Do not fear the darkness… thank it instead.

light and darkThere’s a parable by Neale Donald Walsch called The Little Soul and the Sun. There are two parts to this tale. In a nutshell, the story is about a soul who wanted to know who he was., but because all there was, was light, and all he was, was light, he could not do this.
It begins:

There once was a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of God’s awesome light. And so the little soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light — of which it was a part — it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.

And then goes on to explain that in order for the soul to know itself, it must separate itself from all that is and call upon the darkness so it may know its own light and experience who he or she really is.

But in order for that soul aspect to know itself as light, someone had to play the part of being the darkness.

In this story, the soul wished to experience forgiveness, but as there was no one to forgive; someone had to play that part.

Another soul offered: “I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive. I ask only one thing in return,”

“Anything! Anything!” the Little Soul cried.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you, in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine – in that self-same moment…remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I won’t forget!” promised the Little Soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”

This story illustrates perfectly why we have darkness. Why there are demons, and why people attack and hurt us.

And while many people do indeed seem to understand that all we do is because we have created it on some level, and that is our free will in action, they seem to forget the very thing they need to remember.

The ones who are dark are dark because without them, we could not experience our own light.

Far too often, I see people condemning demons, so called evil, people who have wronged them and cursing them to Hell (or whatever place they feel is punishing enough. )

Far too often people insist that there is no help for those being and they are not worthy or their time, their healing, or even their love or blessings.

But is this really what we should be doing? So called negative beings don’t remember who they really are. Perhaps they have chosen a part where, by necessity, they cannot have any connection to the light. No matter what is done, they will always be of the dark because that is what is required. And they will remain so until they eventually return, with the rest, to source.

People seem to take great pride in condemning that which they consider to be dark. They simply love to hate and detest anything that doesn’t meet their own personal standards.

But condemning the dark is as useless as condemning the night. Everything is there for a reason. It wouldn’t exist otherwise.

I can’t help but wonder how horrible it would be to be hated by everyone, attacked and detested just for being.

Personally, I feel we should bless the darkness. Thank them for their gift and even their sacrifice. Those who have even experienced a little of what it’s like to not have light in your life should understand what it is like to be like them.

They may not remember who they are. They may never be able to in this realm, but that doesn’t mean we should forget, either.

And while you may not agree or condone their actions, always come from a place of love, rather than hate or fear.

Someone has to play the bad guy. Perhaps one day it may be you.

Psychic attack series: Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing.

germOver the years, I’ve come across many forms of psychic attacks. I’ve met many people who seem to be endearing them.

Of course, there are always those who will tell you psychic attacks aren’t real.  They label those who believe they are under such attacks are delusional or will tell you that such things simply do not exist.

Curiously enough, even those who are considered guru’s and have given us amazing knowledge will tell you the same thing.

At its purest level, you can indeed argue that we’re all one and that no one is attacking anyone.

However, that’s like saying that no one can kill or attack another because there is only really one of us in the room.

This is all fine and good, but we live in the realm of the relative, and not only are such things real, but they happen more frequently than you might suspect.

Not believing in it doesn’t make you immune to them.

As a friend of mine recently put it to me: It’s like saying you don’t believe in germs, therefore they can’t make you sick.

While we don’t have the technology to see psychic attacks, let’s remember that at one point, we didn’t have the technology to see germs either. People didn’t know of them. They still got sick, though. They still got infections, diseases, viruses and died from them.

To say that if they just didn’t acknowledge such things then they would be been fine is just nonsense. Would you tell a doctor to not wash their hands just because you don’t believe germs exist? You’ve probably never seen one, save in a photo. Those with the right equipment can certainly see them. It’s very much like psychics who can see shadow people. They have the right equipment, so to speak.

Knowing germs exist and can affect us is important.  We can take steps to protect ourselves. We can work on our immune systems, stress levels, watch what we touch, eat and what can make us very sick. We can become immunized to certain things and generally live a healthier lifestyle.

Of course, you can say I’m making a faulty analogy here, because you can actually prove germs exist, but my view is that just because we can’t see things on another level, it doesn’t mean they are not there.

There are certainly spirits about. More than you would ever imagine and on many different levels that are just too fine for the human eye to perceive.  It is a fact that we do have a limited spectrum of what we can sense. Imagine if we had the abilities of say, a dog. Their sense of smell is mind boggling. Unless you experience it, though, you can’t really know what it’s like, but just imagine if you could track things just by smells? Imagine if you could hear things that are way too high for the normal ear to hear.

Imagine if you could see things that are way out of our spectrum?

From my own personal experience, I can tell you that psychic attacks do exist. They can come from either people or astral beings. I’ve had both happen to me and on a frequent basis.

It did not matter if I believed in them or not. I still experienced the effects of them.

In fact, there was a period of some years where I believed I was immune to them and that they really didn’t exist. Eventually, though, I had to admit that something was going on, and whether I acknowledge it was real or not, the proof was definitely there.

I’ve also dealt with too many people who came to me because they were being attacked. Believe me, there is nothing more irritating than being told it’s all in your mind and if you ignore it will go away. It doesn’t.  At least not on its own.

I’ve touched on psychic attacks a number of times on my website, blog and the Empath Guidebook, so I don’t want to go into it again.

What I do want to do is talk about one way of stopping them.

Next: Simple affirmations 

Creating our reality series: Final thoughts or can we move onto something else now?

Al Hirschfeld Theatre, view to the stage 302 W...

Still with me? Thanks for coming this far. I started off with my experience on shifting time lines, and ended up with re-creating reality. Oddly enough, a direction I was not expecting.

So, to finish this off, here are some final thoughts on the subject of belief systems.

It is one thing to create a new belief system. It is another not to sabotage it.

When you begin to create something, you will discover that events will occur which might leave you confused.

People and things will come in and out of your life. Some events may seem like tragedies at the time, but are actually blessings in disguise. (Though you will not see that unless you understand what is going on, or look at it in retrospect.) Remember, the master always blesses those things that happen because they know there is a great gift contained within.

Trust your intuition. It is your guide. It will tell you to do one thing, and your logic, and sense of status quo will scream at you to ignore it. Don’t let fear stop you. If it feels right, do it. The results may not always be immediately  apparent, but remember, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but your intuition can.

Do not resist change. Changing your belief system and then resisting the synchronicities that come your way is a recipe for frustration and misery.

When I created my new belief system, some crazy things happened, and I did things that made people think I had lost my mind.

But I did them anyway, because I had finally learned by that point to trust my intuition, and I did what felt right, even if it looked wrong.

I kept alert for signs and synchronicities and followed them at every turn. My personal life has been amazing because of it.

Every decision I made by this process ended up being the exact one I needed to make at the exact right time and even though there were times when I was going through traumatic shifts, they had to happen so I could come to where I am now.

Without them, I’d still be stuck where I was back in 1995.

Changing your belief system is not easy the first time you do it. There is the tendency to fall into old patterns, play the victim card and enter into a poor me drama, especially when you are just about to make a major shift.

It can also be extremely traumatic.

The reason for this is because when you choose something new, all the things that are no longer needed fall away, and all the things that are needed come into your life. Change can be traumatic.

I got through it because of the Bach Flower Remedies (and yes, I will eventually get onto them!)

But is it worth it?

Gosh yes!

Every one of those points I made in my own belief system came true. All the negative beliefs that I had are no longer present in my life.

According to my guides, I’ve shifted time-lines quite a few times. Some memories feel very unreal to me now, like they were more a dream than something that actually happened. They shifted because I kept on my path with a single minded tenacity. Most of the shifts are very subtle but every so often something will come up that makes me think: Didn’t I hear that this person died? (But he’s still alive.)

Shifting does occur because every time you move to a new level, the reality around you has to change to accommodate that.

And for those who are reading this blog before the earlier ones, I discuss my experiences on this subject in great detail.

Now, you may well get negative thoughts, or situations come up when you change your belief system.

This is because when you declare yourself to be something, everything unlike it comes into your life in order to give you that experience of being what you have chosen to be.

Remember, you cannot know light if all there is, is light.

What do you do about it, though?

There is a wisdom that states: What you resist persists, and what you look at and make your own disappears.

I have found this to be true.

When you resist something, you give it energy and acknowledge its presence in your reality. By embracing it, you accept it as a part of your energies, and the situation tends to vanish.

Whenever you come across something you do not want or you do not like, always thank it and bless it. Either send it on its way or state that it is welcome to join you, as long as it’s from a place of love, or for the highest good.

Yes, sounds new-agey and simplistic, but I’ve seen just about everything shift by doing this.

Also, if you get a negative thought that you do not like, simply state: I do not choose that outcome.

Finally, and most importantly, when changing your belief system, make sure that everything you do is in line with it.

It is said: Be the change you wish to see, and that is very true. When you are that change, all that is around you will start to conform.

It may take a little time, depending on how proficient you are at it, but never give up and don’t give in. Keep on choosing the same thing over and over, and don’t let self-doubts, or naysayers discourage you.

Remember, you are powerful. Don’t give your power away to others. If no one can make you a better offer for your reality, then create your own.

Creating our reality series: Many belief systems or I thought I was done already!

Español: Patron del Conocimiento Pa Kua o Pa-k...

So, you’ve created your belief system. You’ve written it down and have decided that this is what you want.

Now here comes an interesting thing and I note that I’ve yet to see this mentioned anywhere else.

You have more than one belief system.

Those who read my last entry may well have picked up on that.

There are actually belief systems for everything.

Some examples are:

  • Your religious beliefs
  • Your spiritual beliefs
  • Your beliefs about money.
  • Your physical world beliefs
  • Your belief about your health. (Including that fact we age and die.)
  • Your relationship beliefs
  • Your political beliefs
  • Your economical beliefs
  • Your belief about friendship
  • Your belief about family
  • Your professional beliefs
  • Your sexual beliefs
  • Your beliefs about music

And so on.

In fact, there probably is no limit to how much you can micro-manage your belief system.

If you find that an area in your life is not working for you, redefine it.

Belief systems are the key to creating a joy filled and prosperous life.

Your life is a canvas. Paint a new portrait.

Know that once you do that, you put forces into motion that will make it happen.

The universe never says ‘no’ to your idea about yourself, even if that idea may  be self-destructive.

It also can’t take a joke so be very careful what you wish for because what you put out there on every level is what you end up experiencing.

Free will allows that, but remember there are natural consequences to our actions.

Taoism gives three simple rules to live by.

  • Be humble
  • Be kind
  • Be thrifty.

I would also add:

  • See everyone as an extension of who you are
  • Know that people who wish to hurt you do so out of fear and do not remember who they really are.
  • Make anything you do benefit all. Always chose a win / win scenario and if none exist, call it forth.

You can’t force people to change around you, but you can change your energies, and attract exactly what is needed to make your life the reality you wish it to be.

Next: Final thoughts.

Creating our reality series: This is a world of illusions… or is it?

SVG picture demonstrating Ehrenstein illusion....

Our belief system (part 1)

Belief creates reality and reality creates belief.

Many have heard this (I know I use it a lot) but what does it really mean?

And more importantly, what does it mean for you?

This is a subject with several layers and all of them are important.

Not only do they affect your life, but they also affect your reality.

It has been said throughout the ages that this is a world of illusion. However, this statement, while accurate, it also misleading, as it doesn’t really explain anything useful.

Yes, this is a world of illusion, but the fact is, everything is an illusion. The entire universe is.

The problem here is that the word illusion suggests that something is not real.

I think a better phrase would be a created reality. Because while this is all an illusion, that doesn’t mean that it’s not real, because it certainly is.

So, how can something be both an illusion and real at the same time?

From a metaphysical perspective, there are two realms. The realm of the absolute where all is one, and all there is, is oneness  and light and love Then there is the realm of the relative, which is where we are right now.

It is said (and I agree) that the entire point of life is to experience who you are, but when there is only oneness, that is not possible to do.

In order to do this, we need contrast, and the Realm of the Relative is exactly for that purpose.

What is more, it can be molded to allow us to experience anything of our choosing so we can experience exactly what we want.

What is created is said to be an illusion because it creates the illusion of being separate with everything having its own individual properties and abilities.

Oneness is divided into infinite aspects, but it’s all the same stuff at its very base level: The stuff of life.

So, while this world may be created, we are living in it, and it is, for all intents and purposes, real and should be treated as such. At the same time, those who can see and understand it is created  should always bear in mind what the purpose of this illusion or created reality is.

What is important to understand, though, is that someone else didn’t create it. It was created by you, with the help of your other aspects (which are also parts of you.)

The problem is that we actually forget that we have done this, and we forget because we need to so we may experience who we are completely.

But the power to create never goes away, and we use it in every moment in our lives.

The next entry will be looking at how we do this, and what we can do to take back control and make it work for us, rather than against us.

Next: The power to create.