Should I buy a Bach Flower Remedy Kit?

Bach Flower Rmedy Kit

Worth the Investment?

In this entry, we are going to look at if it’s worth the investment for buying a complete Bach Flower Remedy kit (BFR) , what’s the cost and where to get them.

Many people are familiar or have, at least, heard of Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy ™. It’s known as the emergency remedy and can really help save a life should an accident happen.

I personally feel there should be a bottle in everyone’s car and First Aid kit.

Emotional States

However, The Rescue Remedy ™ (also known as The Five Flower Formula due to trademark reasons) is far from the only one out there.

It’s a combination of five remedies, and while wonderful in an emergency, it is also limited in what it can do.

Since Doctor Bach introduced the remedies, back in the 1920s, there are at least 200 being sold by various organizations and more are being discovered all the time.

The Bach kit, itself, contains 38 Remedies and are said to cover all known emotional states.


From what I can tell, it’s really hard to gauge just how well alternative remedies, such as Australian Bush Flower Essences or the Californian ones work.

The choice is overwhelming, and it seems like many remedies are very similar in nature to each other.

Personally, I feel that the original thirty eight are more than enough to learn and master.

I recently ordered eight Flower Essence Society remedies to see how well they worked. I’m still working on the results for that and will hopefully do a future blog on it.


However, the cost was quite prohibitive for one who is buying outside the U.S.A. (It was USD100.00, which included postage.)

These were for the ¼ fl.oz or 7.4 ml sized bottles.

As you can imagine, a full kit would cost many hundreds of dollars and I can’t vouch for how effective they are as I’ve not had enough personal experiences with them. (Though I have had enough to say that I never noticed too much of a difference, but that could be due to the wrong remedy being administered by the practitioner.)


The Bach Flower Remedy kit, though, is another story. It’s complete. You will not need to invest in new ones.

Personally, I feel that buying a full BFR kit is a worthwhile investment as they will last many years and allow you to take whatever remedy you need in the moment.

It can be frustrating, and a block to healing, when you don’t have the right remedy at hand.

The problem with the Original Brand labels is that they have, also, become prohibitively expensive.

There are several reasons for this.

  • They no longer come in 10 ml / 1/3 fl.oz size. They are all 30 ml / 1 fl.oz.
  • Each bottle can cost anywhere from USD18.00 to USD27.00, making the total cost almost USD700.00 at the cheaper price. That is no small chunk of change for most people.
  • For some reason, that is beyond me, you can no longer buy the amazing and wonderful Rescue Cream ™ that can help so many ills, such as burns, rashes or other skin issues. (Fortunately, it is not too hard to make it yourself, with some Rescue Remedy and Crap Apple.)
  • Postage cost is a killer.

Expensive and Inaccessible

I honestly feel that Doctor Bach would be quite dispirited if he saw how expensive and inaccessible his remedies have become. His intention was for them to be easily available and cheap.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to the Original Name Brand labels.

One I highly recommend is the Healingherb brand that is made in the United Kingdom.

They not only come in both sizes, but they also supply a Rescue Cream ™ equivalent.

The cost is also very reasonable. You can find the 10ml bottle for 3.54 Euro (~USD4.00) or the 30 ml for 7.08 Euro (~USD8.00).

You can order them directly from Healingherbs themselves, but they are also available in the U.S.A. from the Flower Essence Society and

Personally, I feel that the 10ml size bottles are sufficient as each bottle can go a very long way and the rubber nubs on the spigots will most likely perish long before you use up every remedy.

Skylark Books

The entire kit of 38 remedies, plus 2 Rescue Remedy ™ equivalent can be bought from a place called Skylark Books in the U.K. for around USD200.00.

This includes postage.

And yes, they ship internationally.

If you wish to include a storage box, they also have a special offer for that.

For an investment of USD200.00, you are not only getting every remedy you need, but you also get it for a great price.


If you are wondering if the Healingherb Brand is inferior, I can tell you from personal experience that they are far from it.

These are remedies that have been made to Doctor Bach’s exact specifications and it’s clear they have been lovingly made.

They work as intended and anyone who has used them will confirm they are of the highest quality.


For those who are wondering, I do not sell the remedies myself, nor do I get a kickback from recommending places to get them from.

I consider that a conflict of interest and feel it would compromise the work I do.

Even if they did offer me a kickback, I doubt I would accept. The remedies are already so reasonably priced that I could not bring myself to take more of their bottom line. I just appreciate there being a place where you can buy the remedies, as Doctor Bach intended.

Personally, I have bought all my remedies from Skylark Books since around 2004 and have never had any issues with them.

They communicate well, and though I have ordered literally hundreds (maybe thousands over the years) of bottles from them, and recommended that all my clients buy from their shop, I have yet to see an order go missing.

Miracles in a Bottle

So, should you buy a full Bach Flower Remedy kit?

Yes. Yes, you should.

I know that 38 remedies to choose from may seem overwhelming, but there is an abundance of literature out there, help groups, practitioners who are happy to offer advice and many free resources online. (Including my free eBook PDF which you can download here.)

Bach Flower Remedies are miracles in a bottle. They can heal so many things, including suicidal thoughts and crippling depression.

They work amazingly well on animals, children and plants.

If I had my way, there would be a free kit in every household.

For more information on online resources for Bach Flower Remedies, please visit my website portal.

Bach Flower Remedies: Hornbeam or maybe I should put this off till tomorrow.

hornbeamIt’s another day. Another week. Yet another month.

You wake up. Everything feels the same as it did the day before. Nothing has changed.

How long does this go on?

I’m sure most people can relate to this.

Some call it Mondayitis. Others call it fatigue. I call it weariness.

It’s when you’ve done the same thing too many times already, and you can no longer stand it.

Everything is an effort. The day can’t end quickly enough, especially if you’re at work.

You tend to procrastinate, even putting off things that you do want to get done, but find it’s just too much effort.

Even getting up to face the day takes more effort than you want to expend.

Yet, if something changes, you find that you suddenly have energy, and the lethargy disappears.

You could liken it to listening to the same song over and over again. Sooner or later, no matter how much you love that song, you will get sick of it. If you hated it to begin with, then it will be even worse. If a new song is played, then interest is renewed. (Unless you happen to hate it, too!)

In Bach Flower Remedies terms, this is the Hornbeam state of being.

As Empaths, we seem to be particularly vulnerable to being weary. We take on too much. We expend our energy in order to get everything done, and we do it just about every day.

If you also believe in parallel timelines, where you keep on repeating your life in a Groundhog Day type scenario until you’re happy with the outcome, then you will most certainly feel the weariness as you repeat certain things over and over again (which you become aware of when you experience deja-vu, because that what that is. You have indeed done this before. You just don’t remember it.)

I suffer from weariness a lot. There are many times when I feel like I’m marking time, waiting for things to fall into place so I can progress to the next stage of my life.

Hornbeam makes an enormous difference.  Every time I take it, it gives me the energy to get things done and face the day with renewed vigour.

Of course, the real challenge with taking it is that you might not have to energy to find and use it.

This is also a useful remedy for people who make you feel weary.

I find that this remedy work well with Olive (exhaustion) and Oak (when you’re push past your limits.)