Playing possum with my inner child.

possumIt is said that animals appearing in our lives are symbolic. They represent a message for us.

I never paid that much heed, but back in 1996, during a very intense period of growth, I had an incident occur that, to this day, still makes me smile.

I was on my way out for a drumming session that was run by a healing circle I was a part of back then.

Just before I left, a very strange incident occurred.

It was dark by the time I was ready to leave  and I went down to my computer room to pick up something.

This  room was underneath the house. It was separate and could be only entered from the outside. The door had a glass insert and curtains covering it.

As I went to unlock the door, I noticed that the curtains appeared to be moving, as if they were being blown by the wind. But I knew that was impossible as there was no source for a breeze.

I took a closer look, and my heart almost skipped a beat as I found myself staring at a small face. At first, I thought someone was in my room, and was acting in a deranged manner. But I stood my ground, and took out my pocket torch, and shone it onto the face. It turned out to be a possum! A baby one at that! But how one had found its way into my room, which was sealed up tight, was a real mystery.

I entered the room, and turned on the lights. I realised that I couldn’t remove it without it biting me, and I had no time to mess around. So I decided I would deal with it after I came back. So I left it clinging to my curtains.

When I got home, I went down to the computer room, and found that the possum had moved. I quickly found it snuggling next to my computer case! I could hardly believe it. It was resting just on my mouse cord, and looking as cute and as peaceful as it could. And even when I booted up my PC, and started typing away to my online friends, it didn’t move away.

I asked the people in the chat room what I should do. All I got was lots of laughter, and incredulous comments. They hardly believed me, and as webcams were not standard back then, I couldn’t show them either. After about half an hour, I realised that I couldn’t leave the possum where it was because I was afraid it might starve.  (I’m sure it wouldn’t have, but my logic at the time seemed to think that I couldn’t leave it there in any case.)

It was still resting against the case, and I knew I had to free it. So, I emptied a tissue box, put my mouse mat underneath, and put the box on top. It hardly resisted! I quickly took it outside and set it free.

The message of the possum was lost on me until a few days later where I experienced a rebirth of sorts and found that my inner child had been not only repressed, but crippled.

I was told later that the possum was said to be a representation of my inner child and me freeing it was what happened a few days later.

When I did break down the walls the encased it, it was life changing. It was as though my entire being experienced a rebirth.

People often see animals in their lives. Some are common, others tend to be rare. It’s those rare ones that should make you sit up and take note. What is the message? What are they trying to tell you?

Remember, nothing is random.

Do not fear the darkness… thank it instead.

light and darkThere’s a parable by Neale Donald Walsch called The Little Soul and the Sun. There are two parts to this tale. In a nutshell, the story is about a soul who wanted to know who he was., but because all there was, was light, and all he was, was light, he could not do this.
It begins:

There once was a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of God’s awesome light. And so the little soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light — of which it was a part — it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.

And then goes on to explain that in order for the soul to know itself, it must separate itself from all that is and call upon the darkness so it may know its own light and experience who he or she really is.

But in order for that soul aspect to know itself as light, someone had to play the part of being the darkness.

In this story, the soul wished to experience forgiveness, but as there was no one to forgive; someone had to play that part.

Another soul offered: “I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive. I ask only one thing in return,”

“Anything! Anything!” the Little Soul cried.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you, in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine – in that self-same moment…remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I won’t forget!” promised the Little Soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”

This story illustrates perfectly why we have darkness. Why there are demons, and why people attack and hurt us.

And while many people do indeed seem to understand that all we do is because we have created it on some level, and that is our free will in action, they seem to forget the very thing they need to remember.

The ones who are dark are dark because without them, we could not experience our own light.

Far too often, I see people condemning demons, so called evil, people who have wronged them and cursing them to Hell (or whatever place they feel is punishing enough. )

Far too often people insist that there is no help for those being and they are not worthy or their time, their healing, or even their love or blessings.

But is this really what we should be doing? So called negative beings don’t remember who they really are. Perhaps they have chosen a part where, by necessity, they cannot have any connection to the light. No matter what is done, they will always be of the dark because that is what is required. And they will remain so until they eventually return, with the rest, to source.

People seem to take great pride in condemning that which they consider to be dark. They simply love to hate and detest anything that doesn’t meet their own personal standards.

But condemning the dark is as useless as condemning the night. Everything is there for a reason. It wouldn’t exist otherwise.

I can’t help but wonder how horrible it would be to be hated by everyone, attacked and detested just for being.

Personally, I feel we should bless the darkness. Thank them for their gift and even their sacrifice. Those who have even experienced a little of what it’s like to not have light in your life should understand what it is like to be like them.

They may not remember who they are. They may never be able to in this realm, but that doesn’t mean we should forget, either.

And while you may not agree or condone their actions, always come from a place of love, rather than hate or fear.

Someone has to play the bad guy. Perhaps one day it may be you.

I’ve been putting this off for a while now….

Phoenix drawing.I’ve been putting off writing this blog entry for a while now. Not that there’s anything in it I’ve not posted elsewhere before, but it is one that I feel it’s time to push into the mainstream.

The reason why I hesitate (and even cringe) is because the subject matter is so unusual that it will cause a conflict with people’s perceived reality and believe systems.

Trust me when I say that it certainly did with mine.

So deep breath and here we go.

What if you were told that you were a mythical being?

What if you had the same message in your thoughts for most of your life?

Moment after moment? Hour after hour? Day after day? Year after year? Decade after decade?

No matter what you do, no matter what you try and no matter how much you protest, that message never stops… ever!

And over those decades, amazing things happen and people come in and out of your life to validate that what you are hearing is not just in your mind, but a very real thing.

Well, this is my life in a nutshell.

This has been going on since 1988.

I’ve spoken a lot about various incidences in my life: Those strange stories that defy rational explanation. I’ve discussed my guides and done plenty of channellings when I’m stuck for ideas or answers to topics I want to write about.

And in a way, I’m comfortable putting those out there, because to me, they make sense and others seem to get something from it.

I’ve also discussed how my guides keep on telling me messages over and over until I get what they mean and I  do get a lot of repeating messages which come and g over the years.

But there is one that doesn’t stop no matter what.

The message is: You are The Phoenix.

It doesn’t end there either. My guides keep on referring to me as Phoenix. On the rare occasion they’ll call me by my name, but generally, it’s Phoenix.

There was a period of time where events lead me to completely shunned anything phoenix, but it didn’t help. In fact, everything became stronger, and no matter what I did, I would see the word Phoenix in almost everything I did or would hear it mentioned somewhere.

What was more, people around me, once they started associated with me, said they saw the same thing, too.

You could argue that’s confirmation bias, but that doesn’t account for everything that happened, especially the two years where I was extremely anti-phoenix.

Most people have heard of what a phoenix is nowadays, but for those who do not know, a phoenix is a mythical bird that was said to live for many  years, and then build a pyre and consume itself flames, only to rise again more powerful and beautiful than before.

It was primarily associated with Ancient Egypt, though it was been noted in many other cultures under different names. The death and rebirth part appears to be the more endearing part of this myth: The rising from the ashes, in spite of all the odds.

And for a while, I wondered if that is what my guides were trying to tell me: That I had risen from the ashes.

But no, that wasn’t it at all. In fact, they were being quite literal.

Now, last time I looked, I looked like a human. Not a bird. (Though, as I recently blogged, I never really felt all that human.)  However, my guides assure me that what they are talking about is a representation of energy.

When I finally started to look into what was going on, a story began to unravel that surpassed anything my imagination could conjure up and over the course of the years, what I ended up with was an amazing, yet cohesive sequence of events that made the statement ‘You are the Phoenix’ look like common sense because it only got stranger from there.

Around 2011, I tried to write a brief summary of what happened and the people involved. It just didn’t work on the levels I was looking for. So I decided it was time to write a cohesive history of what happened and everything that led up to it happening.  It’s taken me around 2 years to finish it. It was made especially hard because new information was (and still is) coming in all the time, putting new perspectives on things.

The book is called I Am The Phoenix.

It is for sale for USD3.99 in Kindle format from Amazon and is written in the same style as The Empath Guidebook. (My free e-book.)

It’s also available on

My intention is to provide a reasonable sample of this book on this blog, so people can get a taste for it, and decide if they want to hear the rest of the story, which, even if I do say so myself, is incredible.

Psychic attack series: Simple is powerful and it’s simply powerful.

simply powerfulAs mentioned, I’ve dealt with a few people recently that have complained about psychic attacks. It has screwed around with their lives, and effectively even made some consider suicide, just to avoid them.

By the way, this will not help. Energy hooks do not leave us just because we leave the physical body. They continue until those links are removed, which is why for those who can remember past lives, they find the same antagonists coming up time after time.

A psychic attack occurs at your weakest link. So, guilt, fear, anger, hate, and so on can be used to control and influence someone.

Bach Flower Remedies can be a very effective way of stopping attacks.  Mustard, Aspen, Walnut are generally good remedies to use, as well any anything that counters your weak points.

Mantra, prayers and invocations are also said to be useful. The ones I’ve been tend to be rather long winded, though. In the end, you’re more likely to focus on the words rather than the meaning.

If you want a mantra or prayer to be effective, keep it short and sweet. Make sure it you can comprehend it instantly and the words come without effort.

Here are a few suggestions for those who are under attack by either people in their lives or beings they perceive to be in the astral levels.

I am energized.

I take my power back.

I am in harmony.

I am abundance.

You have no power over me.

That last statement I got from the movie Labyrinth. While I can either take or leave that movie, I found those words very powerful.

The important thing with doing anything like this is consistency. In order to manifest the outcome, you need to keep on stating the same thing over and over.

Most people make an affirmation, and then contradict it almost in the next breath.

It’s all too easy to do. Words and thoughts often come unbidden to our mind that do not serve us.

Words such as: I’m so tired of things. What’s the point? I can’t be bothered. Nothing is ever going to change, and so forth.

It’s hard. It’s a challenge to instantly discard any thoughts that don’t fit the outcome you wish to have.

They are hard because that is how you are feeling right at that moment and you feel what you feel.

My suggestion is to acknowledge where you are at, bless it, let it go and use an affirmation that reflects the outcome you wish to see. It’s okay to feel those negative states of being and it’s not until you acknowledge where you are at that you can change where you are going.

One of the things one should be aware of when you start using such affirmations is that things will start to shift. Dramas may start to happen, people may act out of character and you may discover that things are not what they seem.

This can be often confusing, as you may not connect these events to your affirmations. But nothing can change unless the things that are creating your problem are revealed so you can not only deal with them, but take moves to make sure they can no longer affect you.

It may not always be pleasant, though. You may discover things that may make you feel that you wish you didn’t know.

Just remember, fear is our enemy here. Fear of being alone, of lack of resources, of not having a roof over our head.

You may fear that in order to be free and happy, you will have to change everything. And sometimes that is true. But change isn’t always bad. It’s new opportunities and growth.

Sometimes, though, you just need to be ready to move on… and that can take a while.

Remember, though, simple is extremely powerful and that makes you powerful.

Psychic attack series: Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing.

germOver the years, I’ve come across many forms of psychic attacks. I’ve met many people who seem to be endearing them.

Of course, there are always those who will tell you psychic attacks aren’t real.  They label those who believe they are under such attacks are delusional or will tell you that such things simply do not exist.

Curiously enough, even those who are considered guru’s and have given us amazing knowledge will tell you the same thing.

At its purest level, you can indeed argue that we’re all one and that no one is attacking anyone.

However, that’s like saying that no one can kill or attack another because there is only really one of us in the room.

This is all fine and good, but we live in the realm of the relative, and not only are such things real, but they happen more frequently than you might suspect.

Not believing in it doesn’t make you immune to them.

As a friend of mine recently put it to me: It’s like saying you don’t believe in germs, therefore they can’t make you sick.

While we don’t have the technology to see psychic attacks, let’s remember that at one point, we didn’t have the technology to see germs either. People didn’t know of them. They still got sick, though. They still got infections, diseases, viruses and died from them.

To say that if they just didn’t acknowledge such things then they would be been fine is just nonsense. Would you tell a doctor to not wash their hands just because you don’t believe germs exist? You’ve probably never seen one, save in a photo. Those with the right equipment can certainly see them. It’s very much like psychics who can see shadow people. They have the right equipment, so to speak.

Knowing germs exist and can affect us is important.  We can take steps to protect ourselves. We can work on our immune systems, stress levels, watch what we touch, eat and what can make us very sick. We can become immunized to certain things and generally live a healthier lifestyle.

Of course, you can say I’m making a faulty analogy here, because you can actually prove germs exist, but my view is that just because we can’t see things on another level, it doesn’t mean they are not there.

There are certainly spirits about. More than you would ever imagine and on many different levels that are just too fine for the human eye to perceive.  It is a fact that we do have a limited spectrum of what we can sense. Imagine if we had the abilities of say, a dog. Their sense of smell is mind boggling. Unless you experience it, though, you can’t really know what it’s like, but just imagine if you could track things just by smells? Imagine if you could hear things that are way too high for the normal ear to hear.

Imagine if you could see things that are way out of our spectrum?

From my own personal experience, I can tell you that psychic attacks do exist. They can come from either people or astral beings. I’ve had both happen to me and on a frequent basis.

It did not matter if I believed in them or not. I still experienced the effects of them.

In fact, there was a period of some years where I believed I was immune to them and that they really didn’t exist. Eventually, though, I had to admit that something was going on, and whether I acknowledge it was real or not, the proof was definitely there.

I’ve also dealt with too many people who came to me because they were being attacked. Believe me, there is nothing more irritating than being told it’s all in your mind and if you ignore it will go away. It doesn’t.  At least not on its own.

I’ve touched on psychic attacks a number of times on my website, blog and the Empath Guidebook, so I don’t want to go into it again.

What I do want to do is talk about one way of stopping them.

Next: Simple affirmations 

I am not an animal, I’m a human being… or am I?

English: The Phoenix Firebird Deutsch: Der Pho...

Over the years, I’ve notice that people, in general, tend to react to me in various ways.

I seem to make many of them uneasy. Some instantly hate me (even if we never spoke) and some just seem to click with me. Not too many seem to be indifference to me.

Someone made a comment to me the other day that I don’t seem human at times.

It was an interesting comment that made me think.

Fact is: I’ve never felt ‘human’. By that, I mean, I’ve never felt I’ve fitted in. Even growing up, I couldn’t connect to others. I didn’t appear to have the same type of filters my peers and family did.

I didn’t have the same interest or awareness that other appeared to have. I spent most of the time in my mind and was often yelled at for being oblivious. (As though yelling was going to change that.)

As I grew older, I tried to fit in, but it just looked awkward and I felt there was always this invisible barrier between me and everyone else. I was always the odd person out and never invited to parties or to hang out with others.

When I did try to make the effort to mix, it just didn’t work.

I could put it down to my family life, which was traumatic, but lots of others had that, too, and they functioned with their peers just fine.

I made friends once I hit 16 years of age and seemed to be accepted more, however I still did not fit in. In fact, it got worse. I was labelled as weird, but at the same time, more and more people were drawn to me.  Some of them were almost obsessed with me.

Throughout it all, I never felt like I belonged. I felt terribly alone, and was always on the lookout for soul family members. That is: people who were not my blood family, but connected to me.

I don’t know how, but I knew they were out there, but how I was to find them eluded me.

When it comes down to it, I don’t think I feel what being human would feel like. I don’t experience lust and addictions, (unless you count chocolate). I have no interest in clubs, pubs, drinking, drugs, gangs, groups, etc. I don’t even see death in the same way others do.  Never have.

I did try. I would go to parties, joined my friends at nightclubs, tried discos (back in the 70s) and even went to a pub or two.

All were torture.

It’s hard for an Empath to describe what it’s like, but imagine yourself in a plastic bubble that is being buffeted by high winds from all direction. Add to that an inflatable hood that’s over your head, and the pressure is pumped up too high.  So you feel blocked off but overwhelmed. You can’t really function and the best you can do is nod and smile when someone tries to talk to you.

That’s how it is for me. It’s doubly worse because I didn’t have any interest in being in those places in the first place, but thought I should try them. I thought, hey, maybe it will be fun. It wasn’t. All I wanted to do was get the hell out at the first opportunity.

I always wondered to myself, do people actually enjoy these things? Are they really having a good time? What draws them back night after night? I didn’t understand back then and I still don’t understand today.

I’m sure I’m not alone here. There are people who class themselves as Otherkin and some who believe they are Starseeds.  And though I’ve never seen myself as those things, I certainly fit most of the signs they mention.

Being human is more than just being in a human body. At least, that’s what I feel.

How many reading this have felt the same way? Please feel free to comment.