Over the past years, since I have put it online for free, thousands of people have downloaded The Empath Guidebook.
This book was written by me as a gift to the Empath community and covers an abundance of subjects to help new and experienced Empaths alike.
Many have also asked if this book was available in paperback format. With that request in mind, you can now choose to purchase it from amazon.com for USD19.95.
The e-book is still free for download for those who wish to have their own PDF copy.
Over the years, I considered writing a book for the Empath. Initially it was going to be Empathy 101, but when I finally looked around some years later, I found that many had already done that.
So, I decided it would probably be a better idea to write a book that was for the beginning and the advanced Empath alike.
One that went into greater details and one that gave techniques to turn the curse into a blessing.
And above all, one that could be accessible to everyone.
Sadly, I’m not given to writing simply and clearly. My words are said to be too ‘fancy’ and I deal with concepts that are every day for me, but completely new for others.
For this, I can only apologize, but it is my style, and I really haven’t worked out a way to resolve it.
So, a couple of years ago, I began work on the Empath Guidebook. So called because it was both a guide book, and I channelled my guide to help write it.
As it goes, it works for me, and I can get a lot more written when I use that technique.
Does it work as a useful book? I’ve not had enough feedback to know one way or the other.
Feedback is something people rarely give.
However, for those who actually read this blog, and want more information on Empaths, this book might well be worth your while.
I have toyed with the idea of using extracts, from time to time, on this blog, but I’ve found there’s still a lot of subject matter to cover, so I’ll just post a link to the actual document.
It is also my desire to discuss that wonderful article by ‘Just Be’ called 30 traits of an Empath with my guide. I have asked permission from the author and been granted it.
I plan to expand the book from time to time, as new ideas and information comes up.
This e-book is free.
If you decide to read it, and find it useful, please pass it onto someone who you feel can benefit from it.