Past lives: – Wrong information or a poet and I didn’t know it?

Khalil Gibran (April 1913)

When people ask me for a past life reading, I hesitate because they should come to their own realizations in their own time, and if I tell them they were so and so, how will they know it wasn’t me who put the idea into their head, and not something they would have arrived at in their own way and time?

Such information should be given with caution because past life readings can go wrong.

You wouldn’t think that’s possible, but believe me, they can.

If you get wrong information, or even partial information, it can literally send you into a tail spin.

On the other hand, when you hit upon a truth, it can feel like you’ve been hit by a truck.

It’s exciting, but sometimes you may find that who you were in a past life might not be to your liking, especially if you consider them to be someone negative, according to your current belief system.

I’ve known people who had great difficulty initially coping with such knowledge. It took them a while to come to terms with the memories.

The main reason was that, even though who they were had been recorded in history as a so called evil person, the true story was actually very different. Eventually, other memories started to surface, and that helped.

It’s worth remembering that no one does something that they consider ‘wrong’ considering their model of the world.

Sure, it may be evil to us, but to them, we might be the evil ones. Everything is all relative.

Still, that’s when the information feels right.

When it doesn’t, then you can really be thrown for a loop.

I mention, from time to time, I saw a psychic healer back in 1995. At one point, I asked who I was. Back in those days, the question: Who are you would always be asked by that voiceless voice that I came to know as my guides.

One session, my healer took me into a visualization that she was able to tap into a share. (She was certainly psychic enough to do that, it seemed.)

She saw a man who was writing poetry and she was getting the strong message that I was this person in a past life. The name was Khalil Gibran, a name that, at the time, meant nothing at all to me.

She tested this up several times with her pendulum, and each time it appeared to confirm this.

Now, you might think that being told you were a famous poet would be pretty exciting, but what actually happened was that I was thrown into a panicky spin.

In short, I came as close to freaking out as I never did, and considering this is something I don’t do, it’s saying something.

There was something about this information, and about the belief that I might have been this person, that made me frustrated, angry and very, very annoyed.

I don’t know if it was because I didn’t sense it was true, or if I did indeed have some connection there, but it was a horrible few weeks as I struggled to comprehend and come to terms with it.

Even today, I sense a turmoil here, and don’t wish to give it any energy or thought.

In hindsight, it wasn’t a good idea to be told I was Gibran. It didn’t add anything to my life. It didn’t bring any peace of understanding. Just the opposite.

I contrast this to my other revelations of who I was in my past lives, and I am at peace with that. They explain so much and I can feel the resonance.

However, those were not given to me by others, they were revealed to me over the course of many years and many events.

Knowing who I am came naturally (though the process was certainly danger filled and traumatic at times.)

It’s not a good idea to try and seek out who you were unless you have a strong pull to do so. Even then, it’s wise to let things unfold as they should. Do not try and force it. You may open that can or worms that you will find hard to put back