The Guide’s guide – Dos and don’ts. (2)

dakini guides

Guides – what not to do

This is a two part look at spirit guides. Part one looked at how they may communicate with you. This entry looks at dos and don’ts and how you might end up with your guides, guardian angels, or whatever you may choose to call them. What you should do, and more importantly, what not to do.


You might well ask: How do we even get guides?

Generally, there are a few ways.

You might contract their help before you come here. (Or sometimes you might do it while you are incarnated in your body.)

You might have a discussion with them about what you need, and why you want them, and offer payment for their services. (Not money, though. That has no use in the astral levels. Energy is generally the currency of the astral realms.)

This is not uncommon, as everyone has their own missions and things to do. If you need guides with special abilities or skills, expect to offer something in return.

These types of guides could also include gods, angelics, demonics and other such beings. Generally, no one does anything without an exchange on these levels. It’s just how it works.

Also, DO NOT try and get a demonic as a guide. They find it demeaning and will most likely screw you over for their own pleasure. They would have to be paid extraordinarily well to even seriously consider helping you.

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