Past lives: – Wrong information or a poet and I didn’t know it?

Khalil Gibran (April 1913)

When people ask me for a past life reading, I hesitate because they should come to their own realizations in their own time, and if I tell them they were so and so, how will they know it wasn’t me who put the idea into their head, and not something they would have arrived at in their own way and time?

Such information should be given with caution because past life readings can go wrong.

You wouldn’t think that’s possible, but believe me, they can.

If you get wrong information, or even partial information, it can literally send you into a tail spin.

On the other hand, when you hit upon a truth, it can feel like you’ve been hit by a truck.

It’s exciting, but sometimes you may find that who you were in a past life might not be to your liking, especially if you consider them to be someone negative, according to your current belief system.

I’ve known people who had great difficulty initially coping with such knowledge. It took them a while to come to terms with the memories.

The main reason was that, even though who they were had been recorded in history as a so called evil person, the true story was actually very different. Eventually, other memories started to surface, and that helped.

It’s worth remembering that no one does something that they consider ‘wrong’ considering their model of the world.

Sure, it may be evil to us, but to them, we might be the evil ones. Everything is all relative.

Still, that’s when the information feels right.

When it doesn’t, then you can really be thrown for a loop.

I mention, from time to time, I saw a psychic healer back in 1995. At one point, I asked who I was. Back in those days, the question: Who are you would always be asked by that voiceless voice that I came to know as my guides.

One session, my healer took me into a visualization that she was able to tap into a share. (She was certainly psychic enough to do that, it seemed.)

She saw a man who was writing poetry and she was getting the strong message that I was this person in a past life. The name was Khalil Gibran, a name that, at the time, meant nothing at all to me.

She tested this up several times with her pendulum, and each time it appeared to confirm this.

Now, you might think that being told you were a famous poet would be pretty exciting, but what actually happened was that I was thrown into a panicky spin.

In short, I came as close to freaking out as I never did, and considering this is something I don’t do, it’s saying something.

There was something about this information, and about the belief that I might have been this person, that made me frustrated, angry and very, very annoyed.

I don’t know if it was because I didn’t sense it was true, or if I did indeed have some connection there, but it was a horrible few weeks as I struggled to comprehend and come to terms with it.

Even today, I sense a turmoil here, and don’t wish to give it any energy or thought.

In hindsight, it wasn’t a good idea to be told I was Gibran. It didn’t add anything to my life. It didn’t bring any peace of understanding. Just the opposite.

I contrast this to my other revelations of who I was in my past lives, and I am at peace with that. They explain so much and I can feel the resonance.

However, those were not given to me by others, they were revealed to me over the course of many years and many events.

Knowing who I am came naturally (though the process was certainly danger filled and traumatic at times.)

It’s not a good idea to try and seek out who you were unless you have a strong pull to do so. Even then, it’s wise to let things unfold as they should. Do not try and force it. You may open that can or worms that you will find hard to put back

Past lives – Soul families, friends and nemesis or you don’t need to have children to have children!

I seem to have this weird knack of recognizing if I’ve known someone in a past life or not. I can’t tell you the details, but I can tell you who they were.

Not instantly, mind you.

At first, it will be just a sense that I know this person somehow. An old feeling that may be either comfortable or a sense of antagonism for no apparent reason.

Sometimes it takes a while to remember, but when I do, I do, and what is more, I will often get verification from independent sources that those people harbour the same knowledge and memories.

When I do recognize someone, I will sometimes let them know, and sometimes I’ll just keep the knowledge to myself.

For instance, I long recognized one of my staff, but didn’t say anything about it. One day, about a year after she left, she told me a psychic had told her exactly what I had known.  Validation like that helps me to know it’s not all made up and in my mind.

Whether or not I tell the person, depends on if I feel it’s a wise idea or not.  Many times I’ve found that it’s not. Later I, in many cases, I find out that they already know.

It’s hard to describe how I know this information. It’s not like I suddenly have memories flooding into my mind, it’s more a psychic sense. It’s a knowing and the sense of truth.  It’s a feeling coupled with impressions which has no discernible source.  And I’ll just ‘know’.  There will be no question in my mind about it.

When I do pass this information on, it can make puzzle pieces fall into place for those receiving that information.

Now, I am not a past life reader. I don’t do regressions, and I certainly do not seek this information out, but occasionally, something will either jog my memory, or my guides will flat out tell me who someone is.

A couple of decades ago, I used to be interested in my own past lives. I felt I had them, and I even did some past live regressions, back in the 90s but found they really weren’t useful or relevant.

Iin the end, I didn’t need to. I started to remember them when the time was right. When that happened,  the stories and events that came to me were too unbelievable to accept and while I documented them at time, it would be many years before I found others who held the same memories. Those people were of my soul family.

Some are what I would consider family, even though there are no blood ties in this life.

They recognize and acknowledge me, and visa-versa. Also, oddly enough, I find that my memories of how they were back then seem to back up who they are being now. It appears that there is a permanent personality at work here.

Interestingly enough, many of the dramas that were present back in those past lives are still present today, including sibling rivalry, jealousy, resentment, and a lot of anger.

I don’t believe it’s any coincidence that we have found each other, nor is it any coincidence that those who also represented a bane in my past lives have found me as well. (And who have caused me no end of trouble in this lifetime, either in the physical or the astral.)

There’s an entire book that this could cover, but this point of this entry is more a warning about remembering past lives rather than who my soul family is.

I believe that when the time is right, you will remember who you are. It is also unwise to force this information as you will most likely awaken traumatic memories and reopen past wounds.

Many people can barely cope with the memories of their current life, let alone the things they did and experienced in their previous ones.

Paranormal Series – responsibility or with great power comes…

Image-1 (9)I have to admit that I’m a big fan of skeptic and debunking sites. This might seem odd, especially considering that I would almost certainly be a target for them, especially with my pseudoscience and belief in the Bach Flower Remedies.  (Which are just plants soaked in water to capture their vibrations, and yet… they work!)

But I believe they not only serve a valuable service, but are very educational.

I feel we need them.

Knowledge and understanding of how things work goes a long way to not being scammed by others.

There are just so many charlatans’ out there. I’m not talking about those who claim to have genuine psychic abilities, but those who scam people and they know they are doing it.

They prey on the vulnerability and desperation of others who are desperate for a sign of lost loved ones or are feeling alone and lonely.

I, personally, would rather such scammers be exposed, and people like myself also called into question if it helped even one person to avoid being pulled in by false hope and losing their money.

And while skeptics tend to target things that are not scientific, I also notice that they seem to somehow avoid things that can’t quite be explained.  Maybe that’s because they can’t be really explained so it’s better to focus on those things that can be.

Fact is, things that are faked are easy targets. They can, and should be debunked.  They need to be exposed.

The main problem is that most don’t want to hear it. The only ones who seem to be interested in such things are those who are already convinced it’s all fake.

It’s just astounding how people will jump to a psychic’s defense, even when said psychic is clearly shown to be wrong over and over again.

People will defend them by saying that they are just passing on messages from beyond, and they shouldn’t and can’t be held responsible for the information they are given.

Well, I beg to differ.

Let’s say, just for a moment, that these are not cold hearted and calculating phoneys that don’t have a psychic bone in their body.

Let’s say that it’s a genuine medium. (I’m going to be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt.)

Let’s assume that they really are hearing messages from beyond. Are they running them though any type of filter or do they just blurt them out and pass them on like people who pass on gossip or urban legends by e-mail without checking to see if there is any truth to them first?

If not, why not?

Do you repeat everything you hear someone say as fact? I’d certainly hope not. You might not have all the answers, but I’d hope you’d spend a little time doing some research, or even looking at if the information received is even plausible or not.

You might then say, well, when they’re talking to an audience, they’re under pressure to perform and they don’t have time to go and check things out.

And I say in response that they have a truth filter. Their feelings and their ‘gut’ tell them when something is right. They may have learned to ignore it, but everyone certainly has that ability. (And most tend to ignore it!)

In the end, these people are responsible for what they tell others. And while I’m not saying that the person who is receiving the information has no responsibility (and they certainly do) they do listen in good faith and trust that what is being said is really being passed on from the other side.

You would not tolerate this kind of service from someone in a real profession. If you hire an electrician to fix your wiring, and he just stands there and waves his hands around for a few moments, then claim it’s all fixed and charges you $300.00, you’d kick him out of the house.

Of course, as I said, I’m being generous here and giving psychics  the benefit of the doubt  that they are genuine.

Most of the time they aren’t and are just giving what is termed a cold reading, which is a reading that has generic information that could pretty much fit anyone and more often than not, the one receiving the reading will help them clarify what is right. (This is why street psychics insist you take of your sunglasses, so they can see your eyes and reactions.)

Anyone can give a cold reading and have a very high chance of getting things right.  What’s more, these so called psychics know it.

Everyone has a responsibility for what they do and say. No one can sit back and say they don’t. A person who tells your fortune is just as responsible for what they say as the person who is receiving the information and has to decide how true it is for them.

However, it’s still heartbreaking and frustrating to watch people being duped.

Next:  There was this one time I predicted a winner…

Should we charge for our services or make room for my ego. (part 4)

English: Storefront Psychic fortuneteller in D...

Now, the original question I posed in the previous entry was: Does accepting money for using our psychic gifts deplete them?

I was taught that yes, it certainly does, however after many years of observation, I believe that no, it doesn’t.

As mentioned, money is a tool and there is nothing wrong with being paid for a service you provide.

But, you may ask, what about all those stories about people who lose their power once they start charging?

In my own case, in the mid 90s, in my attempt to grow and heal myself, I saw a couple of psychic healers.

At the time, it was $60.00 a session, which was a fair amount for me back then and I saw them at least once a week. (Though one was in 1995 and the other in 1996.)

Both were very impressive when I started going to them, but by the end, they made me feel like I was just a cash cow. (Though the second one I only saw her for three months.)

Nothing really got resolved and their system was set up so that no matter what you did, it could be taken as a negative or a problem to be fixed.

For instance, the first one I saw had this system where at the beginning of each session, I had to pick four cards from the Californian Flower Essence range. She used that as what needed to be done for that session.

However, as I made progress, she did not stop using it, and I realized that no matter what happened, being forced to choose four cards was always going to suggest I had problems that needed to be fixed.

She also become more invalidating and egotistical as the year went on, and in the end, my intuition screamed at me to get out and stop going.

Being an Empath, I found this very hard to do at the time as part of me felt guilty about it, and didn’t want to offend, , but one day she told me that I wasn’t a spiritual person on a spiritual path, and I knew that was my last session. After all, I had pretty much dedicated my life to the pursuit of knowledge and helping everyone I could.

As it was, I had another psychic healer who I was going to see, who happened to be an old family acquaintance who told me she could help me, and so I agreed.

In fact, while I know this lady was very psychic, it turned out that she  was after my powers. She told me I was powerful and and she made several attempts to try and convince me to board with her in her house and become her student.

My intuition also gave a very strong ‘no’ to this, and she became angry and offended.

As negative as those experiences ended being, though, they were critical to my path, and timing was everything  so certainly no regrets.

What it did teach me was that the more success these people seemed to have, the more their ego appeared to take over.

They could admit no wrong. They could not be told that something might not be right. They certainly weren’t happy to listen to anything I might have to say, and both would attempt to invalidate what I was feeling.

I’ve seen plenty of good psychics and healers  who do charge, and they are genuine and while they certainly don’t always get it right, they are sincere, and do provide the information they need to when they need to. (On an interesting note, those people offered their readings to me for free, which was appreciated at the time.)

Being humble (not falsely humble, which is irritating), trying to help and lift others, and not separating yourself out as special and better will prevent losing any gifts and abilities you have.

If you don’t know the answer to a question, then just say so. It might not be what they want to hear, but it will be what they need to hear.

If you were wrong and they tell you, then accept it. You can justify your reading six ways from Sunday, but all that does it hurt your powers and bring such things into disrepute.

There are already too many scammers out there on the market and they already do more harm to our credibility than you can imagine.

Sceptics are having a field day and dismissing us all as frauds, charlatans and self-deluded kooks. And I don’t blame them.

Stay true to yourself. It doesn’t matter if you charge or not. What matter is that you’re honest and you don’t let your ego take over.

Next: What if nobody took anything for anything?

Psychic reading: Tips on what to look for or those readings leave me cold.

English: Psychic reader booth at the Canadian National Exhibition midway August 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sylvia Browne being in the news in regards to her wrong reading about Amanda Berry being dead is a cautionary tale about psychics.

This isn’t going to be a blog ragging on these kinds of people. There are already enough of them out there on this subject, and, anyway, psychics who scam with cold readings really annoy me because they hurt people, and also those who are truly genuine psychics by bringing them into disrepute.

This topic is about those who actually do have some abilities, but are not discriminatory about their sources.

There’s an odd perception by the public at large that if something comes from a spirit, or a guide, or a ghost, or what have you, it must be true.

Those who believe in psychic readings will latch onto every piece of information they receive, which can be to their detriment.

There are certain things that really one should bear in mind if one ever consults a psychic.

The future is not set in stone. In fact, there is no future as such. (Yes, the old time is an illusion thing) All there is, is the eternal ‘now’ it’s being created and recreated every moment by our thoughts, words and actions.

A psychic reading might well pull you onto a path you did not intend by making you create what you expect to happen, based on that information.

Remember, reality creates belief, and belief create reality.

There are many beings and entities out there on the astral levels. Not all of them are interested in working for the good of people, and some are just mischievous, or even malevolent.

Also, just because a psychic is passing on a message, it doesn’t mean they actually have the full story. One thing I have learned from my own experiences is that bringing down information to this level is really a challenge. Often, one needs to be attuned, and sometimes the information coming through is clearer than other times. And really, you simply can’t be ‘on’ full time. Not unless you are willing to risk psychic burn out, which is a very unpleasant state to be in.

And supposing, just for the sake of arguments, your messages are crystal clear, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the entity delivering the message actually knows what they are talking about. Not everything is clear to those in the astral, and not all information is readily available. At least, not on this level.

I know when I need to find out information, I have to ask my guides to look into it, and a few days later, I will get an answer if they are successful. Sometimes, it can take years!

I am pretty sure that there are genuine psychic readers out there, based on my own experience.

A few years back, I attended a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo with a couple of people I had met in a spiritual chat room.

In the afternoon, there was a man called Jason McDonald  (If I recall the name correctly) who was doing group spirit readings. Needless to say, I was quite skeptical, as I am want to be.

However, he said he was getting the smell of freshly cut lawn, and asked if that meant anything to anyone. It did to one of the ladies I was with, and she was told it was her father and she got some messages passed on.

Afterwards she said that before the readings, she had asked her father that if he came though, to indicate it by using freshly cut grass.

After the session, the other lady, Maureen, said she wanted to find out if he was genuine, and so she want to where a group had gathered around him to ask him questions.

I was hanging around in the back with her, when Jason asked if there was a Maureen in the crowd. She went up to the front, and then, for no apparent reason, I was called to join her.

He asked us what we were looking for, but I had no answers to that question. I can’t recall Maureen’s response, but suddenly he said: Hang on, you’re just testing to see if I’m genuine or not.

As I was walking away, I felt a presence right behind me. I felt it was probing me to find out who I was. I probed it back and it became aware that I could sense it, and left right away. My sense was that it was a lower level being or entity that while, not malicious, was not considered on a guide or angel level either.

So I’m pretty sure that genuine readings do exist.

If you ever get one, just remember to run everything through your feelings. If it doesn’t

feel right, it’s not the information you need.