Empath Series – Bach flower remedy: More on Elm or what else does it do?

English elm tree, Ulmus procera, at the Morton...

I thought I’d continue on with the remedy Elm today.

There are many levels to each remedy, and Elm certainly is no exception.

If anyone has any requests on what remedy can help what, let me know and I’ll feature it sooner than later.

The Symptoms of an Elm type:

  • Temporarily loss of confidence in doing a job one is capable of.
  • Despondency.
  • Feels overwhelmed by too many tasks.
  • Exhaustion
  • A sense of panic that there is too much to do.
  • Self-esteem may be affected.

The Elm type is one who is very capable of doing a job, and doing it well. They have tenacity, endurance, and intelligence.

Sometimes they stress because they suddenly feel they cannot accomplish the task set before them.

This can be due to too much pressure, or exhaustion. 

Often an Elm type can be heard to say ‘I don’t know how I’m going to get this done.’, however, they always manage to get it done in the end, and breathe a sigh of relief… until the next time, which is often the next day.

Parents who are trying to look after their children often feel exhausted, and as there is no foreseeable solution (as you can’t exactly shut your children out, nor would you really want to) it’s a daily battle.

Also, there is the carer who looks after their sick relatives, and has no time for their own lives. So much to do, and so little time to get it done in.

Elm can be a great help in these type of circumstances. 

This remedy is especially useful when you have too many tasks coming in and too many interruptions.

The empath has another level to consider. That is being overwhelmed by many feelings at the same time. This may happen in crowds or parties or even world events such as elections, disasters or incidences where emotions run high. It’s made even worse when you have several friends who are all going through a bad time.

One of the traits of an empath is that they can’t handle being at parties, in a mall or at a large festival or celebration, such as new year’s eve, where alcohol and energies fly about like there’s no tomorrow.

Elm is the remedy that helps you cope with all waves of things that threaten to overwhelm you. Taking Elm will help you cope with the stress and the feeling of panic and the belief that you can’t cope. It will aid you in calming and centring your emotions and thoughts and get through the busy times where too much is really going on.

Empath Series – Bach flower remedy: Elm – The remedy for being overwhelmed or I dropped the eggs.

elmOne of the complaints from Empaths that I hear a lot is that they often feel overwhelmed by too many feelings and emotions.

So much so, it drives them nuts. It is a very real problem, and causes all kinds of issues, including psychic burnout.

You might liken it to one of those old egg catching games from the early 1980s. Eggs would come from four different directions, and you would catch them. Over the course of the game, they would get faster and faster. Let three eggs fall and it was game over.

Depending on your skill and stamina, you could last a long time but eventually fatigue would kick in, and you’d drop the eggs, normally in rapid succession.

To take it a step further, it also can be likened to doing too many jobs at work when you’re short staffed, or understaffed. Unless you are amazingly skilled, you will eventually hit a point where you suddenly no longer are coping, and just going through the motions.

Mistakes happen and you collapse into a heap, exhausted and sick.


This is what it can be like for the Empath on a daily basis. They are hit by too many energies all at once and they go into a toxic, psychic overload where it literally hurts to even think.

To make matters worse, the people around them tend to get angry that their demands aren’t being met, and put additional pressure on the Empath. If there is any protest, they will ask to ignore everyone… but themselves.

Psychic burnout can and often does lead to long term illnesses and mental breakdowns.

Fortunately for the Empath, the Bach Flower Remedy, Elm, will help with those feelings of too much, too soon, too overwhelming.

When taking it, the sense of panic and exhaustion lifts, and a sense of calm and organization tends to take its place.

Elm is a remedy worth keeping in the Empath’s first aid kit. It also works well with Oak (when someone is pushed past their limits) and Olive (long and short term exhaustion.)

It’s saved my bacon on a number of occasions!

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – Other ways to protect yourself or how new age of you.

Anahata chakra symbolizes the consciousness of...

There are a number of ways you can balk psychic attacks, though they have varying success rates.


Bach Flower Remedies:

For stopping psychic attacks, this is my one stop shop. If you can identify where the attack is targeting, then taking the appropriate remedy will stop it.

The usual culprits are guilt, self-doubt, known fears, lack of faith, being overwhelmed, and, I guess, any of the 38 states of being.

Details on this will be covered at a future date or you can check out details on my website www.psi-zone.net


It is claimed that crystals can help ward of attacks. I don’t know much about them, as it goes, but I did try using them at one point. I did not seem to gain any benefits.

I think they need to be awakened, and attuned to you in order for them to work.

Here are some crystals that are said to aid you against psychic attacks.

Carrollite: This mineral can be useful for providing grounding of each chakras; it can also facilitate the closure of the chakras, allowing for protection of the self against psychic attacks.

Chlorite: Forms of chlorite have been used with amethyst to remove unwanted energy implants; the presence of chlorite and amethyst within ones energy field has also successfully protected against both energy implants and psychic attack.

Limonite: It provides for the strength and virility of youth, enhancing the substance of ones character and providing an ‘iron hat’ for protection against detrimental thoughts, impaired clarity, and psychic attacks. It also furthers accuracy in the intuitive processes.

Ruby: It is an excellent shielding stone, protecting on all levels and safeguarding ones consciousness from psychic attack.

If you use the stones, remember to awaken, energize and connect with them.

Creating a white, luminous five pointed star. 

This star should have a point corresponding to your head, both hands and both feet. You should mentally draw it. It is said that once you are inside a five pointed star, nothing but nothing can touch you that is bad as it is an elemental of protection.

The reason it should work is that we are able to create elemental forms or thought forms just be thinking about them. Thoughts are real energy and whatever you think will add to a pool of energy. By creating these things in your mind, you really are creating something that will protect you. The more you do it, the stronger it will become.

It’s really important to note that the key to any type of shielding, including white light auras, is to create the shield with thoughts of love, peace, compassion and blessing.

This will repel anything that is unlike that energy. Keep fear and anger, etc, out of your thoughts. It will not aid you.

There is, however, a stream of thought that by creating a shield, you also attract the things that attack you. This is because you are setting intentions to be protected, so you, by default, call things to you to be protected against.

I, personally, try to drop shields, and just be the highest light I can, using who I am to try and heal what is around me.

Next: Should I pay for protection?

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – Serendipity or cutting the mustard.

BFR MustardAs I’ve mentioned, I’ve spent much of my life under attack. There have been various reasons, which I won’t get into here, but most I have overcome, especially once I’ve tracked the source.

But for whatever reason, I’ve been under pretty strong attacks from 2009 to 2013.

My internet circle has a good deal of psychic people in it, and I’ve a couple who are dedicated to keeping me safe and as it goes, they do an excellent job of it.

However, for the first four months in 2013, the attacks had grown stronger and my exhaustion was to the point where I knew something had to shift if I was going to continue.

Whenever I’m under such attacks, my partner feels it, and she will give me the space to deal with it. Also, the more I am affected, the more of a headache she gets. I’m grateful I have someone in my life that not only understands and accepts me, but knows what to do in order to help and guide me.

As usual, when I’m feeling depression, I take the Bach Flower Remedies, and use the ones that I feel will bring some relief.

They do help, but unless you hit the cause of the feelings, the relief is only temporary.  (which is one the main reasons I say they are not a placebo.)

I’m pretty excellent with the remedies, and I can tell you which remedy does what, but there has always been a couple that eluded me on what they did exactly.  So I never took them.

The problem with the remedies is that while they are amazing, and do work, not everything is known about them, and I believe that many of the discoveries I’ve made in regards to them were made first by me.

Mustard happens to be one of those remedies that I really never understood. Its official use is for deep gloom of unknown origins. However, several remedies also deal with such things. My guide did mention it was to protect against areas of negative energies, but I never looked into it much further than that.

In April 2013, I had finally reached the point where I was fed up with feeling drained, depressed and full of doubt.

I decided to pick up Mimulus (for known fears) when I accidentally picked up Mustard instead. (They are next to each other.)

As I picked it up, I thought: Well why not?

I took two drops directly on my tongue, and felt an immediate lightening of my moods and fatigue. The remedy also tingled like crazy. (The more you need the remedy, the more it will tingle.)

I walked up to my partner and asked her if she sensed any change in me. She said she felt a lightening of her headache.

I took some more and noticed something shift in my body. It was as though some seed or hook was removed (which may have been a hitch-hiker). A minute later, my partner said the headache was gone.

As mentioned, Mustard is said to be the remedy for gloom. I’ve looked it up, but there is not much that elaborates on that.

I feel pretty safe in saying that Mustard is the remedy to stop psychic attacks and coupled with Walnut (the link breaker), it is quite potent.

My exhaustion lifted that night, and has not returned. I’ve felt confident, strong and full of light.

I also feel pretty safe in saying that this is a really important discovery for Empaths as they are very vulnerable to such attacks, especially those who class themselves as Light-workers.

Next: Other ways to protect yourself.

Creating our reality series: Final thoughts or can we move onto something else now?

Al Hirschfeld Theatre, view to the stage 302 W...

Still with me? Thanks for coming this far. I started off with my experience on shifting time lines, and ended up with re-creating reality. Oddly enough, a direction I was not expecting.

So, to finish this off, here are some final thoughts on the subject of belief systems.

It is one thing to create a new belief system. It is another not to sabotage it.

When you begin to create something, you will discover that events will occur which might leave you confused.

People and things will come in and out of your life. Some events may seem like tragedies at the time, but are actually blessings in disguise. (Though you will not see that unless you understand what is going on, or look at it in retrospect.) Remember, the master always blesses those things that happen because they know there is a great gift contained within.

Trust your intuition. It is your guide. It will tell you to do one thing, and your logic, and sense of status quo will scream at you to ignore it. Don’t let fear stop you. If it feels right, do it. The results may not always be immediately  apparent, but remember, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but your intuition can.

Do not resist change. Changing your belief system and then resisting the synchronicities that come your way is a recipe for frustration and misery.

When I created my new belief system, some crazy things happened, and I did things that made people think I had lost my mind.

But I did them anyway, because I had finally learned by that point to trust my intuition, and I did what felt right, even if it looked wrong.

I kept alert for signs and synchronicities and followed them at every turn. My personal life has been amazing because of it.

Every decision I made by this process ended up being the exact one I needed to make at the exact right time and even though there were times when I was going through traumatic shifts, they had to happen so I could come to where I am now.

Without them, I’d still be stuck where I was back in 1995.

Changing your belief system is not easy the first time you do it. There is the tendency to fall into old patterns, play the victim card and enter into a poor me drama, especially when you are just about to make a major shift.

It can also be extremely traumatic.

The reason for this is because when you choose something new, all the things that are no longer needed fall away, and all the things that are needed come into your life. Change can be traumatic.

I got through it because of the Bach Flower Remedies (and yes, I will eventually get onto them!)

But is it worth it?

Gosh yes!

Every one of those points I made in my own belief system came true. All the negative beliefs that I had are no longer present in my life.

According to my guides, I’ve shifted time-lines quite a few times. Some memories feel very unreal to me now, like they were more a dream than something that actually happened. They shifted because I kept on my path with a single minded tenacity. Most of the shifts are very subtle but every so often something will come up that makes me think: Didn’t I hear that this person died? (But he’s still alive.)

Shifting does occur because every time you move to a new level, the reality around you has to change to accommodate that.

And for those who are reading this blog before the earlier ones, I discuss my experiences on this subject in great detail.

Now, you may well get negative thoughts, or situations come up when you change your belief system.

This is because when you declare yourself to be something, everything unlike it comes into your life in order to give you that experience of being what you have chosen to be.

Remember, you cannot know light if all there is, is light.

What do you do about it, though?

There is a wisdom that states: What you resist persists, and what you look at and make your own disappears.

I have found this to be true.

When you resist something, you give it energy and acknowledge its presence in your reality. By embracing it, you accept it as a part of your energies, and the situation tends to vanish.

Whenever you come across something you do not want or you do not like, always thank it and bless it. Either send it on its way or state that it is welcome to join you, as long as it’s from a place of love, or for the highest good.

Yes, sounds new-agey and simplistic, but I’ve seen just about everything shift by doing this.

Also, if you get a negative thought that you do not like, simply state: I do not choose that outcome.

Finally, and most importantly, when changing your belief system, make sure that everything you do is in line with it.

It is said: Be the change you wish to see, and that is very true. When you are that change, all that is around you will start to conform.

It may take a little time, depending on how proficient you are at it, but never give up and don’t give in. Keep on choosing the same thing over and over, and don’t let self-doubts, or naysayers discourage you.

Remember, you are powerful. Don’t give your power away to others. If no one can make you a better offer for your reality, then create your own.

Empath Series – Bach Flower Remedies – Why I like them, or is this the Mary Sue of Remedies?

English: Woman looking at Bach Flower remedies...

I talk about the Bach Flower Remedies a lot. You might call it an obsession, and perhaps you’d be right.

But there is a good reason for that. They do work, and, choosing the right ones can perform what seems like miracles.

Going into details about the remedies, and the knowledge I’ve gained, is something I will be doing over the course of time.

There are thirty eight of them (not including the more famous Rescue Remedy ® and Rescue Cream. ®

I will look at all of them over time, but let’s just quickly discuss they I love them so much.

They are non-toxic.

They are non-addictive.

You cannot overdose or take the wrong ones. You simply will feel no effects if you do not need them.

They heal the cause of the problems, not the symptoms.

They are cruelty free.

Because they are vibrational in nature, they do not interfere with other medications or other forms of treatment. And by vibrational, I mean they heal on a level that is emotional / spiritual… and yes, I know that sounds newagey, airy fairy, castle in the sky stuff, but take me from me, it’s a fact.

They are easy to take.

They are cheap. One bottle can cost around 8 dollars if bought online, and can last for literally years. The use-by date generally is 10 years, though they can last indefinitely if the alcohol preserving them is good quality.

They work either ingested orally or rubbed on pressure points, such as your wrists. (wonderful if you can’t tolerate alcohol.)

The healing they provide is of a permanent nature. Once you are healed, you stay healed, until life and its events distresses you again.

While they are designed to be easy to self-diagnose, the skill lies on knowing what the cause of the problem is. That is not always obvious. Experience and knowing oneself is the key here.

They work on plants, animals and children.

They are a complete healing system.

They can work within moments. The more you take them, the more attuned you become, and the quicker the results.

The only downside is that you cannot mix too many of them together at once. Conventional wisdom says that you should not mix more than seven at a time.

I say that four is optimum, and they should be remedies that complement each other.

The good news is that I discovered that you can break the seven remedy limit if you take them one at a time instead of mixing them. There is no limit to how many you can use them.

Not only can you cure depression, but you can cure other conditions. For instance, I have used them to stop asthma.

The theory is that by treating the cause, you heal the problem.

Dr. Bach said: Treat the patient, not the dis-ease.

Personally, I don’t think I would be able to function without them in my life. They have pulled me from the brink way too often, and I’m sure it would have taken years of intense therapy to otherwise recover.

As I said, I will cover them all, but in the meantime, if anyone has questions, please ask and I will answer them.