Creating our reality series: The process or I wish for pink unicorns.

URI Unicórnio Rosa Invisivel

Last entry, we discussed looking at random thoughts to help us define what we really feel and think about things.

As these thoughts get recorded, you may well be surprised by what you get. They may not match what you thought you would get.

In fact, changes tend to happen gradually and subtly, and where you are now may be a long way from where you started from.

In any case, you’re ready to change your belief system.

The first step is to write down everything you believe. Here you will need to be honest with yourself. Many people will not admit certain things, even to themselves, because they feel they shouldn’t think or feel a certain way.

This, however, is counter-productive to what you want to do.

Just because you don’t acknowledge something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t happening.

You might as well refuse to acknowledge that the Earth orbits around the sun, but in spite of that, it will, regardless of what you think.

(And for those critical thinkers who say, well, what if I want my reality to be that it doesn’t? If you do manifest that, you might shift to a time-line which would be… rather… unpleasant.)

Just remember: It is not until you acknowledge where you are right now that you can begin to change things.

So, written down your personal truths? Do you feel they reflect your life?

Great. Let’s move on.

Now you need to decide what you want your new reality to be.

Write it down point by point. Don’t be afraid to be outrageous. However try not to wish for anything what would create a complete change in your reality. By that I mean, don’t wish for something like dancing pink unicorns and raining gold pieces. You may well find yourself no longer living on this world (to others, you will have passed over) and on another astral plane.

So keep it in the realm of what is possible, and there is not much which is impossible, even on this world.

Also keep it to what is possible for you. Once again, if you are disabled, and you want to be a world champion sprinter, you might well end up in another reality.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but… remember, you are here for a reason, and you will just end up coming back to complete whatever experience you had chosen.

Write it all down.

This is your new belief system.

Then print it out or have it accessible in some way so you can carry it around with you.

Then every chance you get, pull it out and read it like you believe it. You don’t have to believe it, but act as though it’s already real.

Say it to yourself with conviction and know that it is already so.

Also, don’t be afraid to tweak things if you decide you rather have something else, or something feels wrong to you.

If a negative thought comes alone and says: As if! Bless it, thank it and dismiss it and reaffirm the points.

Then at the end of it all, state: So be it. This or something better. This is happening now. Thank you.

The thank you is very important because by being thankful, you are acknowledging its presence in your life.

Do this often. Do it every time you think about it. Eventually you’ll find that you will forget to do it and one day, perhaps not too far away, you’ll suddenly realize you are living this new reality, and what is more, it will feel like it has always been that way.

Are we done yet? Well, no, not quite.

Next: My own belief system


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