The Empath Guidebook – Now available in paperback.

empath guidebook amazonOver the past years, since I have put it online for free, thousands of people have downloaded The Empath Guidebook.

This book was written by me as a gift to the Empath community and covers an abundance of subjects to help new and experienced Empaths alike.

Many have also asked if this book was available in paperback format. With that request in mind, you can now choose to purchase it from for USD19.95.

The e-book is still free for download for those who wish to have their own PDF copy.

You can download the free version here:

You can purchase the paperback version here or by clicking on the picture on the side bar.

If you have enjoyed this book at some point, and think this it’s worthwhile, please feel free to give it a review. It would really help me out.


Psychic attack series: Simple is powerful and it’s simply powerful.

simply powerfulAs mentioned, I’ve dealt with a few people recently that have complained about psychic attacks. It has screwed around with their lives, and effectively even made some consider suicide, just to avoid them.

By the way, this will not help. Energy hooks do not leave us just because we leave the physical body. They continue until those links are removed, which is why for those who can remember past lives, they find the same antagonists coming up time after time.

A psychic attack occurs at your weakest link. So, guilt, fear, anger, hate, and so on can be used to control and influence someone.

Bach Flower Remedies can be a very effective way of stopping attacks.  Mustard, Aspen, Walnut are generally good remedies to use, as well any anything that counters your weak points.

Mantra, prayers and invocations are also said to be useful. The ones I’ve been tend to be rather long winded, though. In the end, you’re more likely to focus on the words rather than the meaning.

If you want a mantra or prayer to be effective, keep it short and sweet. Make sure it you can comprehend it instantly and the words come without effort.

Here are a few suggestions for those who are under attack by either people in their lives or beings they perceive to be in the astral levels.

I am energized.

I take my power back.

I am in harmony.

I am abundance.

You have no power over me.

That last statement I got from the movie Labyrinth. While I can either take or leave that movie, I found those words very powerful.

The important thing with doing anything like this is consistency. In order to manifest the outcome, you need to keep on stating the same thing over and over.

Most people make an affirmation, and then contradict it almost in the next breath.

It’s all too easy to do. Words and thoughts often come unbidden to our mind that do not serve us.

Words such as: I’m so tired of things. What’s the point? I can’t be bothered. Nothing is ever going to change, and so forth.

It’s hard. It’s a challenge to instantly discard any thoughts that don’t fit the outcome you wish to have.

They are hard because that is how you are feeling right at that moment and you feel what you feel.

My suggestion is to acknowledge where you are at, bless it, let it go and use an affirmation that reflects the outcome you wish to see. It’s okay to feel those negative states of being and it’s not until you acknowledge where you are at that you can change where you are going.

One of the things one should be aware of when you start using such affirmations is that things will start to shift. Dramas may start to happen, people may act out of character and you may discover that things are not what they seem.

This can be often confusing, as you may not connect these events to your affirmations. But nothing can change unless the things that are creating your problem are revealed so you can not only deal with them, but take moves to make sure they can no longer affect you.

It may not always be pleasant, though. You may discover things that may make you feel that you wish you didn’t know.

Just remember, fear is our enemy here. Fear of being alone, of lack of resources, of not having a roof over our head.

You may fear that in order to be free and happy, you will have to change everything. And sometimes that is true. But change isn’t always bad. It’s new opportunities and growth.

Sometimes, though, you just need to be ready to move on… and that can take a while.

Remember, though, simple is extremely powerful and that makes you powerful.

Empath series: Beware of the holiday depression or Merry Christmas.

Empath ChatroomIt’s almost Christmas time.

Generally, it’s the period where people are happier and even the more hard-nosed of people tend to mellow out. Families gather, gifts are exchanged and we all eat way too much food.


It’s also a time of great loneliness for many.

There are so many out there who feel lost and alone.

People who may have no one to be with during the holiday period.  Perhaps they have no family. Maybe they don’t feel they have friends. Perhaps they are at the age where everyone has left and all they have are memories of how wonderful things used to be when they were younger.

Maybe things aren’t going well in their life due to work situations, health, money, fears about loved ones or they just don’t feel they fit in and everyone is having one big, joyous party but them.

Even if you’re not a Christian. Even if you’re not religious. That sense of being alone will be intensified during those few weeks.

As Empaths, we are particularly vulnerable to those energies.

As December started, I started to see more and more people comment that they felt something bad was happening and they were feeling down without any obvious reason.

I believe they are picking up on those many others who feel alone.

The holiday season is a very big time for depression and many Empaths can’t wait for it to be done with so things can get back to normal.

For those of you who feel this pain, just remember you are not alone. There are many others out there who feel the same way, and many others who endure what seems like a torturous few weeks.

Just know that there are many ways to connect and support each other such as Empath forums, blogs or chat rooms.

I also have a free ad-free chatroom for this specific purpose. It has been open for the past five or so years. You don’t even need to register to login. You can just type in a name and join as a guest.

This is one of my gifts and services to the Empath community, so if you feel like trying to connect to others, please feel free to visit and say hi.

The room ebbs and flows with the amount of people who are there, but there are certainly people there every day, depending on the time.

Remember, you are not alone, and there is a lot of support for those who seek it.

You can find the Empath Chat Room at this link. (or just click on the picture above.)

It requires Java to run (as do most chat of this kind.)

You can sign in as a guest by just typing a name into the User Name section or you can register a password protected name by using the ‘create new user account’ link underneath it.

The only rules are courtesy and validation.

Hope we get to see a few there.

I had this experience the other day or did I…?

Fraser Illusion


We are so ready to dismiss them.

Sometimes you experience something that feels very strong at the time, but when you come away from it, you wonder if you were just making it all up or you were mistaken.

I get this a lot. In fact, I can imagine my guides’ frustration as I tend to go back and forth on experiences which seem to fade in my memory almost as soon as they are done.


Maybe it’s because I have a really poor memory or part of me still has trouble accepting that the unbelievable is real. Or perhaps it’s fear that my ego is out of control and making it all up.

Either way, it’s frustrating: Very frustrating.

My own experiences are so unreal that after the event that I can’t even tell people about them. It’s as though I shift into another frame of mind.

What feels so compelling at the time will feel like someone who is out for attention.

I have to wonder, though: Can I afford to keep this up? Personally, I don’t think so. Personally, I feel that it’s time to stop doubting and just lay my cards on the table.

What bothers me  is that I’ve seen so many others do the same.

What they tell others seemed like rubbish to me. I’m not even sure if  they did experience something or if they just really just fooled themselves into believing their story.

Their stories just didn’t sound real. Or ring true.

While I didn’t sneer or call them out on those things, it did hurt their credibility, at least in my eyes and for those around them.

Then, on the other hand, there are certainly plenty of people for whom I accepted their stories and experiences without a second thought.

What is the difference between those I believe and those I don’t?

I feel, that in the end, it comes down to if you feel the resonance of truth behind their words.

As an Empath, I can sense if something is true or not. If it isn’t true, I will feel anger, antsy and extreme annoyance. (For instance, something I felt about a recently departed so called psychic and many who are still living and in the same line of work.)

In the end, you can only tell your story and trust that those who hear it will listen to their feelings and judge if it’s true or not.

I was going to write about an experience I had last week end, but ended up heading in another direction. So I’ll leave that for another entry.

So, how do others handle this conundrum? Do you believe what you experiences? Do you feel you can tell others? Have people believed you?

Please feel free to comment.