Empath stories about their strange experiences – Part 1


I recently asked if any Empaths from the Facebook Empath Support group would like to share any of their experiences that would be considered unexplained or creepy.


Gary Leigh

When I was a young child of around 9 years old, I had a cat who I loved dearly called Timmy. I came home one afternoon from school to find that he had died from eating poison. I was devastated, of course. Several strange things happened after that.

That night, when I was being tucked into bed by my mother, we both heard the bells that had been on his collar outside my window. (Curiously enough, I had a second cat who died, too, and the same thing happened. Something that has never happened before or since.)

For the next few nights, my parents heard a scratching coming from inside their bedroom closet. Whenever my dad opened it, it would stop and would resume once he went back to bed again.

But the strangest tale came about six months later. Every day I would think of Timmy and wish that somehow he would find a way to come back to life and be with me again. Then one night, there was a scratching at the front door. My mother opened it and the neighbour’s cat, who had never been in our house, ran straight to my bedroom and jumped on my bed and curled up, just like Timmy would do. Unfortunately, my mother decided to put him outside as she was not sure what to do. She told me that he spent the entire night in front of the door. That was the only time it happened.

I was in preschool so I must have been about 5 years old. It was the night of our Halloween party at the school and my mother worked nights in an envelope factory, so my father was taking me. As we left that night, we stood on the porch and I remember as I watched my dad lock the deadbolt on the front door, I swear I heard whispers coming from the roof. I told my father- “daddy someone is on the roof” but of course this was explained away that I was scared in anticipation of my spooky party. We left to enjoy festivities- and I remember them oh so

Vividly, with my favorite game of the night involving a fake snake obstacle course! As we arrived at home that night and approached the front door, our door was ajar and as we entered is was very apparent that we had been robbed. Money was gone including my piggy bank, trash was all over the house etc. I remember saying to my father “I told you I heard someone on the roof!” Now, did I really hear someone? I don’t know. Maybe this was just a 5 year old empath trying to learn her intuitions. That’s my personal belief anyway.

One night I went out to the club with a girl I was trying to get to know. I liked her and wanted to date her. Throughout the night we had some drinks. She saw her ex-boyfriend and was all over him. This made me a little upset so I decided to walk home. As I was walking it started to rain. I was not scared of a little rain so I continued. The rain got harder and harder. I was angry about the situation that had happened it almost at the time seemed like there was a higher power involved. Now standing in a downpour I finally looked up at the sky and screamed out “is this the best you have” just after I had finished saying it lightning hit a tree about 10-15 feet away from me. I walked the rest of the way home and was silent.


In 2006 I attended a family barbecue. This was the first time I have been at the residence. The home has a lot of history and was formerly a Woman’s Society. As I walked inside the home to use the bathroom the energy surrounding this home was both heavy and intense. I could tell I was not alone and there were many spirits present. I was not sure where the bathroom was but instead drawn to a door. As I opened the door I took notice that I was not in the bathroom but in a room that was abandoned and resembled a basement floor. I walked in but felt that I was in another dimension. A very heavy feeling came over me. I saw four spirits, two women, one childish and one very stern and mean. A man who was angry, controlling and very mean and a baby who was in the arms of one of the women. I tried to remain calm to find my way back to the door. As I tried to reach to leave I was spun several times in a circle. I felt lifeless. I fought to both find and reach the door while these spirits laughed and called out for me to leave, Not only did they want me to leave but they also wanted who resided there to leave too… I could not get to the door. I felt as if gravity was pulling me back. Finally with all of my might I fought to reach the door. As I opened the door I saw my Mother and Step Aunt who were frantically looking for me. They were both concerned and shocked by the look on my face. As I walked outside of the home to try and get some fresh air my Mother followed me. I was in a state of shock but quickly explained what occurred. I t felt sick. I instantly felt a headache coming on. At this moment my deceased grandfather came to me. I realized he was the one who helped me to find the door. He wanted me to give my Mom a personal message, one that was only for her and for her to hear only. She was so elated to hear this message, one that she longed all of her life. Meanwhile, my headache lasted for three days. I believe I endured a psychic attack. In the midst of this a series of unfortunate events occurred for my family. I saw death to come. At home while in my own bathroom washing my hands I looked up at the mirror and three visions of the future were present. I was told my stepfather would lose his sister (she resided in the home where I attended the barbecue), his Mother and Father within six months. All warnings came true. In conclusion I have learned how to protect and shield myself from psychic attacks. To clear negative energies and to ground myself. I was born with this gift although at times I felt it was both a blessing and curse. I know my purpose on this path of life is to help others.


Two to share – one recent, one not so much:

The first may not quite fit but is, to me, both something that cannot be explained and one of the reasons I identify as an Empath.

I am currently staying in homeless shelters. Last week, a guy came in when a bed was available. I don’t remember ever seeing him prior to that occasion. As he was going through the intake process, he came to wait across from me in the lounge area. I was reading a book when I started to feel uncomfortable. I looked up and he was looking at me with a half smile that just had me feeling like I was looking at “bad news.” Subsequent events that night (which included abnormal behavior and suspected theft) resulted in him leaving the shelter.

The other is shorter. One year, I awoke at exactly midnight Christmas Eve and saw my grandfather’s face in my mind. He had been ill, and I had this feeling of peace and love, and like he was saying goodbye.

Early the next morning, my father – his son – called. My dad told my sister and me that Papa Josh had died just after midnight. I remember saying “I know” and shocking them. Dad asked how I knew and I explained my vision. I don’t remember any later discussion about my experience, or whether that was when my mom started to take my “sixth sense” seriously, but I will never forget that night.