Have you ever really taken the time to examine your thoughts?
What you are thinking right now?
Is it in line with what you want to happen?
For many people, it is, in fact, not.
If our thoughts and intentions create our belief system, and our belief system creates our reality, then it stands to reason that everything we think is creating what we are experiencing.
Generally, it is accepted there are two main realities going on here. Our personal one, and a co-created one. The latter is everyone’s thoughts, intentions, etc, pooled into a mass of energy, and the energy creates the outcome.
The former is what we experience personally.
Two people in identical situations may experience completely different things, depending on what their belief system is.
When we say something enough times, it takes on its own energy, and becomes manifest in our lives. The more energy we put towards a though, a more powerful it becomes.
However, it’s not just what we say, it’s what we believe about ourselves in relation to those thoughts.
If you say or think: I will be rich, but your true thought behind it is, yeah, right, I don’t believe that for a moment, you will find that such things take longer to manifest, if at all.
It’s all about your core belief and what you are really expecting.
There are exceptions, of course, and they have to exist in order for us to progress, but for now, I’m going to focus on comment things people say.
Phrases such as,
- I am sick and tired
- I can’t afford this
- I don’t have the time
- I can’t do this
- I’m fed up
just to name a few are often said without thought, like a mantra. Eventually what happens is that even though you may not mean it to begin with, when said enough times, they will start to manifest, and once things start to manifest, they become your reality.
They may not have started off as part of your belief system, but they will end up being so because they will become your experience.
You might say, yeah, okay, so if I say the opposite, then that’s really going to work, right!?
And you’re right, it won’t work, because you’ve already decided it can’t. Saying the opposite will not produce those results if your belief is that nothing is going to change. It especially will not work if you are out to prove that this doesn’t work.
And curiously enough, if you do have a success, the general inclination is to dismiss it as coincidence, rather than validation.
Next: Experiences outside of yourself.
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