The Empath Guidebook – Now available in paperback.

empath guidebook amazonOver the past years, since I have put it online for free, thousands of people have downloaded The Empath Guidebook.

This book was written by me as a gift to the Empath community and covers an abundance of subjects to help new and experienced Empaths alike.

Many have also asked if this book was available in paperback format. With that request in mind, you can now choose to purchase it from for USD19.95.

The e-book is still free for download for those who wish to have their own PDF copy.

You can download the free version here:

You can purchase the paperback version here or by clicking on the picture on the side bar.

If you have enjoyed this book at some point, and think this it’s worthwhile, please feel free to give it a review. It would really help me out.


Do not fear the darkness… thank it instead.

light and darkThere’s a parable by Neale Donald Walsch called The Little Soul and the Sun. There are two parts to this tale. In a nutshell, the story is about a soul who wanted to know who he was., but because all there was, was light, and all he was, was light, he could not do this.
It begins:

There once was a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of God’s awesome light. And so the little soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light — of which it was a part — it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.

And then goes on to explain that in order for the soul to know itself, it must separate itself from all that is and call upon the darkness so it may know its own light and experience who he or she really is.

But in order for that soul aspect to know itself as light, someone had to play the part of being the darkness.

In this story, the soul wished to experience forgiveness, but as there was no one to forgive; someone had to play that part.

Another soul offered: “I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive. I ask only one thing in return,”

“Anything! Anything!” the Little Soul cried.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you, in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine – in that self-same moment…remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I won’t forget!” promised the Little Soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”

This story illustrates perfectly why we have darkness. Why there are demons, and why people attack and hurt us.

And while many people do indeed seem to understand that all we do is because we have created it on some level, and that is our free will in action, they seem to forget the very thing they need to remember.

The ones who are dark are dark because without them, we could not experience our own light.

Far too often, I see people condemning demons, so called evil, people who have wronged them and cursing them to Hell (or whatever place they feel is punishing enough. )

Far too often people insist that there is no help for those being and they are not worthy or their time, their healing, or even their love or blessings.

But is this really what we should be doing? So called negative beings don’t remember who they really are. Perhaps they have chosen a part where, by necessity, they cannot have any connection to the light. No matter what is done, they will always be of the dark because that is what is required. And they will remain so until they eventually return, with the rest, to source.

People seem to take great pride in condemning that which they consider to be dark. They simply love to hate and detest anything that doesn’t meet their own personal standards.

But condemning the dark is as useless as condemning the night. Everything is there for a reason. It wouldn’t exist otherwise.

I can’t help but wonder how horrible it would be to be hated by everyone, attacked and detested just for being.

Personally, I feel we should bless the darkness. Thank them for their gift and even their sacrifice. Those who have even experienced a little of what it’s like to not have light in your life should understand what it is like to be like them.

They may not remember who they are. They may never be able to in this realm, but that doesn’t mean we should forget, either.

And while you may not agree or condone their actions, always come from a place of love, rather than hate or fear.

Someone has to play the bad guy. Perhaps one day it may be you.

Empath Guidebook – Now fully edited.

Empath cover version 1Just a quick note.

The Empath Guidebook (my free e-book) has been fully edited by the amazing Julianne Victoria.

My heartfelt thanks for doing what is a tedious and meticulous job.  I’m sure those who read the edit version will certainly thank you, too!

It’s rare to find someone so selflessly giving of their abilities and time.

I really do recommend visiting her sites (all listed below). There is a lot to this lady and she has a lot to share.

Through the Peacock’s Eyes, Insights for Spiritual Living

On the Streets of San Francisco, Photography



Haiku By Ku, A Poetic Pup’s Poem

Swami Zoe’s Yoga and Zen

Thank you for the gift you have given to the Empath Community.

This guidebook is ever evolving, so from time to time, there should be some major updates. Watch this space.

Soul mates: Twin souls and Family souls or I think that’s it.

Twin flames

So far, we’ve covered Romantic Soul Mates and Twin Souls.

Soul mates are those who you resonate with on the same levels, and there may be many of them in your life.

Twin Souls are literally the other half of your energies, but also everything you are not. While drawn together, they may not be a good match.

This entry, we will look at twin flames.

How is a twin flame different? Unlike a twin soul, it is not actually your other half and unlike a soul mate, it is not someone who you happen to match your energies with.

A twin flame is someone who is from the same source as you. They are, in essence, soul family.

On a soul level, they may be equivalent to a brother or a sister. On the 3D level, they might be a stranger that you’ve just met, but instantly click with.

When you meet a twin soul, you will know it. You will feel that connection and kinship.  It may even stir up previous life memories that you had together.

The relationship may not be a romantic one (though there will be times when you certainly would desire that energy to be in your life intimately) but it will certainly be one where you have found a person who can understand you and accept you for you without conditions.

Family soul mates

These are people who come from the same soul family.  There can be many, and they will feel more like a brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, and so on.

It is certainly not unusual for group of such people to be born into the same family. They will move and act as one unit when it’s them against the world, but it would not be unusual for them to fight among themselves, too.

I’ve come across people who have felt like sons and daughters, and who have viewed me in the equivalent way.  It’s a very interesting experience to say the least.

That pretty much covers what I’m aware of. If I have missed anything, feel free to let me know.

Empath Series: Empath guidebook or anyone want a free e-book?

Over the years, I considered writing a book for the Empath. Initially it was going to be Empathy 101, but when I finally looked around some years later, I found that many had already done that.

So, I decided it would probably be a better idea to write a book that was for the beginning and the advanced Empath alike.

One that went into greater details and one that gave techniques to turn the curse into a blessing.

And above all, one that could be accessible to everyone.

Sadly, I’m not given to writing simply and clearly. My words are said to be too ‘fancy’ and I deal with concepts that are every day for me, but completely new for others.

For this, I can only apologize, but it is my style, and I really haven’t worked out a way to resolve it.

So, a couple of years ago, I began work on the Empath Guidebook. So called because it was both a guide book, and I channelled my guide to help write it.

As it goes, it works for me, and I can get a lot more written when I use that technique.

Does it work as a useful book? I’ve not had enough feedback to know one way or the other.

Feedback is something people rarely give.

However, for those who actually read this blog, and want more information on Empaths, this book might well be worth your while.

I have toyed with the idea of using extracts, from time to time, on this blog, but I’ve found there’s still a lot of subject matter to cover, so I’ll just post a link to the actual document.

It is also my desire to discuss that wonderful article by ‘Just Be’ called 30 traits of an Empath with my guide. I have asked permission from the author and been granted it.

I plan to expand the book from time to time, as new ideas and information comes up.

This e-book is free.

If you decide to read it, and find it useful, please pass it onto someone who you feel can benefit from it.

The Empath Guidebook – download page.