Q&A – Developing my abilities or I might have been out of my mind.

Vector drawing of the five kinds of Zener cards. Ordered by number of lines and curves. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Should you develop your empath abilities?

If you have any topics you want to know more about, please ask.

This week’s question come from nattietee at (http://lovelightlearn.wordpress.com/)

She asked.

Have you ever thought or tried to hone your abilities as an empath? I would love to hear more.

Thanks Nattietee and that is a really good question because the answer is not what you might expect.

To answer this, I’ll relate a story that happened to me back in the mid 1980s.

At the time, I had just read about being telepathic, and I thought that this would be a very cool ability to develop.

So I made the decision to do what I could to increase that ability.

That was before I really understood that I was an Empath, and that I was suffering from depression., I also was very ungrounded, but had no clue that it was grounded even meant.

But the idea seemed like it would be a lot of fun, and I knew I was already a little telepathic, as I’d often pick up on thoughts of others before they said them.

Back in those days, I was going through a CBing (Citizen Band Radio) phase, and I’d often drive around at night just chatting to random people.

One night, about a day after I decided to become telepathic, I was talking to this lady I had never spoken to before (or since for that matter) and the discussion was nothing exceptional. Then, out of the blue, she stated that she had a friend who became telepathic, and that he had gone mad because of it.

That was a clear a hint to me, as it could be, not to continue my plan. So I dropped it.

It was only many years later when I thought about it, and realized what an insane plan it would have been, as I was barely coping with my current psychic levels back then, and even my basic understandings was sorely lacking.

I would have left myself completely open and vulnerable. I don’t believe I would have coped, let alone stayed sane if I gone ahead and developed those powers.

To answer your question, I don’t try to push my abilities as an Empath, but I work to be aware of them, and listen to my feelings as to how far I should go with them.

To rise too fast, to push too hard is sure to lead to burn out, and as anyone who has experienced such things will tell you, that is a horrible state to be in and it can take years to recover.

I just trust that my abilities are exactly where they need to be, and they steadily seem to grow stronger over the natural course of time.

No doubt I could be further along than I am right now, but going with the flow and the natural growth always feels like the best options to me.

It’s worth reminding anyone that it is dangerous to raise your energies and powers before you are ready to cope with them.

Got a question? Want to know more about a subject? Please leave it in the comment section, or send it to xeraphax@gmail.com. Questions will be answered on Sundays. 

Should we use labels to define others or Don’t call me human!

Labels A number of times, when I’ve mentioned that someone is an Empath, they say it’s a label, and they don’t like using labels.

As it goes, I’m ambivalent about if this is really an issue.

The question I have is: How do you define something without a label? If people refused to be categorized then how can they identify who they are, and what they can do?

Fact is, everything is a label. Defining your gender requires a label.

If you specialize in something, it requires a label. For instance, if someone is a medical practitioner, you would call them a ‘doctor’, which is a label. They would hardly say, don’t call me ‘doctor’ because you’re labelling me. At least you would hope they wouldn’t as you want to know who is a doctor so you would know who to see if you have health issues.

Race, abilities, body type, hobbies, professions, skills and everything requires some kind of definition and like it or not, we use labels all the time because no one would have a clue what we’re talking about unless we use some agreed on definition that gives us a point of reference.

If someone has the signs and traits of an Empath, it is easier to say, you may be an Empath than go into the dozens of abilities they may have, probably losing them about a third of the way in. I feel labels are fine.

The thing I feel should be avoided is stereotyping people because of using a label. It’s like saying, you’re a male (labelling) and all men are bastards (stereotyping). (Whereas, there may be some who might not be. 🙂 )

Also, problems arise when they are used as a means to degrade others, however that is more an issue of bullying and attacking rather than defining.

Labelling helps us to define, and gives us an agreed standard on which to discuss a topic on. Next time someone objects to being defined by means of a label, ask them how they would do it then and see if they can come up with a reasonable response.

Anyone have any thoughts on this subject?

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Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) – Are they a placebo? part 3 or I should have got a modern fuse box installed.

English: A 220 volt service panel with three (3) 100 Amp porcelain fuses. (Location: China) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Are they a placebo? Part 3

The thing about the Bach Flower Remedies is that if you choose the wrong ones, you won’t notice changes and then claim they don’t work.

The reason behind this is that If you don’t need that remedy, you will not notice anything because everything is already connecting as it should.

To put it another way, say the fuse to your bathroom has blown, and you replace the fuse to your kitchen. The bathroom lights will still not work, and the kitchen will still work because you haven’t actually replaced the correct fuse. (Nowadays, it’s all switches, but I’m sure you get the idea.)

So do you say, hey, these fuses are bunk. I replaced one, and it doesn’t work. This electricity is all just smoke and mirrors, or do you say, maybe I need to replace the correct fuse, and then do so?

I liken the Bach Flower Remedies to fuses because that’s what they are, in a sense. They are the fuses that link us to our higher self, and ensure that the messages we should receive get through. (And yes, I know it all sounds a bit esoteric, but bear with me here.)

Everything is vibrational in nature. I believe that’s accepted as scientific fact nowadays. Under that assumption, that would include things such as our emotions and feelings.

Now suppose each emotion is linked to what is termed as your higher-self? That is, the greater soul aspect of whom you are. You would have 38 main links.

Now imagine a fuse box with 38 slots (39 if you want to add one which is a general back up). Each slot contains one of your emotions and when working correctly, your messages from your higher-self come through clearly, reassuring you that all is as it should be, and prompting you what to do, and which way to go.

Over the years, one by one, those fuses weakens or breaks. Then the messages become vague, like a radio dial turning and moving off frequency, until they become either distorted, or there is just static.

Eventually, many links become broken, and then you may feel alone, because you are cut off from your main source and the messages no longer are coming through as they should You are basically flying blind or worse, some dark presence has hi-jacked the links and is using them to drain you of your energies. (Once again, I know for some this will sound inane, but I will deal with this subject in a future blog.)

Life can break those links. Shock, trauma, belief systems, negative actions, thoughts, deeds, and attacks can break them.

Break enough of them, and you might just end up a basket case, just trying to survive day to day.

Sometimes you will undergo a purge, or a good therapist will put you back on the right track, but generally, you tend to just fall into depression, and feel there is no hope in sight.

Now, imagine that each of the remedies is a living fuse and as each fuse breaks, you can use it to restore the link.

But the trick is knowing which link is broken and then knowing which remedy to use. Match them up, and you will heal the condition. Get it wrong, and nothing happens.

The remedies are simple. They are simple to take, simple to use and simple to self-administer. They are safe and effective. However, the skill is in knowing which ones to take at the right time, and that is easier said than done.

My depression series blogs address many types of depressions, and what remedies will aid them. However, humans tend to be complicated, and our feelings and emotions can have many layers, and for each one that is healed, a new one might pop up in its place, which is the next stage of healing.

Next: Using them on animals.

Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) – Are they a placebo? part 2 or why didn’t this remedy for terror heal my anger?

Rescue Remedy

Are they a placebo? Part 2

Because  they are so small, I would carry around a bottle of Rescue Remedy in my pocket, and keep a tube of Rescue Cream at work. A practice that has continued to this day.

There were many departments no my floor, and across from me, there was a young lady who was complaining about her knees, and how, for years, she had problems with them hurting. I suggested she put some Rescue Cream on them, and she agreed to try.

A few weeks later, she came up to me and said that ever since she used the cream, she had not experienced any more pain and said it was amazing stuff.

Word quickly spread around my floor about the remedies, and by the time I left that place, a couple of years later, at least half the staff were using Rescue Remedy and Cream, and swearing by it.

I have had similar results elsewhere, too. Those who follow my suggestions, in spite of them being doubtful, come back with amazing stories, especially when they use it on their families.

And nearly everyone starts off doubtful, that is, until they try them.

But are they a placebo? Is this all the power of suggestion?

Trials have been done on the remedies which suggest as much.

However, just looking at one of the trials, all that was used was Rescue Remedy, which, as it goes, is wonderful in an emergency, but considering that it only uses five of the 38 remedies available (six in the Rescue Cream) , it is hardly a cure-all.

Furthermore the fact that five remedies are mixed into one bottle dilute their healing potency.  This is a very important fact to be aware of, and it amazes me that no one has ever mentioned it or even considered it. (At least no one I’ve found.)

In order to successfully conduct trials, you first need to understand, not only what each remedy does, but what remedy the subject actually needs.

Let’s say that someone is depressed and a double blind test is done to see if the remedies work, administering Rescue Remedy is quite unlikely to work.

If the cause of depression is guilt, then there’s nothing in the Rescue Remedy that will help the subject.

To break it down, as stated, there are five remedies mixed into the Rescue Remedy.

Cherry Plum (for fear of letting go)

Star of Bethlehem ( Shock / Trauma)

Clematis (dreamy / unconscious)

Rock Rose (fear / terror)

Impatiens (Impatience / in a hurry)

As you can see, there is nothing in there that would deal with guilt. For that, Pine would be the appropriate remedy.

In actual fact, Rescue Remedy is very limited in its use. Make no mistake, it is wonderful in an emergency, and I’ve seen miraculous results, especially on animals, but if you’re going to test it to treat specific conditions, you would first need to identify the cause of the condition, and then ensure you are using the right remedy.

Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Next: Why nothing will happen

Healing Depression Series: Bach Flower Remedies or Flower Power.

Bach Flower Remedies – Introduction   

I hated being depressed. I hated it so much that I relentlessly pursued and tried everything that I could get my hands on. I tried herbs, psychic healers, meditation, therapies like Reiki and Kinesiology, crystals, aura-light, aura-soma, anti-depressants and just about anything else I could get access to. Each one I approached with optimism, and each one failed to produce the desired results.

There were times when I did have significant breakthroughs, and my depression lifted, and I had a new lease on life, but it returned a year or so later. Those breakthroughs, I should also hasten to mention were not connected with any therapies I was trying out at the time.

I had suffered from depression since I was around 13 years of age. Each year was a struggle, especially during Fall.

It wasn’t till I was 30 that I started using the Bach Flower Remedies. They are a simple, safe, non-addictive, non-toxic way to heal yourself on an emotional level.  For instance, if you have a fear of spiders, that is classed as a known fear and taking Mimulus will help or even stop the fear,  as that is the remedy for known fears.

I had ignored the remedies for a few years, thinking ‘yeah right!’ when I saw them at the health food shop. Then, one day, during a soul call, in which I was helping someone with a natural therapy business, I saw them being sold in their shop. I asked about them, and she explained what they did and how they worked.

I had a very strong pull to try, study and understand them. Over the course of several months, I bought books, all 38 remedies and committed to memory what all of them did, and what their names were.

Now, normally, my attention spam for trying something new ranges from two weeks to two years, and I will then just completely forget about whatever it is I’m trying.

The Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) were different through. Each time I used them, I felt a shift in my emotions. Learning about each remedy was exciting to me, and the positive results kept me going. Every time I suffered from depression, I would find the remedy I needed, and the depression would lift.

As the years went on, I started to understand them at a much deeper level, and realized that emotions are a tricky thing to identify. For instance, what might feel like fear and worry might actually be guilt.

Identifying what we are really feeling is vital to using the BFR’s with any degree of success.

I can state that I no longer suffer depression on the scale I once did. I still get feelings of anxiety, due to my empathy, but I am aware that’s not me, and I also know what I need to do to block it.

I do claim to know as much about the Bach Flowers as anyone in this world, and I also have made discoveries about them that had not been published before.

Hence, the majority of my discussion on healing depression will be BFR related and I will cover all aspects.

Depression can be healed. I truly believe and have experienced that.  Not just covered up, not just glossed over, but healed.

The next series of blogs will look at and discuss the BFR’s objectively.


Next: Are they a Placebo? 

Empath series: My empathy goes to the dogs.

In January 2013, I had, what was to me, a rather intense experience.

My partner asked me if I wanted to go out to the movies with her. It was a midday session, and within walking distance.

I thought about it, and felt this overwhelming sense of anxiety. I couldn’t identify the cause, though.

It was odd. The anxiety felt strong regardless of if I went with her or if she went alone (which she was going to do), however I felt no sense of danger to her, and nor did she.

The evening felt better, but still not 100%.

I decided to take some Bach Flower Remedies. Aspen (for anxiety) and Cerato (for clarifying intuition) and a minute later, I realized I was picked up the anxiety from her dog.

He’s a Doberman Pincher, and was nearly 14 years old (I use Swedish Bitters to increase his longevity and prevent Hips Dysplasia) but he is generally highly strung as it is.

What I was sensing was the anxiety he was going to feel when my partner was away. I explained this to her, and we both gave him some quality time for around an hour. The anxiety dissipated after that.

If you are having an anxiety attack, and you can’t find the source, remember to check any pets to see if they are the ones that are sending.