Psychic attack series: Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing.

germOver the years, I’ve come across many forms of psychic attacks. I’ve met many people who seem to be endearing them.

Of course, there are always those who will tell you psychic attacks aren’t real.  They label those who believe they are under such attacks are delusional or will tell you that such things simply do not exist.

Curiously enough, even those who are considered guru’s and have given us amazing knowledge will tell you the same thing.

At its purest level, you can indeed argue that we’re all one and that no one is attacking anyone.

However, that’s like saying that no one can kill or attack another because there is only really one of us in the room.

This is all fine and good, but we live in the realm of the relative, and not only are such things real, but they happen more frequently than you might suspect.

Not believing in it doesn’t make you immune to them.

As a friend of mine recently put it to me: It’s like saying you don’t believe in germs, therefore they can’t make you sick.

While we don’t have the technology to see psychic attacks, let’s remember that at one point, we didn’t have the technology to see germs either. People didn’t know of them. They still got sick, though. They still got infections, diseases, viruses and died from them.

To say that if they just didn’t acknowledge such things then they would be been fine is just nonsense. Would you tell a doctor to not wash their hands just because you don’t believe germs exist? You’ve probably never seen one, save in a photo. Those with the right equipment can certainly see them. It’s very much like psychics who can see shadow people. They have the right equipment, so to speak.

Knowing germs exist and can affect us is important.  We can take steps to protect ourselves. We can work on our immune systems, stress levels, watch what we touch, eat and what can make us very sick. We can become immunized to certain things and generally live a healthier lifestyle.

Of course, you can say I’m making a faulty analogy here, because you can actually prove germs exist, but my view is that just because we can’t see things on another level, it doesn’t mean they are not there.

There are certainly spirits about. More than you would ever imagine and on many different levels that are just too fine for the human eye to perceive.  It is a fact that we do have a limited spectrum of what we can sense. Imagine if we had the abilities of say, a dog. Their sense of smell is mind boggling. Unless you experience it, though, you can’t really know what it’s like, but just imagine if you could track things just by smells? Imagine if you could hear things that are way too high for the normal ear to hear.

Imagine if you could see things that are way out of our spectrum?

From my own personal experience, I can tell you that psychic attacks do exist. They can come from either people or astral beings. I’ve had both happen to me and on a frequent basis.

It did not matter if I believed in them or not. I still experienced the effects of them.

In fact, there was a period of some years where I believed I was immune to them and that they really didn’t exist. Eventually, though, I had to admit that something was going on, and whether I acknowledge it was real or not, the proof was definitely there.

I’ve also dealt with too many people who came to me because they were being attacked. Believe me, there is nothing more irritating than being told it’s all in your mind and if you ignore it will go away. It doesn’t.  At least not on its own.

I’ve touched on psychic attacks a number of times on my website, blog and the Empath Guidebook, so I don’t want to go into it again.

What I do want to do is talk about one way of stopping them.

Next: Simple affirmations 

Psychic series: Can we really transmit energy or some dogs are too sensitive

From time to time, I’ve pondered whether we have the ability, as empaths, to send out energy and change how people feel, or even affect the outcome of a situation.

I’ve always been slightly ambivalent about if we really do have that kind of power, in spite of the many instances I’ve experienced that seems we do.

There have been many occasions where people, who are greatly panicked or even in terror, calm immediately down and feel great reassurance when they speak to me.

As far as I’m aware, I don’t actually do anything different, but none the less, they experience this time and time again.

Are we capable of sending energy without meaning to?

Back in 1991, I visited the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, New South Wales. I came across a device that measured your body’s electrical flow. It worked by putting your hands on two metal pads. A meter showed what the current was.

Unfortunately, I cannot recall the name of the device, so my terminology might well be wrong. However, what I found was that if I focused my thoughts to raising the needle, I found that I could move it very high.

By the power of my mind, I was able to direct energy to my hands and adjust the needle at will. The results were clearly and repeatedly shown.

It does seem that, as Empaths (and even non Empaths) we can send control our internal energies and it may follow that we can send certain energies at will.

I’ve found that if I send loving healing thoughts to crying babies, they calm down instantly.

Animals, insects and arachnids seem to respond, too.

Recently, there, was an interesting example. We allow our 14 and a half year old Doberman to sleep with us. Normally, he’ll sense if there’s something negative around us, especially after we turn off the light.

He will make a weird yelp for no apparent reason, and my partner will have me burn sage to clear the energy.

That night, though, I was too tired to get up and do this, so I send my energy to clear the area and also pacify our dog. Next thing I knew, he was snuggling against me, as close as he could get, and did not stop until around 4 a.m.

As this is certainly not typical behaviour from our dog, I can only surmise that he was picking up on my energy, and wanted more of it.

I often wonder just how much out activities influence what is around us. Last night for example, I decided to do some searching on YouTube for any genuine haunting and came across a documentary on the infamous Sallie House. Said to be one of the most haunted places in the world.

Our dog, who normally just lies on the couch sleeping, came up and kept on putting his face on my legs within minutes of me watching. Soon after, he starts giving a weird yelp at the fire place.

I decided to cleanse the area with Sage, and he settled back to normal.

Do we underestimate just how much impact our thoughts and actions have around us? Are we more powerful than we give ourselves credit for?

Some food for thought.

Paranormal series: Being a skeptic or let me just ignore that fact.

Image-1There’s a balance to being Empath who has psychic experiences and yet tries to be remain objective to what is going on.

To say that I’ve had more than my share of interesting experiences would not be an exaggeration. To say that many of these could not be explained away somehow would also be correct.

Some of them can’t. Some things that happened would require either a shared delusion, or timing and circumstances so contrives that it would make the most blatant Hollywood blockbuster script look disjointed by comparison.

I suppose it would be easy to ignore everything that doesn’t fit, but I also feel that would be doing myself a great disservice.

For instance, if someone tells me about having the same types of experiences as me, I need to consider if they had them before they met me or read any of my works, or if they arrived at the same types of conclusions independently.

Fact is: We, as humans, have a tendency to make stuff up, or change the facts ever so slightly to make it fit our stories.

I noticed this in my mother from a young age. She would adapt her stories and just put a small little twist into things to completely change the meaning.

She would tell you about her own psychic experiences, but only after she got your version. Then, mysteriously, it would match.

Or she would have the answers to puzzles that she claimed she already knew, but only after she was told the answers.

I never called her on these things, and really, I didn’t see the point to doing so, but it did make me very much aware of just how easy it was to make something into whatever you wanted it to be.

I do a lot of research and listen to sceptical podcasts because I learn a lot from them. (Plus, I find their observations hysterical at times because they are true.)

Problem is that it’s at the other extreme of the spectrum.

Where the true believer seems to accept everything they are told, the sceptic seems to refute anything they are told.

There just doesn’t seem to be a balance.

We need to be able to think critically about things. If something doesn’t seem to fit, look closer at it. It may not appear to fit because it does not fit.

Next: Fact or Fiction.

Paranormal series: Songs I’ve never heard before or name that tune!

New Gold Dream (81–82–83–84)

Have you ever heard a piece of music, knew it by heart, and yet it was the first time you ever heard it?

I know I have, but it always happened in dreams, or the period where I was between sleeping and waking.

The problem is, though, unless I somehow record it right away, it fades from my memory like gossamer strands on the breeze.

My earliest memory of such an occurrence was when I was around maybe 14 or so. I was just falling asleep, and I had this vision of both my parents standing on either side of me while I was playing the piano.

The tune was one I knew well, and yet I had never heard before… or since.

I woke up, and the memory, sadly, faded.

It is true that I used to play a piano when I was nine years old. Well, play isn’t the right word. I did it for a year, and I did not enjoy it, and it certainly wasn’t the high standard of the music I was playing in my vision.

Also around those years, I would hear music playing as I would drift off to sleep. Mostly it was instrumental, though not all the time. It was never music I knew, but I enjoyed hearing it.

It also was not from some other place outside my room. I could only hear it in my mind.

I would call it the music dimension, and I would often try to tune into it as I was falling asleep. I would succeed only some of the time, though.

That, too, eventually stopped. I think I just forgot to try and listen for it.

Another music dream occurred in 1983. It was one of those confused dreams, but someone said the following words to me: Brilliant days. And I replied: Wake up on brilliant days.

The weird thing was that I retained that memory.

I found out soon after that this was the line from a song called Someone, Somewhere in Summertime by Simple Minds, from their album New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)

Maybe I had heard before that dream, as the album did come out in 82, even though I didn’t actually own it till later.

However, that particular song became extremely meaningful to me in 1984 (and is still meaningful even today with lines such as ‘Somewhere there is someplace that one million eyes can’t see and somewhere there is someone that can see what I can see’.)

It was just weird to have that line in my dream.

Another incident was when I went to sleep recording a classical piece of music to tape back in 83. I needed to get up around 3 am to drive to a holiday house, and I got some sleep in the area where I kept my music equipment.

Once recorded, the tape would reach its end, and automatically rewind.

When it was time for me to wake up, a very loud burst of music woke me up. I assumed that the recording had just ended, but when I checked, the tape had fully rewound so there was no way that could have occurred.

Another incident was a dream I had just before waking up. It was a very catchy disco song that I knew well in the dream, but when I awoke, I knew I had never heard it before. Sadly, that song faded right away.

I did not have anything more of that nature occur until more recently.

There were two separate dreams where I was dreaming of songs. They were also catchy, and I somehow knew them.

For both times, I was able to retain enough memory and sing it into a recorder. (Though, I honestly cannot sing to save my life.)

I remember both songs, and while they do not actually exist in this world that I’m aware of, they are very well formed and could actually even have hit potential. .

I also spoke of, in a previous blog, about hearing a song all night when I was nine years old, but the different was that I was not asleep for that incident, so I’m not sure it falls into the same category.

That is all I can recall in regards to such incidences. The only other thing I’ve had on the odd occasion was waking up to woman calling my name, even though I was alone in the house.

I think, each time, this occurred, there was a need for me to be up and awake.

I’ve heard of the Music of the Spheres, and while I am a little vague on what it actually is, I wonder if that is where music comes from, and what I was able to hear.

Has anyone else had such experiences?

Should we charge for our services or make room for my ego. (part 4)

English: Storefront Psychic fortuneteller in D...

Now, the original question I posed in the previous entry was: Does accepting money for using our psychic gifts deplete them?

I was taught that yes, it certainly does, however after many years of observation, I believe that no, it doesn’t.

As mentioned, money is a tool and there is nothing wrong with being paid for a service you provide.

But, you may ask, what about all those stories about people who lose their power once they start charging?

In my own case, in the mid 90s, in my attempt to grow and heal myself, I saw a couple of psychic healers.

At the time, it was $60.00 a session, which was a fair amount for me back then and I saw them at least once a week. (Though one was in 1995 and the other in 1996.)

Both were very impressive when I started going to them, but by the end, they made me feel like I was just a cash cow. (Though the second one I only saw her for three months.)

Nothing really got resolved and their system was set up so that no matter what you did, it could be taken as a negative or a problem to be fixed.

For instance, the first one I saw had this system where at the beginning of each session, I had to pick four cards from the Californian Flower Essence range. She used that as what needed to be done for that session.

However, as I made progress, she did not stop using it, and I realized that no matter what happened, being forced to choose four cards was always going to suggest I had problems that needed to be fixed.

She also become more invalidating and egotistical as the year went on, and in the end, my intuition screamed at me to get out and stop going.

Being an Empath, I found this very hard to do at the time as part of me felt guilty about it, and didn’t want to offend, , but one day she told me that I wasn’t a spiritual person on a spiritual path, and I knew that was my last session. After all, I had pretty much dedicated my life to the pursuit of knowledge and helping everyone I could.

As it was, I had another psychic healer who I was going to see, who happened to be an old family acquaintance who told me she could help me, and so I agreed.

In fact, while I know this lady was very psychic, it turned out that she  was after my powers. She told me I was powerful and and she made several attempts to try and convince me to board with her in her house and become her student.

My intuition also gave a very strong ‘no’ to this, and she became angry and offended.

As negative as those experiences ended being, though, they were critical to my path, and timing was everything  so certainly no regrets.

What it did teach me was that the more success these people seemed to have, the more their ego appeared to take over.

They could admit no wrong. They could not be told that something might not be right. They certainly weren’t happy to listen to anything I might have to say, and both would attempt to invalidate what I was feeling.

I’ve seen plenty of good psychics and healers  who do charge, and they are genuine and while they certainly don’t always get it right, they are sincere, and do provide the information they need to when they need to. (On an interesting note, those people offered their readings to me for free, which was appreciated at the time.)

Being humble (not falsely humble, which is irritating), trying to help and lift others, and not separating yourself out as special and better will prevent losing any gifts and abilities you have.

If you don’t know the answer to a question, then just say so. It might not be what they want to hear, but it will be what they need to hear.

If you were wrong and they tell you, then accept it. You can justify your reading six ways from Sunday, but all that does it hurt your powers and bring such things into disrepute.

There are already too many scammers out there on the market and they already do more harm to our credibility than you can imagine.

Sceptics are having a field day and dismissing us all as frauds, charlatans and self-deluded kooks. And I don’t blame them.

Stay true to yourself. It doesn’t matter if you charge or not. What matter is that you’re honest and you don’t let your ego take over.

Next: What if nobody took anything for anything?