Where do Past Life Memories come from?

Past life memories

Past life memories

For this entry, we are going to take a brief look at past life memories and if they are real. If memory is stored in our brain, then past life recollections could not be there as the body did not exist at that time.

So where does it come from? Is it real?

This is what we will explore.

Three stages

According to Wikipedia: Memory is the faculty of the brain by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

There are said to be three stages to memory. Sensory, short-term and long-term.

As far as I’m aware, past life memories are not accounted for. You could argue that they don’t exist, and it’s the product of an imagination.

However, the experience of certain people, I have known, tells me that there has to be another source other than the brain.

Previous memories

These people claim to have been bound to human bodies for many millenniums. While their bodies will die, their awareness and memories do not. When they find themselves in a new body, they retain their previous memories as well.

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