People say I’m highly sensitive, but am I an Empath?

Anneli Rufus

How do I know I’m an Empath?

One of the most common things I see, when people e-mail me for advice is: Am I really an Empath?

They have looked at all the signs and can relate too many of them. They don’t always fit all the traits of an Empath. There are very few who do. However, they certainly fit many of the major ones, including being told that they are just too over sensitive or highly emotional.

HSP or Highly Sensitive Person is a signature trait of being an Empath.  It means that you react with a heightened sense to everything that is going on around you.

If something bad happens, your reaction will seem to be over the top to others.

It might be something along the lines of having a bad day at work. You believe you’ve made an error and now you feel very guilty about it.

Maybe someone reacted in a way to something you said or did that you didn’t think was positive and you feel bad or even guilty about how you made them feel.

Perhaps a partner or a friend is having a hard time and you can’t enjoy yourself around them because they don’t feel happy. You feel obliged to make yourself miserable so you can empathise with them.

You might even be cautious or afraid to let others know your true feelings because you don’t want to come across as uncaring or indifferent. You will make yourself feel unhappy because that seems to be your best option.

The Empath will feel obligated in some sense to react in a way that allows others to see that they are not alone and they have support.

This is generally unhealthy for all parties concerned because it simply feeds the negative energy rather than healing or helping anything.

As I said, it’s common for an Empath to be highly sensitive.  They take on the pain and discomfort of others around them, no matter if it’s human or animal or even plant.

Generally, if you ask yourself if you’re really an Empath, the very act of asking is a good indicator that you are. Non empathic people won’t ask and won’t even care. They will dismiss it out of hand.

Chances are high that if you ask the question, you are an Empath.

Drawing provided by Anneli Rufus. Thank you.

Introducing the Empath Support Community Site.

ESCFor a while now, I’ve been thinking about creating an empath community.

Yes, I know there are already some out there, but they seem restrictive and having had my membership terminated on one of those communities (why, I’ve not real idea. Maybe they didn’t like the odd blog entry I put there) I felt it was time to give people a place where they can be themselves.

The problem I have observed with other communities is that they are controlling. They will demand people act in a certain way and if you fall out of line, you will be kicked.

I’ve also mentioned this to be the case with chat rooms.

Personally, I don’t see how one can create anything worthwhile and long-lasting if there are so many rules and restrictions in place.

With this in mind, I finally felt it was time to consolidate all the empath resources I have created on the web and centralize it into a one stop shop that people can join, connect and share their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

For all those Empaths, Highly sensitive people and psychics who are looking for a place to be, the Empath Support and Community site may be for you.

There you will find the chat room, this blog, my empath website, groups, forums, and the ability to create your own profile, befriend others and blog what’s on your mind.

As with the chat room, all you need do is remain courteous and not attack another and you are welcome.

This is an open group and all you need is a valid e-mail address to join.

You can find the ESC at (the blog will be at until domain mapping have been worked out.)

Running a chat room – The challenges and frustrations.

Empath ChatroomI’ve been involved in chat rooms since I first joined the internet back in 1995.

Back then, it was amazing and new and there was an innocence about it that seems to be no longer present today.

In that time, I’ve been part of the chat community in one way or another, either as a user, a moderator or admin.

Over the years, I’ve seen some very popular chat rooms come and go, including the now dead Celestine Vision chat room.

I’ve learned a lot by observation and seeing what worked and what didn’t work.

When I started my own chat room back in 2009, I knew what I wanted it to be.

It had a very clear agenda and one that has remained faithful .

But running a chat room, no matter what your agenda is a tricky business.

One thing that became very clear early on for me was that no matter what you do, you are always going to upset someone.

Someone will always be unhappy with how you do things.

Someone will always accuse you of doing something or not doing something the way they feel it should be done.

I always found this odd as you are paying for a place that is free without asking for anything in return and yet many act as though they are buying a service.

Running a chat room is quite a challenge, especially one that you want to cater to all.

You have to know when to ban, when to warn and when things are getting out of hand.

You have to choose the right moderators to support you. The wrong ones can create more drama than you ever would want.

People will accuse you of things you don’t do, such as spying and reading private conversations in logs and while one can certainly do that, anyone who has ever looked at a transcript will know just how tedious and horrible they are to follow.  It’s time consuming and if you’re busy or tired, you honestly just don’t care about it.

Chat rooms always attract their share of trolls and know-it-alls.  They are people who sit in judgement of others, come there to cause trouble or feel they know better than anyone else.   People who don’t have a sense of humour and take themselves very seriously. (I always say, never trust someone who can’t laugh at themselves or doesn’t recognize an obvious joke.)

What kind of room you want depends on what your agenda is.

Many fail because they are too controlling and too selective, banning at the drop of a hat.

Others fail because there are no guidelines in place.

Many of the chats I’ve visited are there as a vehicle to stroke the creator’s ego. Those generally don’t do that well.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the focus of my room is synchronicity. That is, people come and visit and find what they need. That might be answers, other people or just a pointer to another place.

My secondary focus is support for empathic and spiritual people. That’s a tricky one; because “spiritual” has a very broad definition and no one can be ‘on’ full time. (If they are, you can guarantee burnout is not that far away!)

I’ve seen people visit the room and complain that there is no spiritual chat happening and leave. To those I say: wait a bit or start your own topic. People will come. They may not agree with your point of view, but if you’re there just to validate your own views, you are probably wasting your time in any case.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that trying to control and restrict things is a bad idea.

My philosophy is:

Everyone is human (which is, they are all part of this human experience and thus subject to the emotions most have.)  There are a few exceptions (Omen, I’m looking at you!) but generally people will fall into that category.

Everyone has bad days.

Everyone wants to chill out once in a while.

Everyone swears from time to time.

Everyone has a time where they want to vent.

There are people who like to connect energetically with people and do more with them on a cyber level.

Everyone has their own particular agenda and interest.

To except people to act in a certain way, especially one that is contrary to who they are and to their nature, is not healthy or logical. It’s a recipe for frustration, resentment and anger.

Giving people a place where they can do what they want seems to be a reasonable thing to do.

To that effect, there are a few rooms that cater for various situations.

As mentioned, people also swear so swearing is allowed, as long as it’s not abusive.

I try to keep the philosophy simple: Be nice to each other and do not attack or invalidate another.

Simple respect and acceptance can go a long way. It’s what makes a room an interesting place to be.

It’s simple in theory, but much more difficult in practice.

I try and handle this by trusting in my feelings. Knowing who is potentially trouble and who is there to find help.

It’s also trusting in the ebbs and flows of the energy. The room will never be amazing 100% of the time. In fact, I think if you can get it where it’s fine around 50%, then you are doing well.

Running a chat room is a depressing and dispiriting experience. You get a lot of hate.  It’s like painting a big target on yourself. It doesn’t matter if you go there or not (in fact, there have been some years where I barely entered the room) people will still hate you. Being an Empath, you will pick up on that hate and it doesn’t do a lot for your morale.

You might ask why do I bother?

I do it because I know there is a need for it and I will continue to do so until that need is no longer, or I am gone.

To those who feel they can do a better job, I say, please go ahead. The net needs more good chat room.

To those who think I have no clue what I’m doing, then I say to them, please go and try it yourself and let me know how it works out.

To anyone who succeeds in creating a chat room that not only works, but helps others, then you have my respect and appreciation.

Thank you.

The Synchronicity, Empath and Spiritual chat room can be found here.

All are welcome to visit.


Empath Chat room – The room of synchronicity.



empathBefore I continue on with the current series (which will continue for a few months), I wanted to just to mention the Empath / Spiritual support chat room.

While its intention is for empath and spiritual support, it is, and always was intended as a place of synchronicity.

For those who don’t know what that is (and think it’s only the name of an old record by The Police), synchronicity is about meaningful coincidences that help you along your path.

It was a term first coined by Carl Jung and then made popular in the 1990s by The Celestine Prophecy written by James Redfield.

The interesting thing about synchronicity is that the more you focus on it, the more it happens, and the quicker you move along your chosen path.

Years ago, there used to be a chat room on the Celestine Vision website. Many people came and believed it was a spiritual chat room. It wasn’t. It was a room of synchronicity. Many people found what they were looking for there, and through it all, there were many dramas, turf wars, alliances, and connections of people that lead to long friendships.

I was a mod there for years, but saw the end before it came. I was prompted to create my own chat room, which was geared towards Empaths. Initially, I did this for a then friend, but she did not follow through. Regardless, I kept the payments up and eventually people started to come in and stay. (And one of the people I made a mod stayed in the room for nearly a year before it finally started to take off.)

Today, this chat room is alive and healthy, and receives very interesting visitors.

It’s a mix between dark and light, support and acceptance. People come there and find just what they need most of the time.

So if you’re looking for a place to connect to others, you are welcome to join this room.

It’s a simple interface. (Java based) No ads and need to register. You can if you wish, though.

The rules are simple. Be nice to each other and don’t invalidate another.

You can find the chat room at on my website here.


I am The Phoenix,  my autobiography, is now available on paperback at


Somethings you have to go one step back in order to go two steps forward.

Two steps forward

Raul Taciu
Two steps forward…

Things are going along nicely for a change. You’ve had a revelation. You’ve reached an epiphany.

Life is flowing and things are good. It can only get better from here on in.

Then suddenly, without warning, you find yourself back at square one. It feels as though all your progress is gone. Things feel just as bad, if not worse, and you fall into despair because you were doing so well… and now you’re not.

That anger that you felt you had gotten past  and has allowed you to move on is back in full force and you even feel angrier than before.

Or it might be some trauma, fear, resentment, or lack of self-confidence.

Sound familiar?

What happened?

This is a very common scenario, especially for those on the spiritual path. For them it’s 2 steps forward and 1 step back. It’s very frustrating and most don’t really understand what is going on.

So let’s look at what is really happening.

There will indeed be times when we feel like we’re making headway. We are moving forward so fast and feeling so amazing that we feeling that nothing can stop us.

Then we hit that wall.



If we’ve faced and conquered our demons, so to speak, then why are they back?

And one step back.

The truth is, you haven’t conquered them fully. You’ve just dealt with one aspect of them. It’s allowed you to reach a new understanding, but there is still more work to do. You may revisit the same thing over and over, each time chipping away at another piece of it until finally you have removed the entire block, and are really ready to move onto new things.

This is normal. It’s not always possible to deal with something in its entirety, especially if it’s deep, long term and part of your belief system.

You have to take it in stages. You have to look at it from different angles, and each stage can feel almost the same, but there are subtle differences.

Or if it is the same, then you’ve not retained what you learned, and you need to have a refresher in what you needed to know.

Life is a process. We can move forwards and backward at the same time, and sometimes you need to move backwards in order go forward.

Remember, if something isn’t there within you to begin with, you wouldn’t be facing it. So you need to deal with it according to your abilities so you can heal it.

Healing can take a long time. There is no time limit to how long it may take. Some feel embarrassed about having the same issues come up over and over again. They may feel like a broken record, but that’s just how it goes. Eventually, if you keep at it, you will heal and get past those things that hold you back.

The problem is that most people get discouraged and give up. They forget how much progress they actually made.

This is the worst thing you can do, though. Giving up will never get you to where you desire to be.

Yes, it can be painful, and yes, you may feel like you’ll never get there, but this I promise you. Keep at it, and you will succeed. Things will shift around for you to make it happen.

Life is a process of creation. You are the creator. Trust in the flow and know that you can’t help but get there in the end, no matter how bad things seem right now.