Spirit Guides – Part 1 – If I can’t see them, can they possibly exist?

The following blog  is a 8 part series on on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own. 


Do spirit guides exist, and do we all have them?

This is one of those questions that I queried time and time again over the years. There was a point in my life where I not only believed that I did not have guides, but that if they did exist, they certainly wouldn’t be wasting their time on the normal person, and certainly, not on me.

I used to be quite the student of controversial author, Tuesday Lobang Rampa, and while many things he said were certainly debatable, he did say something on the subject of guides that stuck with me for a long time.

Why would a Native American or Indian, or what have you, suddenly rush back to be your guide when during their life, they had been treated with disdain? He was quite empathic about the fact that no one had spirit guides, and anything we heard was from our ‘overself’ or higher self, as it’s generally called. This made logical sense to me at the time, even though my own experiences were very different, but I tended to ignore them.

In those days, I would ignore most of my thoughts and experiences because they were too fantastical, improbable and completely impossible. Regardless of that, most of them have now been verified.

It was certainly a curiosity, though that he had his own guide in the form of a departed friend.

All that aside, however, I’ve always had that voiceless voice in my mind. It would always come unbidden, and carry on conversations with me with unique thoughts and ideas that I had not considered.

My life is as contrived as any bad Hollywood movie and if I was reading a book on myself, I would, no doubt, cringe on every sentence.

Something certainly did appear to be guiding me, and something certainly still does.

Personally, I’m in two minds about if guides are just our higher-self talking to us or if there are indeed spirits that spend their time hanging around us and giving advice and direction.

I also have to consider if it’s not a mental disorder. Perhaps there is something wrong with me, and I’m making this all up. Perhaps I want to believe so much that I’m making everything fit to make sense.

Still, if it is a disorder, then it’s an experience that is shared by many others.

Next: Discovering my guides.