Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) – Are they a placebo? part 5 or if I fooled myself, I did a great job.

my new kit!

Are they a placebo? Part 5

As I have mentioned, I had suffered from depression for most of my life. While I had overcome most types, I had reached a point where Clinical Depression was slowly destroying me, and my life.

Every little thing, no matter how small, or imagined, would send me spiralling into a dark pit and those around me at the time, didn’t have much patience for that. (It suffices to say, those people are no longer in my life).

I kept on trying different remedies, but nothing worked. It wasn’t until, one day, during a particularly bad episode, that I, in desperation, took some Rescue Remedy, and noticed that I felt a slight relief. Not enough to make a difference, but enough to make me take notice.

I ran though the remedies that were part of it, over in my mind, and felt that the only one it could have been was Star of Bethlehem, the remedy for clearing shock and trauma.

As it was, that was one remedy that I had barely used. I just assumed that, because it was already part of the Rescue Remedy, I wouldn’t need it on its own.

So I took it, and after one dose, it felt like a heavy weight was lifted of my soul. The depression suddenly lifted, and I felt amazing.

I had to keep on taking the remedy every few minutes, because the depression would begin to return, but would always lift every time I took it.

Soon, the intervals changed from minutes, to hours, to a few times a day, and then about 5 days later, I didn’t need to take it anymore.

The point behind this story is that if they were a placebo, then any remedy would have worked, when I felt I was taking the right ones. As it was, they didn’t. I had misdiagnosed the cause, and I kept on doing so.

It wasn’t until I hit the right one that it suddenly shifted everything.

In actual fact, if I was susceptible to placebos, I would have saved myself a lot of money, because everything would work. For me, though, most things don’t.

Still, having said all this, the easiest way to prove that they work is with the Rescue Cream. This is a cream that has all five remedies of the Rescue Remedy in it, plus a sixth one, which is Crab Apple, which is the cleansing remedy.

From time to time, I burn myself, and putting the Rescue Cream will quickly stop the pain. My ex-partner once got a second degree oil burn while cooking. We put the cream on the burn. The pain had stopped a few minutes later, and the burn healed within a few days, leaving no marks or scaring.

My partner’s daughter also would use the cream when she got burnt. Once she missed a spot, and noticed that while the pain around it had stopped, the area that was untreated still burned. Once she applied the cream, it stopped.

Now, the base cream itself, without the remedies, was chosen because it’s allergy free and non-greasy.

So, it’s safe to suggest that the cream by itself does not have the power to heal burns.

The only things added to the cream are those six remedies. If they didn’t work, then nothing would happen when treating the burn. In fact, most doctors recommend against putting cream on a burn.

Simply put: If they were a placebo, it just wouldn’t heal or do anything.

Others have reported that it brings relief with sunburn. I stay out of the sun, so I can’t verify this.

I’ve also used it when my legs itch so badly that even hot water doesn’t help. (Hot water always stops itching for me).  I used the cream, and the itching stopped immediately.

I’ve also heard that the BFR’s works well for plants. I’ve not tried this, but if anyone does, let me know how that goes.

I’ve also had many reports that children, who have had accidents, especially traumatic ones, recover within minutes when the Rescue Remedy is administered.

In my opinion, the remedy and cream should be in the first aid kit of every house.

Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) – Are they a placebo? part 2 or why didn’t this remedy for terror heal my anger?

Rescue Remedy

Are they a placebo? Part 2

Because  they are so small, I would carry around a bottle of Rescue Remedy in my pocket, and keep a tube of Rescue Cream at work. A practice that has continued to this day.

There were many departments no my floor, and across from me, there was a young lady who was complaining about her knees, and how, for years, she had problems with them hurting. I suggested she put some Rescue Cream on them, and she agreed to try.

A few weeks later, she came up to me and said that ever since she used the cream, she had not experienced any more pain and said it was amazing stuff.

Word quickly spread around my floor about the remedies, and by the time I left that place, a couple of years later, at least half the staff were using Rescue Remedy and Cream, and swearing by it.

I have had similar results elsewhere, too. Those who follow my suggestions, in spite of them being doubtful, come back with amazing stories, especially when they use it on their families.

And nearly everyone starts off doubtful, that is, until they try them.

But are they a placebo? Is this all the power of suggestion?

Trials have been done on the remedies which suggest as much.

However, just looking at one of the trials, all that was used was Rescue Remedy, which, as it goes, is wonderful in an emergency, but considering that it only uses five of the 38 remedies available (six in the Rescue Cream) , it is hardly a cure-all.

Furthermore the fact that five remedies are mixed into one bottle dilute their healing potency.  This is a very important fact to be aware of, and it amazes me that no one has ever mentioned it or even considered it. (At least no one I’ve found.)

In order to successfully conduct trials, you first need to understand, not only what each remedy does, but what remedy the subject actually needs.

Let’s say that someone is depressed and a double blind test is done to see if the remedies work, administering Rescue Remedy is quite unlikely to work.

If the cause of depression is guilt, then there’s nothing in the Rescue Remedy that will help the subject.

To break it down, as stated, there are five remedies mixed into the Rescue Remedy.

Cherry Plum (for fear of letting go)

Star of Bethlehem ( Shock / Trauma)

Clematis (dreamy / unconscious)

Rock Rose (fear / terror)

Impatiens (Impatience / in a hurry)

As you can see, there is nothing in there that would deal with guilt. For that, Pine would be the appropriate remedy.

In actual fact, Rescue Remedy is very limited in its use. Make no mistake, it is wonderful in an emergency, and I’ve seen miraculous results, especially on animals, but if you’re going to test it to treat specific conditions, you would first need to identify the cause of the condition, and then ensure you are using the right remedy.

Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Next: Why nothing will happen

Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) – Are they a placebo? part 1, or wait, this is just alcohol!

Are they a placebo? Part 1.

What I want to do with this entry is discuss if the Bach Flower Remedies are a placebo or not.

It is reasonable for people to be sceptical about the BFR’s and so they should be. I certainly was. When I first saw them around 1992, the claims they made about healing emotional conditions seemed a little too good to be true.

To my logical mind back then, I just couldn’t see how that was possible.

It is true that many claims are made about products that are false and misleading. There are a lot of scams out there. There are many unscrupulous people who use spiritual mumbo jumbo to sell their goods with the promise of healing on a miraculous level.

They are blatantly misleading and how they are allowed to advertise their products and get away with it is just beyond belief.

They hurt the products that are legitimate. It’s like looking for a diamond in a mountain of glass facsimiles. At first glance, it looks promising until you realize it’s just another fake.

I’ve come across my fair share of such scams, and I’m sure many others have, too.

The Bach Flowers seemed to fall under the same category, so it wasn’t until 1994 when I finally tried them.

A lady, who I was getting therapeutic massages from, explained that they did work. At the time, I was quite drawn to her, and hung  on her every word (in fact, this turned out to be a soul call, which is a call for help on a spiritual level) but I didn’t know that back then.

So, I bought a few, tried them, and found that worked so well that it was remarked that I was on happy pills.

What really sold me was that, around that time, I received some really bad news about a business investment I had made. As it involved a partner, it made it worse. I had made this decision right before I started trusting my intuition. (Which advised me against it, but I didn’t know enough at the time to listen.)

Normally, I would have not been able to sleep due to mulling over it and worrying about what I had to do, the reactions, and so on, but I decided to take Star of Bethlehem, which is the remedy for shock and trauma.

I immediately felt a peace settle over me, and the problem didn’t bother me again and it did eventually resolve itself, like most things do.

I started trying them on other people and found that the remedies would have a calming effect, especially on my mother, who could be highly strung.

I found that by putting same Rescue Remedy on her wrist, she calmed right now. My mind told me this shouldn’t be possible, but the results were certainly real.

Next: Are they a placebo – Part 2

Depression series: Melancholy or Why does my heart feel so bad?

It’s only one line, but Moby made it into a whole song and if you’re an Empath, you might well feel that sense of depression when you watch the video.

For me, when I first saw this back in the year 2000, it brought out the pain of loneliness and a melancholy so profound that it was irresistible as it was seductive.

At the time, death was calling to me, and I felt it, and at some level, I knew it. And while that is a subject for a future blog, at the time, I felt the sweet surrender of despair and while hope remained eternal, I knew things were coming to an end.

And they did in some ways.

Empaths, especially psychic ones, can sense the future. They can sense when something is going to happen. There are many stories of how psychics couldn’t shake the feeling of doom weeks before 9/11, and I wonder how many picked up the coming tragedy of the Boston Marathon Bombings.

This is a different kind of depression to the other kinds. Make no mistake, it’s as potent as any other type, but this one also has a sense of fatalism that can’t be avoided.

You know something is going to happen. You don’t understand what, but it’s there. And your heart, and your soul is heavy and hurting. Your eyes are on the verge of tears, but there is no apparent reason, and all you want to do is curl up in a corner, and hide away.

I know when I finally move on from this life, my biggest regret is leaving those who do love me.

I know they will be fine, but the sense of loss is always there. For the most part, that’s what holds me here in this current lfe.

When a coming event changes life, the Empath will feel it, and they will mourn its passing, even though it has yet to occur.  Change is never easy, but it’s made harder when it hasn’t even happened yet.

Melancholy is a horrible form of depression to experience. More people experience it than you would suspect.

If you experience it, keep a diary, and compare it to major events that happen later. You might be surprised at the results.

Bach Flower Remedies that can help with this are:

Sweet Chestnut – when change is foisted upon you.

Star of Bethlehem – for Shock and trauma.

Aspen – For vague fear and anxiety.

Depression series – Empaths and the holidays or Where has my holiday cheer gone to?

Holiday depression

The holiday season is very hard on empaths. This is especially true for the Christmas and new year period, where everyone feels they should be with family, out celebrating and just having a good time.

Problem is that so many people are alone. They feel like they are missing out on a party where everyone is invited but them. They feel as though they should be enjoying things, but they can’t because they have nowhere to go. No-one to turn to.

What should be a happy and blissful period becomes a wretched and miserable experience.

People get lost in the memories of the past, of better times, of loved ones lost and some view how it was with rose coloured glasses; remembering the good old days.

Multiply this by several thousand, and then by several thousand more, and you have an energy that knocks the empath for a loop during the holiday period.

They will pick up on this intense feeling of depression and hopelessness, and not know why. There will be a sense of loneliness and separation, even if they are with loved ones.

In the northern hemisphere, it’s even worse, as it is winter in many places, and the lack of sunlight contributes to depression.

Add to that the Solstices (either longest or shortest day of the year) which tends to have chaotic energies, you have a recipe for massive depression.

How do you heal such a thing? Not easily. You can’t go around to each person, and help them. Many have their pride, and many are stuck in their own dramas, and unwilling to shift.

I know, personally, I spent my fair share of birthdays, Christmases and birthdays alone. Once upon a time it used to bother me greatly, but I reached a point where I realized that it really didn’t matter. It just meant I got to do what I wanted to do, which works for me.

For the New Year, instead of feeling the need to go out and party, I’d use that as an opportunity to send positive energies to the world and hopefully help bolster it.

Perhaps that is all you can do for now. Have a group prayer. Send love and healing energies to those who need it, and know that it will reach those who need it, and are ready to receive it.

But be aware of the fact that it’s a miserable for many. This is very important. Otherwise, you will feel depressed and will have no idea why there is so much pain.

Bach Flower Remedies
Red Chestnut  – Concern for others
Walnut – Protection against external influences (link breaker)
Star of Bethlehem  – For shock / trauma