Empath Series – Psychic attacks. Hitchhikers or I don’t recall inviting you in.

HItchhiking spider
Drawing by Mari

Back in 1999, I was with my then wife and  her 12 year old daughter in our kitchen when I noticed something small and black flash in the air about a foot from my stomach. I only caught a glimpse of it and it was gone. It wasn’t a fly or any kind of flying bug and we had the lights on, so the area was well lit.

Every few minutes or so, I’d catch another glimpse of it and on the third or forth time, I said out loud: What is that?!

My wife said:  What?

But my step daughter said: There’s something black spinning around dad.

She described it as a spider.

I was somewhat surprised that she saw what I saw, and even more surprised how nonchalant she was about it. However, it did validate what I was seeing, and that it wasn’t just a trick of the light, or my imagination.

Still, I had no clue what it was, and the black thing disappeared pretty much afterwards.

I tried to find out what it was, but didn’t get very far. In fact, one lovely chap used it as an excuse to attack me on my spirituality. (Haters gotta hate I guess.)

It wasn’t until 2004 that I discovered more information.  I had met a psychic in a spiritual chat room. She saw me for who I was, and recognized my energies, which was rare back in those days. (As it was, I was being set up for a major attack, but that’s another story, perhaps for another time.)

So I connected with her, and discovered that she was one of the most psychic people I had met to date.

She was able to look at my aura from another country (you might call it remote viewing) and she saw that several large black entities had made their home in my body. They were spider like with long hooked tentacles which wrapped and hooked around my body.

During an evening session over the phone, she worked to remove the parasite by covering it in a sparkly golden aura, lifting it gently and dropping it onto another sparkling golden layer. She made sure she got every part as she said that any part left behind would just grow again. She then asked for her guides to remove the parasite.

This lady also had awakened me to my powers, and I realized that everything I had experienced and done was not just fantasy, but actually real.  So from then on, I used my abilities, and trusted what I saw.

Looking at my own aura, I found that I carried many of these hitch hikers and by going within, I was able to gain a visual to what was there.  I was able to use a spiritual sword to remove these entities. Each time I removed a piece, I felt my body convulse in what can only be described as a kind of sick shock. It was the sensation of metallic apple juice which had gone off leaving my body.

The interesting thing was that after I had removed everything I could, I felt much lighter and people reacted to me in a very different and positive way.

I call these entities hitchhikers. I have not yet quite fathomed what their purpose is though I do know they can and do affect your energies and can cause corruption. I theorize that being such as these may make you more susceptible to astral attacks.

Maybe they are just parasites, and need to feed off energies.

I remember one time; the left side of my stomach was hurting. I looked and saw a large black hitch hiker in the area. I removed it and was amazed to feel the pain dissipate right away.

Another incident that happened was when a friend was complaining of back ache. She was in the USA so I took a look using remote viewing. I saw a large black spider covering the length of her back. I asked her to look without telling her any details and she told me she saw a spider. I removed it and she confirmed she felt the difference without me saying anything to her when I had done it.

She wondered if she had picked it up while she mind travelled through space while she was at work, as she used this method to keep herself from getting bored.

I decided I’d ask the lady who had removed my hitch hikers about it. She knew about the astral spiders and said that they normally got picked up when you mind travel through space.  As I hadn’t mentioned any details, this was a good confirmation. She also told me that these spiders tend to lay astral eggs in their host.

On a final note, I’ve noticed that in the past, people would exorcise bad spirits by making a ‘te te te’ sound.  This sound, when done properly and with the intention of trying to expel something from within, produces the same sensation (and sound) that I described while removing the entities with my spiritual sword. That leads me to conclude that even though it may have been forgotten, that was the original purpose behind that ritual.

Next: Types of psychic attacks.

Empath Series: Psychic attacks or why am I feeling so drained?

This particular topic might well come across as controversial, (though, by now, you’ve probably come to expect that from me) but those who have experienced it will tell you that they are real, and those who haven’t will more than likely scoff.

The subject is psychic attacks, and, like Empaths, sounds like something lifted out of either fantasy, or the horror genre.

However, let me assure you that they are real.

But what is a psychic attack?

In a nutshell, it’s an attack on a psychic level that attacks your weakest points. Supposing, for instance, you feel guilty about some action you have taken, the psychic attack will magnify that feeling to the point where you will bring your life to a standstill.

The key to stopping the attack is identifying the source, and the source can either be human, or something on the astral levels.

If the source is human, it’s often done with deliberation. As surprising as it may seem, the attacker knows exactly what they are doing, and they are doing it maliciously.

Due to the work that I do, and the reasons I am here, I’ve made some people rather upset, and I have certainly experienced attacks on me. These entries will not be about those attacks, though.

On the astral levels, the kind of beings that attack you may be negative entities that sees you as a threat, or negative astral beings that uses the negative energy generated to feed themselves.

This is a topic that all Empaths, and especially those who consider themselves Light-workers, should be aware of.

Psychic attacks lead to energy drains, depression, exhaustion, and a sense of hopelessness that there is no point to anything.

Do not be spooked by them, though. As devastating as they can be,  and as scary as they sound, they can be dealt with, and they are also amazing opportunities for growth and identifying your weak spots that you may wish to work on.

This series will take a look at what types of attacks there are and what you can do about them.

Next: Emergu Hitchhikers.


Paranormal experiences or you expect me to sleep with that going on?

It's a ghost!
It’s a ghost!

My personal paranormal experiences.

For an empath, I’ve had surprisingly few supernatural experiences and most of them occurred during my younger years.

By supernatural, I’m talking seeing things and hearing things and things that are just unexplained.

I do wish, however, to make the distinction from my empathic experiences, as they are countless, and also any mind travels that I’ve experienced. (What might be termed as remote viewing.)

There are four main paranormal incidences that come to mind.

The first was waking up on two separate nights, and hearing footsteps walking up and down the hallway outside my bedroom. I would have been around 7 or 8 years of age. Everyone was asleep, and even if they were up, they would not have continued for what seemed like hours.

I didn’t have the courage to get up and look, and really, even today, I wonder if I would be happy doing so, but there were footsteps, of that I have no doubt.

The second one occurred also twice, and around the same age. I woke up in the middle of the night, and on the wall across my bed was a perfectly round light about 3 inches in diameter. It had no apparent source, and kept on moving around on the wall.  It stayed mostly in the one spot.

If it had been someone shining a torch into my room, I would have to question as to why they’d bother doing it for hours, how they could get the angle from a ten foot drop, and why there was no beam of light connecting to it.

I don’t remember what I did the first time, but I eventually fell back asleep. When it happened a second time, I hid under the bed covers.

As an interesting side note, a lady once slept in that room, and she woke up hearing her name called, and the word ‘ouch’. There was a light on her finger, and it left a burn. (At least according to her.)

From time to time, I would sense something negative in that room, even after I changed to another bedroom, however nothing major occurred.

The third incident was extremely minor. I had set up a film projector up in the lounge room and somehow it managed to turn itself on. That was an one off event.

I wasn’t the only one who experienced things in my mother’s house. My mother once saw a hooded figure staring at her upon waking up in the middle of the night and then walking backwards through the wall. I was a baby at the time. This same figure had been seen by my step daughter many years later. I never caught sight of it myself.

The last one happened when I lived in my grandmother’s house when I lived in Holland for half a year. I was nine, and one night, I woke up when everyone had gone to bed. Downstairs, I could hear a song playing which sounded vaguely like the Everly Brothers’ song Dream. Except it just repeating what sounded like a couple of lines, and it continued on for many hours until I fell asleep again.

While none of these experiences really scared me, I can’t say they made me comfortable either. As I few older, and into who I was, such things stopped happening, and I had the odd impression that it was avoiding me. At least for the most part.

Does anyone have similar experiences they’d like to share?

Empath series – Spirits, ghosts, negative entities and all those fun things that can’t possibly exist.

Psychics and the spirit world.

Here’s the problem with empaths and other sensitive people: They see and sense and even hear things that others generally do not.

Scientifically, such things are hard to prove, if not impossible, as what we experience cannot always be recreated and tested under lab conditions.

I was listening to an old podcast the other day, and it was said that there are no haunted houses, only haunted people.

I thought about this and I think that’s a fairly accurate statement because sensitive people are the ones who will pick up on areas that have a higher amount of activity occurring. Someone who is not able to pick up such things will experience nothing noticeable happening, though that doesn’t mean they are not being affected. I’m sure there are plenty of sceptics who have suffered depression from unknown causes and the draining of their energies.

There are certainly those who love to mock those who do sense and see spirits and that’s okay. We need perspective. We need to not fall into the trap where we read every little sign as something paranormal, even when it may not be, and can be proven as such.

Still, I wonder just how many of these sceptics have put themselves into places where such activity is high?

I only muse on this subject because psychics, empaths, and sensitive people can, and do see things that do exist on other levels.  They may not have the ability to interpret the information correctly, after all, it is just another sense and not even our normal five senses will always be correct. Just ask someone who is colour blind if that’s not true.

As scary as it is for some, entities, spirits, beings, elemental energies do exist.  The normal person in the street may not see them, but that doesn’t mean they are not there.

Those who can detect them will be under no doubt that what they see is real to them, even if they do believe they are, perhaps, crazy.

I don’t believe they are, though. Everything exists on some level and some people are just more adapt, and attuned, at seeing them.

For those following this blog, I need to make it clear that I believe that these things do exist, and the reason why is because there will be blogs which will cover these things which will be important for empaths, especially those who are suffering from depression.