The evolution of Empath culture

Empath You are not alone

The First Empath Article

Back in the early noughties, I used to casually mention the word Empath to others. The invariable question they asked was: What is an Empath?

So, I would explain.

Eventually, I got asked this question so many times, I decided to try and find a source online for quick reference. However, I could not find a single mention of what it was, so I put a page up on it myself.

It wasn’t much. In fact, it was extremely basic. Through the wonders of the Wayback Machine website, you can see one of the first versions of it there.

Then I forgot about it.

I believe it was one of the first, if not the first Empath Article on what an Empath was on the net.

Over time, as I kept track of who was visiting my website, I noticed that it was the page that was getting the most views. Once it got to over 100,000, the penny finally dropped and I realized that people were after more information on what an Empath was.

Over the years, I created communities, groups, wrote a free book, and found thousands of others who said: Thank God I’m not crazy!

Other sites

It was around 2006 when I noticed that other sites were starting to pop up. (I saw that many were using my words, though I was mostly uncredited.)

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