Running a chat room – The challenges and frustrations.

Empath ChatroomI’ve been involved in chat rooms since I first joined the internet back in 1995.

Back then, it was amazing and new and there was an innocence about it that seems to be no longer present today.

In that time, I’ve been part of the chat community in one way or another, either as a user, a moderator or admin.

Over the years, I’ve seen some very popular chat rooms come and go, including the now dead Celestine Vision chat room.

I’ve learned a lot by observation and seeing what worked and what didn’t work.

When I started my own chat room back in 2009, I knew what I wanted it to be.

It had a very clear agenda and one that has remained faithful .

But running a chat room, no matter what your agenda is a tricky business.

One thing that became very clear early on for me was that no matter what you do, you are always going to upset someone.

Someone will always be unhappy with how you do things.

Someone will always accuse you of doing something or not doing something the way they feel it should be done.

I always found this odd as you are paying for a place that is free without asking for anything in return and yet many act as though they are buying a service.

Running a chat room is quite a challenge, especially one that you want to cater to all.

You have to know when to ban, when to warn and when things are getting out of hand.

You have to choose the right moderators to support you. The wrong ones can create more drama than you ever would want.

People will accuse you of things you don’t do, such as spying and reading private conversations in logs and while one can certainly do that, anyone who has ever looked at a transcript will know just how tedious and horrible they are to follow.  It’s time consuming and if you’re busy or tired, you honestly just don’t care about it.

Chat rooms always attract their share of trolls and know-it-alls.  They are people who sit in judgement of others, come there to cause trouble or feel they know better than anyone else.   People who don’t have a sense of humour and take themselves very seriously. (I always say, never trust someone who can’t laugh at themselves or doesn’t recognize an obvious joke.)

What kind of room you want depends on what your agenda is.

Many fail because they are too controlling and too selective, banning at the drop of a hat.

Others fail because there are no guidelines in place.

Many of the chats I’ve visited are there as a vehicle to stroke the creator’s ego. Those generally don’t do that well.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the focus of my room is synchronicity. That is, people come and visit and find what they need. That might be answers, other people or just a pointer to another place.

My secondary focus is support for empathic and spiritual people. That’s a tricky one; because “spiritual” has a very broad definition and no one can be ‘on’ full time. (If they are, you can guarantee burnout is not that far away!)

I’ve seen people visit the room and complain that there is no spiritual chat happening and leave. To those I say: wait a bit or start your own topic. People will come. They may not agree with your point of view, but if you’re there just to validate your own views, you are probably wasting your time in any case.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that trying to control and restrict things is a bad idea.

My philosophy is:

Everyone is human (which is, they are all part of this human experience and thus subject to the emotions most have.)  There are a few exceptions (Omen, I’m looking at you!) but generally people will fall into that category.

Everyone has bad days.

Everyone wants to chill out once in a while.

Everyone swears from time to time.

Everyone has a time where they want to vent.

There are people who like to connect energetically with people and do more with them on a cyber level.

Everyone has their own particular agenda and interest.

To except people to act in a certain way, especially one that is contrary to who they are and to their nature, is not healthy or logical. It’s a recipe for frustration, resentment and anger.

Giving people a place where they can do what they want seems to be a reasonable thing to do.

To that effect, there are a few rooms that cater for various situations.

As mentioned, people also swear so swearing is allowed, as long as it’s not abusive.

I try to keep the philosophy simple: Be nice to each other and do not attack or invalidate another.

Simple respect and acceptance can go a long way. It’s what makes a room an interesting place to be.

It’s simple in theory, but much more difficult in practice.

I try and handle this by trusting in my feelings. Knowing who is potentially trouble and who is there to find help.

It’s also trusting in the ebbs and flows of the energy. The room will never be amazing 100% of the time. In fact, I think if you can get it where it’s fine around 50%, then you are doing well.

Running a chat room is a depressing and dispiriting experience. You get a lot of hate.  It’s like painting a big target on yourself. It doesn’t matter if you go there or not (in fact, there have been some years where I barely entered the room) people will still hate you. Being an Empath, you will pick up on that hate and it doesn’t do a lot for your morale.

You might ask why do I bother?

I do it because I know there is a need for it and I will continue to do so until that need is no longer, or I am gone.

To those who feel they can do a better job, I say, please go ahead. The net needs more good chat room.

To those who think I have no clue what I’m doing, then I say to them, please go and try it yourself and let me know how it works out.

To anyone who succeeds in creating a chat room that not only works, but helps others, then you have my respect and appreciation.

Thank you.

The Synchronicity, Empath and Spiritual chat room can be found here.

All are welcome to visit.


Creating your reality series: – What is Attunement? Part two – The process

Following on from part one, where we discussed what attunement is, we look at what the process is all about.

The process of attunement – Part one.

This brings me to the process of attunement. Making agreements is one thing, but the process of attunement is another.

Where you end up eventually (from lifetime to lifetime) depends on what you have chosen to do and be.

Every situation is an opportunity to decide. Every choice sends out a message to the universe (or whatever you choose to call it) that this is who I am and it is said that the universe never says ‘no’ to your idea about yourself. It simply reproduces it.

This is wonderful, in theory, but in reality, it means that whatever you send out there is what you get back. Too many people make choices that they end up regretting later on.

For instance, making decisions based on exploiting others is a common mistake.

This could be anything from scamming others, cheating, being dishonest, not playing someone their dues, lying and anything along those lines.

It’s actually mind boggling just how often people do this and how many are consciously making such a choice.

They do this frequently and generally as part of their day to day routine.

Maybe they will deliberately misrepresenting a product in order to make a sale or pretend work needs to be done that doesn’t.

A well known example are second hand car dealers, who have a notorious reputation for selling what are called lemons or cars that just have problems. The salesperson will generally know if the vehicle is defective, but they generally fail to disclose it to the buyer. They have made a choice to cheat someone for their short term gain.

Still on the car theme, another common one are auto-mechanics who have charged  for work they did not do, or did not have to do. (I’ve had this more than a few times, and they certainly lost any impending business because of it.)

In short, anything that’s deliberately misrepresented in order to gain an unfair advantage over another is a decision and opportunity for attunement.

There’s an expression: Never give a sucker an even break.

I find it an interesting saying because it’s almost giving you permission to prey on those who are trusting and unwary.

In my view, though, it’s just a justification to rip off another. All you are really doing is demonstrating this is who you are, and attuning yourself to that type of reality. In the end, who is really the sucker?

Of course, not everything is premeditated. There are many decisions we make in reaction to things that happen to us.

It might be something as simple as being under charged or getting back more change than you should. Do you keep quiet or give back what you agreed to? If you were overcharged, would you say anything? If it’s good enough for one way, it’s certainly good enough the other way.

And surprisingly most will keep quiet when they get more than they expected. Some will even crow about it to their friends or acquaintances, as though it’s something to be proud of.

Yes, they might get a dollar or more, and feel they have somehow gained or won some kind of victory, but that extra won’t make a difference to their life. All they have done is demonstrated that they are willing to be petty and even potentially create a situation where the cashier might be taken to task for the shortfall in the till.

We could continue on endlessly, but I’m sure you get the idea.

Next Thursday: The process of attunement – part two.

The hidden astral world series – Ghosts

GhostThe following series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge.  This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.

You might ask, why am I putting this information on an Empath support site? The answer is simple: Many empaths experience demonic attacks and have no clue what they are or their origins. Ignorance does not help. Understanding does. Know what is happening. What you are up against, and always come from a place of unconditional love and trust your feelings when you feel you are heading into danger.

If you feel this information will help others, let them know.

The following is written by a being we refer to as Omen. If you have not read the below blogs first, I highly recommend you do for the background to this.

1 The hidden astral world series – The evolving story.

2 The hidden astral world series – The seeds of doubt

 The hidden astral world series – Omen

A letter of introduction by Omen

Gary asked me to write about what humans apparently call ghosts. He said that most don’t believe they exist and at the time I thought to myself ‘I wish they didn’t’ as they are more of an annoyance to me than living humans to say the least and then took the liberty to complain at length about it…anyhow I was surprised they apparently don’t exist, however apparently we don’t exist either so I should not be surprised. However boring this is for me as its like the equivalent of me giving a sex education talk as its just things that you’ll all find out regardless and it can’t be fully portrayed to you because experiencing it and knowing about it are two entirely different things…Gary insists it’s interesting and would be of value so here we are.

(And thank you for that. Boring to you or not, it’s a thing so many say can’t possibly exist, so it’s worth getting the point of view of someone who can actually see them. – Gary)

We simply call your ghosts ‘the human deceased’ or ‘deaders’ (while in comparison living humans are ‘breathers’.) They are as their namesake denotes, humans who have died and are not flesh anymore, however we do not consider them to be legitimate spirits, but I will get to that point further on.

So, if they are dead but they are still present, where are they? They exist on a pseudo-physical layer of reality, one that is closest to the physical world itself yet far away from the spirit world, and they are limited to that particular ‘vicinity’ (not that there is any kind of mass or legitimate space or distance in physical terms there.) This doesn’t mean they are trapped or in ‘limbo’ or ‘purgatory’ as you religious ones might say, they simply don’t know there is more outside of where they reside and so they simply don’t try to move further away from the physical world as there is just not context for travel or awareness within them. Yes, it can happen in some rare cases and some human spirits go on to become ‘fully fledged’ and aware as we say, but that is another topic altogether.

Although I have said I wouldn’t talk about the afterlife I have realized that I can’t separate afterlife processes from the entire notion of your ghosts, as the latter is a product of the former. I will put most of the following into a personal context because writing ‘you’ instead of ‘they/human’ is just convenient.

When you become dead your consciousness remains intact and this is the same consciousness that was once driven or ordered by human biological processes within the body and mind. This identity and thoughts and such are like (and I’m being very descriptive here, not literal) an all-encompassing layer smothering whatever was already present beneath it (assuming there are prior experiences outside the body) and suppressing or overwhelming these prior aspects of your consciousness. To reiterate, this layer would be comprised of the way you are forced to behave via being attached to a physical body, it is existential conditioning at its best and it all gets carried over mentally after the body is shed. As a ghost you would appear as an echo of your physical state of being, everything from the shape your energy forms to mimic your prior body, to your mannerisms and the way you try to interact and even to the way your mind tries to perceive the world as though it is in-fact physical, is simply a reaction to this carrying over of mental data from your body’s physical processes to yourself.

So this layer comprised of physical processes is then overlaid with your current self, which is not physical anymore and this creates a kind of pseudo-spiritual identity that is neither wholly attached to the physical world, and not yet a part of the afterlife and/or spirit world either. This pseudo-spiritual identity is what creates your limited awareness as a ghost. This is what defines being a ghost.

There are processes or stages to being a ghost, it is like any other growth cycle you might have. I’ll list the general order of processes, of course every individual is different…but just as you might recognize the stages of grief and everyone might express it in altered ways, there is still a recognized process of grieving to complete and so there is also a recognized process of being a ghost to complete as well.

Next Monday: The how-to ghost process 

Creating your reality series: – What is Attunement? – Part one

tuning forkWhat is an Attunement?

Following on from my last entry, we’ll look at what attunement actually is, and then go into the process of attunement.

Every day we are faced with making decisions. Some are standard and trite ones such as: Should I get out of bed or sleep in and what should I have for breakfast today, or should I even bother?

You also have decisions on how you will respond to certain situations. They might be at work, with friends, strangers, or just uncommon or rare occurrences.

I look upon such decisions as opportunities for attunement.

But let’s first look at what that actually is.

From my personal understanding, attunement is bringing yourself to a place that resonates with who you are and who you wish to be. It’s also a method of allowing access to things, generally dimensionally based.

Interestingly enough, games like World of Warcraft used to use the word ‘Attunement’ as a way of describing the process that you needed to complete before you would be allowed into certain areas of the game. It used to be that if you had not performed all of the required quests and actions, you simply could not enter into some places. This is a fairly accurate representation of what attunement or attuning yourself is.

For all of us, life is the process of attunement. Every decision we make attunes us. We do this all day, every day, with every thought, word, action and deed. Every decision we make defines what we create and ultimately our reality.

However, it seems that most seem to choose badly. The choices they make are generally poor.

Now, to be clear, I use the word ‘poor’ quite relatively. Poor or bad are decisions that take you away from that is desirable to you and a good decision is what brings you closer. Really, there are no right or wrong choices, it’s all just relative.

You can normally tell a bad decision when you are feeing anxious bad about it. Most tend to ignore what their feelings tell them, though. They don’t like what they hear, and generally logic triumphs over intuition.

The short term gains tend to be quite apparently, but not too many see the long term ones. Those who do rarely see it beyond their current life.

The attitude of Yolo (You only live once) is incredibly prevalent in this day and age. Most don’t believe in reincarnation even though there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Just as most don’t believe in the spirit world, and will ignore even their own experiences that such things are real. (It actually amazes me that the Omen series has very little interest, even though it’s exactly the kind of thing people are trying to look for.)

So people rarely look beyond their lifetimes. They figure that they can do anything they wish and not have any consequences later on. They believe that they can make deals and if they don’t honour or complete them in this life time, they are null and void when they pass away.

However, they are wrong. Any agreement made with two or more parties must have all parties agree to let it go before it can really be considered complete. Anything that is unresolved remains unresolved until it is resolved.

That means that it carries over from lifetime to lifetime. It keeps on bringing you back over and over again until you have fulfilled your agreement.

Trouble is that we don’t remember our past lives (and this is by design) and because of this, and because some belief systems and religious teach us that they don’t exist, we keep on making the same errors over and over again. People act as though they only live once every lifetime.

Generally, you can go by the rule, that if you make an agreement, you will eventually have to honour it. It doesn’t matter if you made this agreement in the 3D world (generally known as Earth) or the spirit world or in your mind, you will be soul bound to honour it.

So be very careful what you agree to or if you take an oath or a vow. They are all binding.

And while free will dictates that there are no karmic debts, it does not necessarily follow that it means you can choose it ignore agreements or get around them by sleight of hand.

They were made with free will and thus must be completed to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

Next Thursday: The process of attunement – Part one

Creating your reality series: – Acts of self-definition

IMG_1355Over the years, I’ve come to certain conclusions about the choices we make.

Each one is an act of self-definition.

Now, this is hardly a new revelation. Many over the years have said it, though I really don’t think they really comprehend what it actually means.

I’ve given a lot of thought on what it means over the years and have written about it in other blogs, but right now, I feel a push to write this, so I will.

We make choices at every moment; some obvious, some not so much.

I believe each choice is an opportunity and a chance to attune yourself to a reality or outcome of your choosing.

As stated in other entries, my observation is that free will exists so this blog is from that point of view.

Those with free will (which is virtually everyone on this planet, though there are exceptions) are blessed with the power to create their own realities. Most don’t seem to realize this and even those that do don’t seem to understand exactly what this means.

To put it simply, the reality you eventually find yourself in is based on our intentions, believes, thoughts and actions.

Think about this for a moment. Life isn’t happening to you. It’s happening because you are creating it. Your circumstances aren’t random. (Unless you believe they are) they are a product of the reality you have created.

You have no idea just how truly powerful (and magnificent) you really are!

It is said we have free will. Some don’t believe it (and thus, they experience a life without free will. Ironically, their free will in action.)

Some believe it, but think that it means they must make the right choices, though this implies that free will isn’t really free will if you can’t make any choice but the predetermined ones.

And some understand that that free will allows us to create whatever circumstances we desire.

If you believe in free will, then it must follow that all situations are of your choosing on some level. To have something happen to you that you did not choose is contrary to free will. It is the opposite of it.

Most people, however, unwittingly choose badly for themselves. Most choose coming from a place of fear rather than a place of love or trust.

The outcomes they experiences are more often than not, unintended. This is because that on this third dimensional plane of existence, it takes much longer for things to happen.

There is a lag between your creative thoughts and the results. It might be days, weeks, months or even years, so when it happens it appears that it is happening to you, rather than by you.

If you dare to suggest this to someone who believes they have a rough life, though, they will generally react in anger and abuse; spouting venomous words.

I find this curious. To me, it’s like saying: “Yes, your life sucks. Here’s what you can do to create the life you do desire,” and their response is: “How dare you suggest I can do this. *#^% you!”

People love to give their power away and blame others for it. For many, nothing is ever their fault. It’s always someone else’s.  They are always the victim and everyone else is screwing them over.

This is generally life on a base level for many I know. They go from drama to drama. They struggle day to day and believe their life is horrible because of everyone else around them. They ignore all warning signs and dismiss any feelings of intuition they may have.

They make bad decision after bad decision.

They don’t seem to realize that each decision they make is attuning them to that life.

Next Thursday: What is Attunement

The hidden astral world series – Incubi and Succubi part two – Your responsibilities.

Omen succubusThe follow series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge.  This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.

You might ask, why am I putting this information on an Empath support site? The answer is simple: Many empaths experience demonic attacks and have no clue what they are or their origins. Ignorance does not help. Understanding does. Know what is happening. What you are up against, and always come from a place of unconditional love and trust your feelings when you feel you are heading into danger.

If you feel this information will help others, let them know.

The following is written by a being we refer to as Omen. If you have not read the below blogs first, I highly recommend you do for the background to this.

1 The hidden astral world series – The evolving story.

2 The hidden astral world series – The seeds of doubt

 The hidden astral world series – Omen

A letter of introduction by Omen


 Question: What responsibilities do you have with your contract. 

Omen’s response.

As the companion or partner of the incubus your responsibilities are as follows

– Give access to your mind and body during and outside sessions for ease of handling and to pass on information.

– Do not deny access under any circumstance, including trauma, threat of death or in dreams.

– Do not mention the name of the incubus, not aloud or in writing.

– Do not mention of any sessions until after the contract is over or after a specified amount of time after the specific session. However names remain ‘coveted’ thereafter.

– Be made aware that access to any of your lovers current or prior is included in your agreement (or access to at least three predefined biologically unrelated individuals,) as a protection policy against not meeting your base requirements.

– Be made aware that any physical damage or disregard for your personal wellbeing during sessions is monitored and healed indefinitely if natural processes cannot compensate for such. (AKA – you heal naturally unless there is a problem.) More importantly specified is that knowingly fatal (indirect or otherwise) injuries are not to be caused as that voids the contract despite the potential for survival being present.

Cautionary notice: If you deviate from any of the above listed then there are inherent dangers because that means you have broken the contract and so it becomes a free for all. You owe them everything they would otherwise get from the agreement during the full timeframe and then some extra for compensation.

Next: The incubus’s responsibilities