The Guide’s guide – Dos and don’ts. (2)

dakini guides

Guides – what not to do

This is a two part look at spirit guides. Part one looked at how they may communicate with you. This entry looks at dos and don’ts and how you might end up with your guides, guardian angels, or whatever you may choose to call them. What you should do, and more importantly, what not to do.


You might well ask: How do we even get guides?

Generally, there are a few ways.

You might contract their help before you come here. (Or sometimes you might do it while you are incarnated in your body.)

You might have a discussion with them about what you need, and why you want them, and offer payment for their services. (Not money, though. That has no use in the astral levels. Energy is generally the currency of the astral realms.)

This is not uncommon, as everyone has their own missions and things to do. If you need guides with special abilities or skills, expect to offer something in return.

These types of guides could also include gods, angelics, demonics and other such beings. Generally, no one does anything without an exchange on these levels. It’s just how it works.

Also, DO NOT try and get a demonic as a guide. They find it demeaning and will most likely screw you over for their own pleasure. They would have to be paid extraordinarily well to even seriously consider helping you.

Continue reading “The Guide’s guide – Dos and don’ts. (2)”

Spirit Guides – Part 8 – Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. (Showing my age here!)

Contacting your guides – part 2

The following blog  is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own. 


Guides can communicate in other ways. Sometimes they might throw a sign your way (such as a shooting star at a critical moment or maybe something moving that shouldn’t be able to move, though logically, I’m sure they can’t make a shooting star appear, but they can certainly make sure you’re there to see one. Timing is everything. And yes, I have experienced these things during such times as looking for a sign, and it’s fair to say they don’t happen at other times when I’m not.)

They can come through tools such as tarot cards or the I Ching. They can manifest physically and guide you. They might be able to affect you physically and pull you out of harm’s way.

I’m sure there are some who would suggest that I should see a psychologist or that I am crazy or should seek a cure and maybe they’re right. However, as I’m able to function as a normal member of society, I am not terribly concerned about it.

The question to ask yourself is: Who can make me a better offer?

If you’re happy with how things are, why would you make them worse because someone has decided that your reality doesn’t suit theirs? They are not living your life, nor will they take responsibility for it if things go wrong because you’ve followed their advice.

The other thing I have done over the years is what would be called ‘automatic writing’. I write down a question, and then the response comes, which it typed without any thought or focus on my own part.

Practice makes perfect when doing this, and the more you do, the easier it becomes.

For me, it was a challenge when starting off. I first decided to do it back in 1995 and from time to time, would try it again. Eventually I found that I was able to get to the point where useful information was being produced. (Some of this material, which is relevant for empaths will be posted on a blog.)

The format ended up taking the same formula as in the Conversations with God books written by Neale Donald Walsch. However, as I did not read any of his books until the year 2000, I can say that I am not plagiarizing his style.

When it comes down to it, these books write themselves, and there isn’t much you can do to produce a more friendly format, at least from what I am aware of.

Be aware of signs around you. Don’t make everything into a sign, though, and above all trust your feelings.

The best thing you can do is ask for them to reveal themselves in some way, and then be aware of events that happen.

In the end, your feelings will tell you if it’s real or not. Don’t dismiss them. They are your best guide.

Spirit Guides – Part 7 – There are voices in my head (and they don’t like you!)

Contacting your guides – Part 1

The following blog  is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own. 


The heading is flippant, but couldn’t resist.

From time to time, I’m asked how someone can get in contact with their guides. All I can do is pass on my own personal experience.

I’ve always had thoughts in my head. Sometimes they might be my own, of course, but much of the time they feel different, as though they are more rarefied.  In both cases, they are a voiceless voice:  Thoughts that come to my mind without any logical connection or volition on my part. The energy attached to each one is quite distinct though. The best I can put it is that it’s like listening to different musical notes. Each one sounds quite unique.

I’ve had two main kinds of communications of this sort.

The first is just a general conversation, like you would have with a 3D person.  This is a very interesting experience as it’s like carrying a chat partner around with you 24/7. This type of chat tends to be mostly discussing philosophy, teaching me information I need to know or just giving me insights. I used to spend a lot of time arguing with them in the early years, even before I acknowledged them as guides. I don’t do this much anymore.

Every ‘but’ stops you from becoming who you wish to be.

I also find that the conversations come through strongest when I’m walking, or am in certain areas such as a closed off room. Also, I get my strongest messages when having a shower.

The second kinds of communication are short messages.

These are often just a few words long, but will repeat over and over until I understand the message. This can and has taken years in some cases. It also seems that no sooner do I comprehend one message that it gets replaced with another. As an example, one of the most prolific ones I had, which would lasted a good seven or so years were the continual words: “Who are you?” and “You are the phoenix.” (for those who know me, that message will make sense.)

I got these many times an hour, every day until I made sense of it. I must admit, I’m a bit slow as I never noticed the two statements as being connected.

I find the best way to talk to my guides is to ask the question and then let things come naturally. Trying to force an answer will result in no answer or an answer that comes from your own thoughts.

A forced answer tends to be a tainted answer, especially if you have an attachment to the answers. The more you push, the further away it becomes.

I often find that when someone asks me: What do you guides say? I try to get an answer, but I don’t hear them. It’s actually pretty annoying, but the moment I relax, information starts to come through.

In my case, I get those short messages every time my guard is down and when I’m chatting with my guides, I treat them as though I’m chatting with another person. When you have a conversation, you say your piece, but you don’t have to focus on making the other person respond, they either will or they won’t. If they do, it will take no effort on your part.

Many people often dismiss guides as their own imaginings. What they fail to understand is that sometimes your imagination can be used as a means of communication.

Of course, this does not automatically mean that everything you receive is from another entity or if it is, it’s automatically true. In fact, you may find the opposite to be true.

Always run the words and the source past your feelings. If something resonates, then it’s right for you. If it doesn’t, then take a closer look.

Next: Other ways of communicating.