One of the advantages that many Empaths have is that they just know when someone is lying. They can sense when something doesn’t feel right, in spite of the veneer and evidence to the contrary.
No matter how plausible a story might sound, or how convincing someone is being, the Empath will get a sense that all is not what it seems.
From personal experience, I will get a sense of anger and annoyance about having been told something that is not true. Sometimes I will sense the real truth (or if I don’t, at least I will sense what is not true) and in spite of what is said, will just know what it is.
Now, the interesting thing about this ability is that it can sometimes be blocked by a person who is very charismatic. If they have a very strong energy, they can actually fool the Empath for a short while.
I’ve had people that, while they were talking to me, I accepted what they were saying as true. However, once I remove myself from their presence, I would suddenly just know it was all a lie or a story they made up.
There is a window on fooling me. It might be a minute, it might be a few days, but once I lock onto a lie, that’s it. You won’t fool me again. I am now attuned to what is going on, and I am always aware.
Empaths are masters at reading people. They not only pick up feelings from others, but can sense energies and intentions.
There are some people, who in spite of their friendly, cheerful appearance, will make me feel like I’ve been swimming in sewage after talking to them. Time has always proven me correct. I can also sense when someone is dangerous, and if someone is manipulative.
Often is the time I gave warnings about certain people, only to be ignored. Later on, I’m told that the victim wished they had listened to me.
Nothing is more frustrating than knowing something and not being able to do anything about it. It’s like seeing a car on the train tracks, and a train bearing down, and everyone tells you that nothing is wrong. To say I find it frustrating is an understatement.
Empaths are amazing lie detectors. Only problem is that most of them don’t trust that ability. They figure they must be wrong because no one else is seeing or sensing it. They figure that there is no logical reason to be suspicious and so, they ignore their feelings, often to their peril.
When someone tells you something, and it doesn’t feel right, listen to those feelings. They are your truth. Be very careful not to ignore them.
For an empath, I’ve had surprisingly few supernatural experiences and most of them occurred during my younger years.
By supernatural, I’m talking seeing things and hearing things and things that are just unexplained.
I do wish, however, to make the distinction from my empathic experiences, as they are countless, and also any mind travels that I’ve experienced. (What might be termed as remote viewing.)
There are four main paranormal incidences that come to mind.
The first was waking up on two separate nights, and hearing footsteps walking up and down the hallway outside my bedroom. I would have been around 7 or 8 years of age. Everyone was asleep, and even if they were up, they would not have continued for what seemed like hours.
I didn’t have the courage to get up and look, and really, even today, I wonder if I would be happy doing so, but there were footsteps, of that I have no doubt.
The second one occurred also twice, and around the same age. I woke up in the middle of the night, and on the wall across my bed was a perfectly round light about 3 inches in diameter. It had no apparent source, and kept on moving around on the wall. Â It stayed mostly in the one spot.
If it had been someone shining a torch into my room, I would have to question as to why they’d bother doing it for hours, how they could get the angle from a ten foot drop, and why there was no beam of light connecting to it.
I don’t remember what I did the first time, but I eventually fell back asleep. When it happened a second time, I hid under the bed covers.
As an interesting side note, a lady once slept in that room, and she woke up hearing her name called, and the word ‘ouch’. There was a light on her finger, and it left a burn. (At least according to her.)
From time to time, I would sense something negative in that room, even after I changed to another bedroom, however nothing major occurred.
The third incident was extremely minor. I had set up a film projector up in the lounge room and somehow it managed to turn itself on. That was an one off event.
I wasn’t the only one who experienced things in my mother’s house. My mother once saw a hooded figure staring at her upon waking up in the middle of the night and then walking backwards through the wall. I was a baby at the time. This same figure had been seen by my step daughter many years later. I never caught sight of it myself.
The last one happened when I lived in my grandmother’s house when I lived in Holland for half a year. I was nine, and one night, I woke up when everyone had gone to bed. Downstairs, I could hear a song playing which sounded vaguely like the Everly Brothers’ song Dream. Except it just repeating what sounded like a couple of lines, and it continued on for many hours until I fell asleep again.
While none of these experiences really scared me, I can’t say they made me comfortable either. As I few older, and into who I was, such things stopped happening, and I had the odd impression that it was avoiding me. At least for the most part.
Does anyone have similar experiences they’d like to share?
Being an Empath is not an easy road. The higher level you are, the more overwhelmed, and challenged you may feel. The below are some tips on what you can do to cope.
Take a shower.
This is a very simple technique, but it can help enormously. Take a shower or a bath. Water helps wash away the psychic pollution that you have accumulated during the day. Stand or lie in it, and imagine light showering you and all the days takings being washed away.
I can’t cope without my nightly shower.
On the subject of baths, it’s really important that you rinse off first before taking a bath. Water is programmable, and is able to take on the vibrations of what is put into it. (Water is amazing stuff!)
If you don’t rinse off first, you will bath in a tub full of the psychic pollution that you are trying to get rid of. So, quickly have a shower, imagine the darkness flowing away, and enjoy your bath. I recommend a packet full of Epson salts and 7 drops of the Lavender essential oil.
Do something physical.
Running, walking, sports, Tai-Chi, yoga,, etc. This can help greatly. Do what makes you feel good. When you feel good, you will be more in your body.
And yes, I know that when you’re tired, it’s hard to get started, and it’s the last thing you want to do. Even a five minute walk will help.
My partner’s dog ensures that I get out a few times a week. 🙂
Avoid dramas
One of the things I had to do to help gain control over my empathy was to stop feeding my dramas. The Celestine Prophecy, a fictional book by James Redfield, put four main drama’s into a nutshell.
Aloof – Staying distant from others emotionally.
Interrogator – Finding fault with what others say or do.
Intimidator – Aggressive behaviour in order to dominate others
Poor me – Being a victim.
This is done to have energy focused on ourselves, though the results end up being negative rather than positive.
I used to be aloof and then fall into poor me mode. Even though I certainly didn’t enjoy it, and even though they never worked for any length of time, I never saw myself as being in a drama. To my mind, I was the misunderstood soul battling against all odds in a world that didn’t understand, much less care. In truth, no one really notices that much when you are aloof. They just assume that you’re not interested. Poor me / victim people are generally avoided as they can be very draining
The thing with dramas is that they are hard to accept while you are in them. What’s more, even if you know you are in them, you may not care and it just annoys and anger you for someone to point it out. It was not until I made the decision to consciously stop entering into them that things really started to change for me.
One of the keys was being honest with myself. I would often pretend one motivation while really secretly harbouring another. And yes, my reasons were always sound, but they were not the real reasons I would do things. Ultimately, such behaviour ends up being counterproductive and denying your real reasons for doing something, even to yourself, does not make them any less real or valid.
This can be dangerous behaviour for an empath to indulge in because you are unwittingly creating chinks in your boundaries.
Boundaries are the limits you set for yourself. They are very important, especially for an empath, because once you’ve set them, and more importantly, enforce them, then you will start to know where you end and others begin. Limits such as, for example, refusing to be drawn into someone’s drama. Refusing to take on the guilt of someone else. Not getting involved in pointless gossip. Those are just examples. What you choose to define is completely up to you, but whatever you choose, do your best to enforce it.
By setting boundaries, you are also defining yourself, and that is why it’s important to be as honest with yourself as possible. Let all your actions define who you see yourself as, and who you wish to be.
We’ve discussed how Soul Calls are a call for help to the universe, and how they may be answered, and I thought it would be worth discussing what they are not, and what they can’t be used for.
Someone once asked me if they could be used to draw a person to you, or to make someone fall in love you.
The short answer is, no.
The long answer is, when a Soul Call goes out, you are asking for help to your problem. The one who responds is generally the most qualified person to help.
More often than not, this might be someone you don’t expect, or someone you have not even met yet.
When they come into your life, you may even be resistant to them because you are looking for something else.
However, you wouldn’t contract a plumber to fix your electrical fixtures. The same holds true for soul calls.
To use them as a tool to try and manipulate others simply does not work, and why would you want to do so in any case? Would you really want to make someone fall in love with you and act in a way that is not in keeping with their own soul?
Having said all that, you can actually call for someone who is right for you if you are after a relationship. It may not be the person you desire (and more often than not, the one you want right now may not be best for you on a long term basis) but they will come.
Also, it’s important to be aware that sometimes you will need to go through, and experience things that will make you ready for this person. This may take more time than you might like or expect, but what you will learn, and gain, will be very important for the longevity of your relationship. Timing is everything.
And even if you are ready, the partner may not appear right away, either.
To illustrate this point, I’ll share one of my own experiences.
My first marriage was a soul call, and while I already foresaw that it would end before it even began, I also knew that in order for me to get to where I am now, I had to follow my feelings and trust that it would work out as it was meant to.
I learned a lot from it, gained a lot, and when the time came, we went our separate ways because we had diverged so much from the paths we started on.
I gave myself a long time to be alone, enjoy my own company, and just do the things I wanted without feeling the pull of others around me.
Six or so years later, I felt I was ready for another relationship and I sent out a call saying that I was ready, come and find me. At the time, I had quite a few potential women who were interested in me, but none of them felt right, so I didn’t encourage anything.
I then felt I needed to create an eHarmony (Online matchmaking service) Â account, and I joined for 3 months, but had no draws to anyone. I did meet one or two, and they showed interest, but I knew they were not for me.
Then after six months, I felt a strong pull to reactivate my membership. I waited until there was a special on (which saved me a lot of money) and re-joined.
I knew I was looking for something, but wasn’t sure what. I went through about 400 profiles until I hit one that just drew me. I went through the contact procedure, and when she answered back, I felt right away that I had found who I was looking for.
Today she is my partner, but the thing I wanted to point out here is that there was a reason it took six months to meet her.
When I sent out the Soul Call, she was in another country. She was considering what she wanted to do next in her career path when this offer from Australia came up and the offer she really wanted to follow fell through.
So she ended up in Melbourne, Australia. The timing of meeting was just right.
When you send out a Soul Call, it will be answered, and it will be the right answer. You just have to trust the process.
You might wonder (or not) if there is any benefit to answering a soul call. It can be a lot of work, and while the pay offs might be rewarding at times, there will be other times where you feel it’s just been a waste of your time and effort because nothing seems to change.
If you’re altruistic, you won’t care if you get something out of it. Still, there are definite benefits to answering soul calls.
I guess the easiest way to illustrate this is to tell my own experiences.
My first call was back in 1987, where I felt a compulsion to aid this lady I was friends with. She had major traumas, and I felt I could help her. As I had no clue what I was doing, I fumbled around for a few weeks, trying different things until finally I got to the answers.
They’re not relevant to this topic, but I gained two things from that initial experience.
The first was realizing that I could connect to other people, and that was a bad idea, as they could drag you under with them if you didn’t disconnect. I swore I would never allow that to happen again. I did not know the word ‘empath’ back then, but I now knew I was one .
The other thing that happened was that my guides stepped in, and just plain outright told me the answers. This was a really intense experience, and everything was right on the money. Ironically, I dismissed this experience as having guides wasn’t part of my belief system at the time. However, the experience was very real and showed me there was something outside myself.
The second soul call happened in 1994- 95. That was a success, and it gave me quite a few gifts in return.
I was introduced to the Bach Flower Remedies through the lady I was helping.
I gained knowledge that put me firmly on this current path.
I was introduced to people that I needed to meet in order to fulfil a soul contract which had been part of my life till then.
It sparked the dark night of the soul event that allowed me to let go of my old and redundant belief system and embrace a much healthier one.
It made me realize there was much, much more to myself than I had ever suspected. When I finally understood what I had to do, I knew how to do it, and it felt like slipping into a pair of well worn shoes. It opened doors.
And while it is true that the appreciate factor of these people wasn’t all that high, what I took away with me was something money can’t buy.
A Soul Call is not only a chance to help someone else, but an opportunity to grow and gain valuable insight into who you are, what you can do, and to progress along your chosen path.