Otherkin: Myth or fact?

Chinese Dragon QM-r

In this life’s journey, I’ve come across a lot of people who claim they are not fully human. They are classed as otherkin.

That is: a creature that inhabits a human body.

There are those who claim to be vampires, gargoyles, dragons, phoenixes and god knows what else.

On the surface, it sounds preposterous and really, I have always had a hard time swallowing many of the claims people make.

Still, there are dozens of people who I personally know who makes such claims.

And to be fair, for nigh on 25 years, my guides, and many others claim that I’m a phoenix spirit in a human body.

I go back and forth on this, as you might expect, but those who know me have no doubt as to the truth of it.

That said, some of you might be wondering if I actually believe in dragons, phoenii, unicorns or whatever.

I think the best way I can explain is like this.

The soul is not a representation of the body. I believe that it is the other way around.

The shape, the look, the form and what radiates are reflections of that soul aspect. It is reflecting the energy contained within.

Beings such as dragons, phoenii, or even dogs and cats are just labels. They are names for the manifestation of energy we can see.

For example, a dragon would take on a particular shape that not only defines what it looks like, but also reflects its nature and what it can do.

If it looks menacing and powerful, it’s because it’s a reflection of the soul and energy within.

Of course, I doubt anyone has seen a dragon in the flesh, so to speak, but there are certainly plenty of representations of them about.

Even colours can tell you a lot as they represent various vibrations.

Each colour has its own properties. In general, though, the lighter, clearer and brighter the colour, the higher and more spiritual the soul is.

From my studies, I’ve come to the conclusion that when certain breeds become extinct, it may well be due to the group soul evolving to a new level.

Or maybe it may have manifested itself on another place or time.

One example is birds. Some are said to descended from dinosaurs. The hummingbird, according to some esoteric sources, is said to have once been a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This shows how the spirit has evolved from almost one extreme to another.

I do believe that mythical creatures exist, but they exist as a representation of certain energies. They are just labels that we use to name and identify.

Everything exists on some level.

Paranormal series: Science or fiction or just the facts, ma’am.


Back before the net, it was a lot harder to know what was fact and what was fiction.

For instance, if you went to a health food shop and they told you that the herb Echinacea helped your immune system, you would accept that as a fact.

You really didn’t have many ways to verify that it was true and really, if someone who was in the business of knowing such thing told you this, why would you doubt them? That was their job after all.

I did look up such things in herbal books that were in the metaphysical bookshops, however, they give the same information, so it appeared to validate what I was told.

Trouble is, many things are told to us based on vague or apocryphal information.

It took me years to realize that Echinacea did nothing for me, and it was the vitamin C in the complex that was actually helping and the claim that it helped ended up being based on very shaky evidence.

It does seem that once people believe something, they are very reluctant to change that belief, even in the face of new or overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Long term readers of mine might know that I used to be an avid follower of Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. Many things felt right and made sense to me, and the rest I would just accept on faith. However, it was the rest that, while clearly wrong, seems to be ignored by his followers.

For instance, he made a lot of predictions about world events that should have occurred by now. From my observations, none of them have actually happened, but that doesn’t seem to bother his fan base, who just seems to completely ignore such things and never call them into question.

Any suggestions that he might be wrong are ignored or met with hostility.

This is generally typical of people who choose to believe in something but refuse to look at any inconsistencies critically.

The question is: Why?

When something is so clearly shown to be wrong, why aren’t people calling such thing into question? When something has inherent contradictions in the philosophy (and I’m looking at many cults, faiths and religions here) why do we resist looking at it or dismiss them as not important?

Just because some parts are wrong, it doesn’t mean it’s all wrong. And just because some parts are right, it doesn’t mean it’s all right.

We stymie our own growth and give our power away to others by refusing to think critically about everything.

You might say, I’m a researcher for the truth, and I use the word ‘truth’ very loosely here because the more I look, the more I see that there are no hard and fast rules, but there are come consistent universal laws that seem to apply to everything.

When I write about something, I write about my own observations and experiences. I’ve always done this, though I have been just as guilty of being dogmatic about a particular belief system, even if there were some blatant inconsistencies there.

Now, I know this type of talk might seem weird or even hypocritical coming from me, as I have written about belief systems, astral levels, alternative time-lines and many other unprovable subjects.

However, I do try and come from a place of observation and research and try to find other alternative explanations.

Next: Adapting to new evidence. 

Creating our reality series: My personal belief system or I’ve finally had enough of failing!

the fact factory [website link]

I’ve spoken a lot about changing your reality, but so far, I’ve not really provided any examples.

So let me share with you my own experiences.

I’ve previously spoken about my dark night of the soul period, which was a very hard and traumatic period of time. This occurred back in 1994, and it was the breaking of old belief systems and the embracing of a new one.

And with the embracing of a new belief system, you would think that everything from then on in would go smoothly.

Not the case.

In fact, all that changed was my spiritual belief system.

However, this did not affect my real life  belief system of my physical world.

On that level, nothing actually changed.

Yes, I was trusting my intuition now, and I was following a path that I was meant to be on, but my belief system of how people treated me and the outcomes had not changed.

There was no reason for it to as all I had done was experience the cycle of rejection time and time again, and deep down, I was convinced that nothing would change.

And so it didn’t. In fact, it was only a few months later, in 1995, where things fell apart, yet again, (and as usual over a lady I was attracted to!) that I had decided I had had enough.

Intuition and synchronicity had led me to the information what I needed to change my 3D belief system, and I was now more than ready to try it.

What follows is taking directly from my diaries from February 1995, and it is very personal, but I publish it in the hope that it may help others who are where I was at.

What’s really been impressed upon me over the last few years and especially over the last few days is that we each make our own reality. We each, by the powers of our mind, shape and form what we believe is going to happen.

What is my reality? Because until I know what I really perceive, I shall keep on going through the same things over and over again. What is my reality?

My belief system.

  • I believe that life is full of strive.
  • I believe that people will always let you down
  • I believe that I will fail in the short term, though ultimately I shall succeed.
  • I believe that when things are going well, misery comes from nowhere to shatter the calm.
  • I believe that life is really a bitch and you just can’t fight it.
  • I believe that I can’t change my reality.
  • I believe that no matter what I try, I shall always fail with women.

What a negative belief system. How horrible and unrealistic. I wrote all that without even thinking about it.

Let’s see what positives I can come up with.

  • I believe that I truly have the power to change things. (But I can’t access the power to do so.)
  • I believe that this may be my last incarnation on earth. (But I could be wrong.)
  • I believe that I’ll never have any money problems.
  • I believe that I can fix up any problem in my body.
  • I believe that I can make a difference.
  • I believe that everything has its purpose and timing.

Now, here’s the catch. This last belief is what really holds me back. Subconsciously, if I fail, I simply use the reasoning that it wasn’t meant to be. Now, perhaps this is the illusion. The only thing that wasn’t meant to be was the fact that I didn’t perceive what could be. (I think this is getting complicated.)

In short; my reality stinks. It is negative and almost self-destructive. This is truly a world of illusion. I make the realities and it’s about time I set down some real belief systems.

  • Fact: I can protect myself and others.
  • Fact: Everything always turns out alright in the end, even when it doesn’t appear to be that way.
  • Fact: I am a true power. I have held myself back for too many years. I’ve been scared, lazy, worried, and just plain afraid that I could not do this.
  • Everything I expect tends to happen to me.
  • I expected that this current transformation would be difficult. It has been.
  • I expect that everyone will let me down eventually. They have.
  • I expect all the wrong bloody things.




Everybody, no matter who it is, will do what is right by me. No matter what their intent is, they will have no choice but to do right by me. If they try to do the wrong thing, then they will find that they will be compelled to do the right thing. They will do this because this is now my belief.

I have now released enough of the traumas and negatives in my life to become the light I can be. People will now want to be with me. People will now want to have me around. People will not be able to deny me because I will make them happy and help and enlighten them.

I am no longer unlucky in love, friendship or relationship. This is because I am pleasure to be around. In fact, far from being unable to find the right partner, I will be surrounded by the right people. This is now my reality. I shall have choice. I shall be able to pick and choose. Those who will not become my partners will become my friends.

I can really make a difference to this world. And I shall make a difference. This is so because this is now my belief.

I am a being of light, love and harmony.

I am no longer unhappy. All that happens to me now is positive and uplifting. If something bad happens, I have the answers and the solutions and the way of implementing them. They will come to me and I am able to solve any problem. There are no more problems, only solutions. This is so because this is my belief.

I am now able to develop spiritually and metaphysically. There are no more blockages. The more I learn, the more powerful I become. All my powers are used in the service of the universe and to help people grow and bring them out of the illusion and darkness. This is happening now because this is my reality.



I printed it out, read it over and over for a few weeks and then one day… everyone on that list was a reality and has become more ever since.

Did it work?

Yes. Maybe just a little too well. I got everything I asked for.

Next:  Think you were done? Think again.

Creating our reality series: The process or I wish for pink unicorns.

URI Unicórnio Rosa Invisivel

Last entry, we discussed looking at random thoughts to help us define what we really feel and think about things.

As these thoughts get recorded, you may well be surprised by what you get. They may not match what you thought you would get.

In fact, changes tend to happen gradually and subtly, and where you are now may be a long way from where you started from.

In any case, you’re ready to change your belief system.

The first step is to write down everything you believe. Here you will need to be honest with yourself. Many people will not admit certain things, even to themselves, because they feel they shouldn’t think or feel a certain way.

This, however, is counter-productive to what you want to do.

Just because you don’t acknowledge something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t happening.

You might as well refuse to acknowledge that the Earth orbits around the sun, but in spite of that, it will, regardless of what you think.

(And for those critical thinkers who say, well, what if I want my reality to be that it doesn’t? If you do manifest that, you might shift to a time-line which would be… rather… unpleasant.)

Just remember: It is not until you acknowledge where you are right now that you can begin to change things.

So, written down your personal truths? Do you feel they reflect your life?

Great. Let’s move on.

Now you need to decide what you want your new reality to be.

Write it down point by point. Don’t be afraid to be outrageous. However try not to wish for anything what would create a complete change in your reality. By that I mean, don’t wish for something like dancing pink unicorns and raining gold pieces. You may well find yourself no longer living on this world (to others, you will have passed over) and on another astral plane.

So keep it in the realm of what is possible, and there is not much which is impossible, even on this world.

Also keep it to what is possible for you. Once again, if you are disabled, and you want to be a world champion sprinter, you might well end up in another reality.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but… remember, you are here for a reason, and you will just end up coming back to complete whatever experience you had chosen.

Write it all down.

This is your new belief system.

Then print it out or have it accessible in some way so you can carry it around with you.

Then every chance you get, pull it out and read it like you believe it. You don’t have to believe it, but act as though it’s already real.

Say it to yourself with conviction and know that it is already so.

Also, don’t be afraid to tweak things if you decide you rather have something else, or something feels wrong to you.

If a negative thought comes alone and says: As if! Bless it, thank it and dismiss it and reaffirm the points.

Then at the end of it all, state: So be it. This or something better. This is happening now. Thank you.

The thank you is very important because by being thankful, you are acknowledging its presence in your life.

Do this often. Do it every time you think about it. Eventually you’ll find that you will forget to do it and one day, perhaps not too far away, you’ll suddenly realize you are living this new reality, and what is more, it will feel like it has always been that way.

Are we done yet? Well, no, not quite.

Next: My own belief system

Creating our reality series: Free will is wonderful or I got what I asked for. This sucks!

Belief System #2

The wonder of free will is that we are free to choose what we wish to experience. (Though, be careful what you ask for because when you get it,  it may not be what you wanted, and there are natural consequences, positive and negative for those choices.)

Even not making a choice is making a choice.

And if you don’t believe in free will, then that is the experience you get. A life where free will seems like a pipe dream.

As mentioned, what you experience comes down to what your personal beliefs are which forms our belief system.

Most people go their entire life with their belief system intact. In fact, once they reach a certain age, they seem to become entrenched in it.

But what if you want to change your belief system?

What if you’ve said: I’ve had enough of this current reality. What can I do to change it?

It is a fact that many people will complain and moan about how badly their life sucks, but are unwilling to listen to any potential solution.

So before you go ahead and change things, ask yourself: Am I happy with the way things are?  Do I really want to change anything?

For most people, the answer will be no, not yet. Let’s just see where this goes, and a surprising amount of people, who say they hate their lives, will say  just that.

But if you are fed up with everything, are no longer having fun, and you’ve reached the point where you’d rather not be here, then it’s more than likely time to change your reality.

Now, there are courses out there which specialize in teaching you this. They will happily take thousands of dollars from you and complicate something that is actually very simple: In fact, so incredibly simple that most people dismiss it as not being possible.

Those courses are padded out and come up with complicated techniques that, in the end, rarely work because, for the average person, it’s just too much work.

I am not going to charge anyone for this knowledge. I am going to freely share it.

But does it work?

In my own experience, it works very well.

If you want to change your belief system, you first must know what it is.

It is difficult to change something when you aren’t aware of what you want to change.

The trick to this is to try catching those seemingly random thoughts that flit through your mind all the time.

These thoughts may be anything, but they tend to repeat themselves.

Examples might be:

  • All men are bastards
  • I don’t see a point to this.
  • I’m so tired.
  • What’s the use?
  • I’m so miserable.
  • I can’t afford this.
  • All women are bitches.

Well, you get the point.

As I said, these are the thoughts that come to your mind when you are not thinking of anything in particular. When you feel tired and worn out.

Those thoughts are the basis of your belief system: The thoughts behind the thoughts.

And while it should be noted that while such thoughts can be sent by other sources, if feels true to you, then it is true.

And that’s what you should make a note of.

Spend a few days with a notepad or recorder and anything you catch one, write it down or record it.

Once you have done that, it will be time to move onto the next stage.

Next: Changing your belief system – Part 2.

Creating our reality series: Is our belief system all that is? or Astral versus the third dimension.

English: This is the religious symbol of Ayyav...

Still with me? Great  if you are.

Your belief system does create your reality, that much is true, and you might then ask: Okay then. If that is so, doesn’t that mean we are trapped in a reality of our own making with no way out?

You could argue that, but you would be wrong.

To try and answer this, let’s look at how the astral levels work. Those are the levels that are a different vibrational level, and our soul aspect (which is your soul) lives when you don’t have a physical body.

In a nutshell, whatever you think is created instantly. Whatever you expect is what you will see. It won’t have the same substance of this physical 3D world, but it will still look and feel real to you.

And so it will remain unless another soul turns up that is much stronger than you and chooses to override your version of reality. Then you will see the cracks in your own created illusions.

But for all intents and purposes, if you are by yourself, what you experience is what you expect. You are a product of your own belief system.

This type of thing is very common with those who have passed over. Whatever their belief system was when they died will manifest. Some believe in Heaven and the Pearly Gates, some believe in Hell, and some believe there is nothing, and will be trapped in a void of their making. Some are so drawn to the material objects of this world that they will manifest them, and then guard them jealously, believing them to be real.

If a soul that remember who they are, and more importantly remember who you are comes along, they can help break the illusion, and free them.

That’s how the astral levels work.

To bring it down to this 3D world, the same thing happens, however it takes a lot longer for anything to manifest itself. Nothing is instant, unless you happen to be a master, in which case, you probably already know what you’re doing.

It takes an enormous amount of energy to make something a reality.

Because of this, you can not only experience what you create, but also notice and experience things that happen to be outside of your beliefs.

Someone with an equally strong belief system can come along, and show you that your way is not the only way. You may choose to ignore this, but regardless, you will still notice it, even if you do dismiss it.

In fact the stronger our beliefs, the more likely we are discard evidence from outside that does not match with what we think should be.

More importantly, when we let others define what we should think and believe, we give our creative powers over to them, and ignore everything that shows us that our way is not the only way, in spite of how unhappy our current belief system may be making us.

One of the blessings of a co-created and coessential reality is that we can all experience what someone else believes just by observation, and taking notice of what is really going on.

Rather than dismissing them as wrong, or crazy, look upon it as an opportunity to gain different perspectives, and enhance who you are, and take back your power to create.

You are powerful. Make no mistake about that. There are people who do not want you to know this, but this does not change that fact.

You Are Powerful.

So ask yourself this. Why would you want to give that power to someone else and let them decide what your reality should be like?

And yet, people do this all the time.

I’ve often said, would you still act and do things in the same way, if you knew it wasn’t required by God, or the society you are in?

Personally, I feel doing something out of fear is a poor reason to do anything.

But if you are tired of your life? What then?

Then it will be time to look at creating a new belief system.

Next: Changing your belief system.