Empath Series: What is a Soul Call (part 4) or am I supposed to get something out of this?

You might wonder (or not) if there is any benefit to answering a soul call. It can be a lot of work, and while the pay offs might be rewarding at times, there will be other times where you feel it’s just been a waste of your time and effort because nothing seems to change.

If you’re altruistic, you won’t care if you get something out of it. Still, there are definite benefits to answering soul calls.

I guess the easiest way to illustrate this is to tell my own experiences.

My first call was back in 1987, where I felt a compulsion to aid this lady I was friends with. She had major traumas, and I felt I could help her. As I had no clue what I was doing, I fumbled around for a few weeks, trying different things until finally I got to the answers.

They’re not relevant to this topic, but I gained two things from that initial experience.

The first was realizing that I could connect to other people, and that was a bad idea, as they could drag you under with them if you didn’t disconnect. I swore I would never allow that to happen again. I did not know the word ‘empath’ back then, but I now knew I was one .

The other thing that happened was that my guides stepped in, and just plain outright told me the answers. This was a really intense experience, and everything was right on the money. Ironically, I dismissed this experience as having guides wasn’t part of my belief system at the time. However, the experience was very real and showed me there was something outside myself.

The second soul call happened in 1994- 95. That was a success, and it gave me quite a few gifts in return.

I was introduced to the Bach Flower Remedies through the lady I was helping.

I gained knowledge that put me firmly on this current path.

I was introduced to people that I needed to meet in order to fulfil a soul contract which had been part of my life till then.

It sparked the dark night of the soul event that allowed me to let go of my old and redundant belief system and embrace a much healthier one.

It made me realize there was much, much more to myself than I had ever suspected. When I finally understood what I had to do, I knew how to do it, and it felt like slipping into a pair of well worn shoes. It opened doors.

And while it is true that the appreciate factor of these people wasn’t all that high, what I took away with me was something money can’t buy.

A Soul Call is not only a chance to help someone else, but an opportunity to grow and gain valuable insight into who you are, what you can do, and to progress along your chosen path.

Next: What a Soul Call is not.


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