Empath Social website – Connecting Empaths

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A few years ago, I decided to set up a website that would be a portal to the other Empath projects I had done over the years. The idea was that it would all be connected in one central location, and everyone would have their own space.

So the Empath Support and Community site was created.

To do this, I spent a lot of time looking around for a platform that would host this and found this was much harder than I thought. The only one that stood out was Ning.com and that was because it was designed to be used as one. If there were any others, they certainly didn’t show up on my extensive search for them.

From the beginning, I was somewhat frustrated with Ning. It was rather limited in what I could do, expensive and had a limited cap of 1000 members for the cheapest plan. Next level up cost twice as much and gave me a cap of 10,000.

I also found that setting up the website tended to need some know-how if you didn’t want to use the rather basic standard templates.

In the end, support was lacking, theURL was not secure and I never felt it was all that it could have been.

I hit the cap of 1000 members a number of times, and found that it was a tedious process to look for inactive users and remove them so I could allow new members to join.

So, the decision was made to start from scratch. This time, I looked for a way to create my own website from the ground up and this began what was a very steep learning curve.

I’m still tweaking it but it’s now ready and functional for all who are interested.

This site features:

  • The ability to login using social media.
  • A comprehensive community system.
  • Your own blog space.
  • Groups.
  • Forum.
  • Articles.
  • Our YouTube channel.
  • Chat room that supports voice and video.

And more.

Please feel free to join up at https://empathsupport.net/empathsocial/

Introducing the Empath Support Community Site.

ESCFor a while now, I’ve been thinking about creating an empath community.

Yes, I know there are already some out there, but they seem restrictive and having had my membership terminated on one of those communities (why, I’ve not real idea. Maybe they didn’t like the odd blog entry I put there) I felt it was time to give people a place where they can be themselves.

The problem I have observed with other communities is that they are controlling. They will demand people act in a certain way and if you fall out of line, you will be kicked.

I’ve also mentioned this to be the case with chat rooms.

Personally, I don’t see how one can create anything worthwhile and long-lasting if there are so many rules and restrictions in place.

With this in mind, I finally felt it was time to consolidate all the empath resources I have created on the web and centralize it into a one stop shop that people can join, connect and share their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

For all those Empaths, Highly sensitive people and psychics who are looking for a place to be, the Empath Support and Community site may be for you.

There you will find the chat room, this blog, my empath website, groups, forums, and the ability to create your own profile, befriend others and blog what’s on your mind.

As with the chat room, all you need do is remain courteous and not attack another and you are welcome.

This is an open group and all you need is a valid e-mail address to join.

You can find the ESC at empathsupport.com (the blog will be at https://xeraphax.wordpress.com/ until domain mapping have been worked out.)

Empath Guidebook – Now fully edited.

Empath cover version 1Just a quick note.

The Empath Guidebook (my free e-book) has been fully edited by the amazing Julianne Victoria.

My heartfelt thanks for doing what is a tedious and meticulous job.  I’m sure those who read the edit version will certainly thank you, too!

It’s rare to find someone so selflessly giving of their abilities and time.

I really do recommend visiting her sites (all listed below). There is a lot to this lady and she has a lot to share.

Through the Peacock’s Eyes, Insights for Spiritual Living

On the Streets of San Francisco, Photography



Haiku By Ku, A Poetic Pup’s Poem

Swami Zoe’s Yoga and Zen

Thank you for the gift you have given to the Empath Community.

This guidebook is ever evolving, so from time to time, there should be some major updates. Watch this space.