Soul mates: Twin souls – My sister or but I’m an only child!

In the last entry, I recounted how many women, who had the same type of energy, were all attracted to me and eventually, around 2012, it began to dawn on me that something wasn’t quite right there.

By that stage, I had become aware of whom I was in one of my past lives, and that I did indeed have a sister who I was married to. Mind you, I did not make any connections as yet to the past ladies who were energetically drawn to me.

All I was aware of was that logically, if I was who people said I was, then I had a wife and sister out there.

So foolishly… VERY foolishly, I sent out a soul call for her to come and find me.

It wasn’t too longer after, maybe two or three days, when suddenly I got an e-mail from this lady who lived in Canada asking me for help, claiming that her soul was in so much pain, and she wanted me to contact her.

I never refuse a call for help, but she insisted that I ring her up within an hour of responding to her.

The moment I connected to was when I knew she was part of my soul family. I wasn’t quite sure exactly who, but within a few hours, I was very certain she was my past life sister.

So, like a fool, I suggested it to her, and it was like a dam burst. She told me that it was me she has been feeling, and had been looking for me so she could stop the feelings.

She remembered events that I had only thought were part of my imagination and if I had any doubts about it not being her, her e-mail address gave it away, as it described the exact thing she was associated with.

She told me: I shall let you choose your path. And I will never try to influence you. I think this affected me a lot more than it did to you 

You forgot one thing that I was your wife and your decisions affected me. You decided to do things without thinking about me. I wish you would think how I would feel. But I don’t know why that meant we were not together. I still can’t accept it.

She was also strongly pushing me to go over and be with her. I knew, though, this would be a very bad idea.

If I had thought that other avatars were hard to resist, she left them for dead. She had the looks, energy, intelligence and power, but I also knew she would not be good for me. If I dropped everything and ran off to be with her, it wouldn’t be too long before things went pear shaped, and I would regret it.

I told her that I couldn’t give her what she wanted, and she was not happy.

I didn’t hear too much from her after that and I felt something shift from her energies, as though the spirit had left.

She cut off everyone associated with me and moved on. And so did I.

So, I asked my guide about what was really going on here. The response was that over the course of my lifetime, she had been obsessed with me, but at the same time seeking revenge for being jilted, and had been using her avatars to connect to me whenever there was an opportunity to.

The thing I discovered was that she was pretty much everything I wasn’t. One of my friends noted she was pretty much the opposite of who I was, and what I did.

I realised that she would have been unhealthy for me on many level, including her obsessiveness and that fact that we both had completely different outlooks and ways of doing things.

She would not have allowed me to even talk to others, let alone work with them and help them.

There’s a lot more I could say about this particular case, but I’d rather not.

The point I’m trying to illustrate here is that your twin soul does not automatically mean a healthy relationship. There’s a reason why we don’t both incarnate at the same time.

I do not know if this is the last I’ll hear from her but personally, I feel that there is no gain for me to be with her in this life time.

Soul mates – Twin souls or the other half of me

Twin Souls

Many of us have heard of the twin soul and many more are in search of theirs.

But what exactly is a twin soul? It is said to be the other half of your soul aspect. Whereas you’ve incarnated as a male or female (or maybe both or neither!) the other half is the other part of who you are.

As a general rule, and from my observations, it’s actually very rare for both soul aspects to be born at the same time.

However, it wouldn’t be unusual to mistake a soul mate as a twin soul.

In theory, finding the other half of your soul essence sounds like a wonderful thing to happen to you. It would make you feel complete and you would be in harmony with the other person’s ideas and desires.

That’s the fantasy.

The reality is a little different, though.

Should you come across your literal other half, it will feel like two magnets pulling each other together. There will most likely be sexual energy on a very intense level, and it will be very hard to resist, even if you’re already in a relationship.

Now, I can’t speak for others of course, but I can speak for myself, and the experiences I’ve had in regards to this.

I don’t normally share this story, but I figured what the hey:  I’m trying to illustrate a point here.

My twin soul hasn’t actually incarnated at this time that I’m aware of, but it would seem that she has been using Avatars:  That is, women who carry her energies.

I first noticed this around the year 2000, where I met someone, who happened to be local and felt this crazy energy connection with her.  On top of that, she looked amazing and was irresistibly beautiful.  Being married at the time, she was very hard to resist, but I can claim to have resisted.  Interesting enough, someone had told her that we had been brother and sister in a past life. In any case, I stopped seeing her as a friend, and we drifted apart.

The same thing occurred a couple of years later, where this lady I knew online made the same energetic connections with me. It didn’t matter that she was in a different country, the pull was just as strong, and was just as hard to resist.  Also, the same intense physical attraction was there, too.

At the time, she claimed she loved me so much that it hurt, but as I still married (in spite of my relationship being on the outs by then) I didn’t feel it was right to do anything.

What was interesting about this case, though, was soon after, she told me that what was causing her intense feeling was that an insane spirit that loved me had attached herself to her, and using her to get to me.  With the help of one of her psychic friends, she had managed to remove it, and the feeling left her.

I shrugged, thought nothing of it, and carried on.  We did try to see if there was a chance for a relationship after I separated, but it didn’t work out as she become almost psychotic in nature and seemed to drain my energies.

Then a year later, another lady appeared who I was drawn to in the same way. Except she was in a relationship she felt she had to deal with, and said she couldn’t talk to me because a connection formed that her partner would feel and call her on.

She was adamant, though, she had been my sister in a past life and we had children together.

The same type of thing happened three more times, and curiously enough, it was right after I met my current partner. Same pull, same attraction, same energies

I thought to myself, okay, I’m not that good looking and this is too good to be true. Something is clearly going on here.

However, it wasn’t until 2012 that I finally understood what.

Next: What was going on.

Soul mates – Introduction or if we’re all one, then how come I feel separate?

What is a soul mate?

You hear the term bandied around a lot, especially when people meet and fall in love.

They are each other’s soul mate and it will last forever.

Except it doesn’t.

Ever wondered why that is? Ever thought, well, if they are soul mates, how come they now hate each other?

I’m going to look at my understanding of what soul mates are, the different types, and why they may not always be a good thing to be with.

From what I understand, there are three types of soul mates. (There may be more, however I’ll focus on what I know.)

  • The Romantic Soul Mate
  • The Twin Soul Mate
  • The Family Soul Mate

Before we start, let’s look at what the soul is.

If you believe in a soul, then we can define it as that essence that gives life to a body. It’s the ‘you’ that houses the body.

Generally, it is said that we are all one, and all is contained within that oneness. That means that there is only one soul and everything that exists is a part of that soul.

We are all aspects of that one soul. The illusion is that we are all individual and separate from each other.

That’s how it should be so we can experience ourselves in relationship to all the other parts so we can know who we are in the presence of what we are not.

If that sounds complex, just remember that light can only know itself when there is dark around it.

(Also, if you accept the we are all one idea, and then everyone is just you in another form, even those you dislike.)

In this series, I’m going to take a look at soul mates and why things are not always what they appear to be.

Though soul mates sounds like a very romantic thing to experience, and what everyone is looking for, the reality may be a little different.

Next: The romantic soul-mate.