Empath Series: Support networks or where can I go to find others like me?

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One of the most difficult things about being an empath is the feeling of isolation and loneliness.

Most people you tell may not understand.

They may either think you’re crazy, dismiss you as a freak or look at your blankly, wondering what the heck you’re talking about. Some will even denounce you as working with the devil. For some bizarre reason, this natural state of being seems to be an abomination and sin in some cultures and religions. (And you could do a series of topics on this, but I’m not going to get into it today.)

Worse still is the feeling and doubt that you, yourself, might really be crazy.

A support network is something that could help a lot. Though, the web has a few groups that cater for other empaths, they are not always active and some of the people are not even empaths. I certainly think the time has come to start such a network.

One day, I imagine a worldwide empath support network with charters in every country. We’re not there yet, but I believe it will happen.

This blog is dedicated to the free sharing of information of being an empath and subjects in all their forms.

Some topics you will like and relate to. Some you won’t. That’s just the nature of blogs.

Also there are various chat rooms that are geared towards the psychic side where you will find other empaths.

The good thing about being an empath is that distance doesn’t make any difference. You can be on the other side of the world and your connection will be just as strong. So a support group is much easier to create than you might first think.

For now, I’m going to share some of the resources I’ve come across in recent times, but please, if you know more, feel free to add them in the comments. (And I will try and include them in this post.)

You can help by sharing this information, including this blog.

Resources updated September 2018. (Not as many as there once were unfortunately).

Websites, groups and forums

Empath Zone – Facebook Support Page
Empath Social (Empath Community website)

Other works
Book of storms Empath 101 http://mysilentecho.com/dreamtongue1.htm
The Empath Toolkit http://www.empathconnection.com/