Feeling drained? The Bach Flower Remedy ‘Wild Rose’ can help.


The remedy for feeling drained.

Empaths suffer from being drained by others quite often. Fact is, they are very vulnerable to not only people draining their energies but also entities that have gathered around them.

The manifesting of being drained can appear in several ways.

  • Your limbs feel really heavy.
  • You feel emotionally and psychically drained.
  • You feel a strong sense of apathy where everything is a great effort.
  • You look at something and realize you can’t face it right now, even if it’s something you want to do.
  • You suffer from being lethargic.

As mentioned, entities are often responsible for this condition. It might be a deliberate attack or due to something that just likes your energy.

Also, many people in the 3D are energy / psychic vampires. They hook into you and before you know it, you are feeling drained.

I first noticed that Wild Rose was helpful for lethargy back in 1995, when I took it after I felt really heavy limbed after a Christmas party. My energy immediately came back.

It’s only recently that I made the connection that Wild Rose helps protect against being drained.

If you are feeling drained, give Wild Rose a go. It could well restore your energies.


Somewhere there is someone…

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… Simple Minds