can do to take back control and make it work for us, rather than against us.

Next: The power to create.

Paranormal experiences series: Trapped in a world you did not create… or did you?

When it comes to time-lines, the reason you shift is because the current one you are on no longer serves your current purpose.

This may be because the energy is not quite right, or certain events need to happen that won’t occur in the one you’re currently in.

You may well find yourself in a reality where people seemingly have a change or heart, a more positive attitude or some innovation has been made which makes things possible.

But be aware, these things can work both ways.

Your actions and intention will attune you to which reality you will end up in. Negative intentions may shift you to a darker version of your time-line.

If you constantly do things that are positive and uplifting, then this allows you to shift to a more positive version.

For those who can see possible futures, they will know there are some incredibly dark versions of this world out there and the shifts to them may happen gradually.

The shifts happen naturally but never without your permission on some level, even if it’s on a level that you are not aware of.

They may occur in many ways, too. Perhaps you might die a natural death, and then shift to a time-line and to a point in time before you got sick.

Perhaps you might be in a car accident. You might have thought you survived against all odds, but it’s also possible that you died, and then shifted to another time-line and to your mind, seemingly walked away without a scratch.

Perhaps someone killed you and to horror of those around you, you died, but to your recollection, it never happened because you shifted, and came back to a point just before it happened. You might also come back with a premonition of danger and avoid doing something you feel will not end well.

It’s also possible that in this version, others were the ones who ‘died’ and you survived.

Or it could be just through the natural cycle of reincarnation.

Remember, all the realities exist, and they are all being lived in the eternal now. Where you are is where your focus is at. That is the Master You. The one where all your attention is and the current life that you, as a soul aspect, are living.

This may mean that those things that seem like terrible events in your life may well be a blessing. They may well free you to move to your next level.

And this is why it’s so important to focus on things that you do indeed desire, and more importantly, what will not hurt or disadvantage others.

Every time you abuse someone, steal, scam, put them down, take advantage, etc, etc, you are actually attuning yourself to another level.

They add to your vibrations and your energy pool. Eventually, you will find yourself in the reality you have attuned to, and wonder why things are so bad.

These are the natural consequences of our actions. Some call it Karma, though that word is often misunderstood.  (And a topic to be looked at in a future post.)

I’ve rambled on a lot here so I will try and summarize this post.

  • Everything you do attunes you to the reality you are currently experiencing.
  • You will shift when you hit a critical mass.
  • The shift may be up, down or even sideways.
  • Whatever you do, do it from a place of love instead of fear.

Next: Belief systems.

Paranormal experiences series: Losing our possessions or now where did I put that thing again?

In the last entry, I spoke about attunement and how every action defines the reality you end up in.

Now, you may argue that if this is so, then how come life sucks so much? How come, if I’ve chosen such a good life, all I get is bad things happening?

Here’s the thing. If you keep on choosing the same thing over and over again, and try to live your life in a way that is according to who you are, then eventually things will begin to shift.

But there are a few things, in my observation, that you might want to be aware of, even if you are not aware of them when they happen.

We have discussed how we can die, and come back to a slightly different reality. There are a few things about this that should be clarified.

In order to shift, and make the shift not so blatant, events may happen in your current reality that prepares you for your next one.

For instance, before my ‘death’ back in 2000, I lost a lot of childhood memorabilia that was important to me. It was put into a garbage bag during renovations by my then partner and I never saw them again. I suspected it was thrown out by accident.

I suspect that when you lose possessions, it may be due to us being made ready to move to another time line. If the objects are no longer are around, you won’t miss them when you shift. This is important if they don’t exist in that particular timeline.

I’m sure you’ve heard stories, or experienced things that you knew you had, but have vanished without any explanation or a trace. What if the person in question shifted, and those possessions were never obtained in that particular reality?

You could extend that theory further, such as objects being lost to theft, fire or any number of the ways that might happen.

Now, I realize just how that might come across to those who have experienced such things. It’s not pleasant to have experienced that, to put it mildly. But what if the tragedy was so you could move on with your own evolution and life?

Possessions do weigh you down. I can feel that myself. When I have too many it’s like the energies get heavier and more cumbersome.

When I moved house a couple of years ago, I made a decision to throw away entire collections. Not because I didn’t want to keep them, but it felt like it was the right thing to do. I still feel that way.

And this is where it starts to get a little more complex.

When move to another time line, it may well appear to others, that  we have actually died. However, to the person who supposedly died, but continued on elsewhere, nothing will  have appeared  to have changed. Maybe it might even appear that others have departed instead.

Major disasters, where entire groups die may well be people who have shifted, as a collective, to another reality.  Do they continue on in another timeline?

One thing I am very sure of is that we don’t die until we’re ready to.

Next: The World of Warcraft analogy on parallel worlds.