A Comprehensive Guidebook for Empaths – And it’s free.

The Empath Guidebook (and Bach Flower Remedies for Empaths) – 2nd Edition.

Free does not mean worthless.

The name might not roll of the tongue, but I feel it’s still my best work to date.

The original Empath Guidebook was written around 2012 and offered as a free download.

This 381 page version has been edited and expanded upon. If you are into Bach Flower Remedies (and as an Empath, they are your best friend), this is a wonderful resource for you as it goes into great detail on what remedies work for the Empath and why.

This book is available on Amazon as a Kindle and paperback version. However, I am offering it as a free PDF download as well.

Why free?

Because I truly believe it will benefit every Empath who reads it. Both new and advanced ones.

I believe such knowledge should be freely available. Yes, the option to buy it exists, but that’s only if you desire a book you can hold in your hands or wish to support my work.

Continue reading “A Comprehensive Guidebook for Empaths – And it’s free.”

I’ve been putting this off for a while now….

Phoenix drawing.I’ve been putting off writing this blog entry for a while now. Not that there’s anything in it I’ve not posted elsewhere before, but it is one that I feel it’s time to push into the mainstream.

The reason why I hesitate (and even cringe) is because the subject matter is so unusual that it will cause a conflict with people’s perceived reality and believe systems.

Trust me when I say that it certainly did with mine.

So deep breath and here we go.

What if you were told that you were a mythical being?

What if you had the same message in your thoughts for most of your life?

Moment after moment? Hour after hour? Day after day? Year after year? Decade after decade?

No matter what you do, no matter what you try and no matter how much you protest, that message never stops… ever!

And over those decades, amazing things happen and people come in and out of your life to validate that what you are hearing is not just in your mind, but a very real thing.

Well, this is my life in a nutshell.

This has been going on since 1988.

I’ve spoken a lot about various incidences in my life: Those strange stories that defy rational explanation. I’ve discussed my guides and done plenty of channellings when I’m stuck for ideas or answers to topics I want to write about.

And in a way, I’m comfortable putting those out there, because to me, they make sense and others seem to get something from it.

I’ve also discussed how my guides keep on telling me messages over and over until I get what they mean and I  do get a lot of repeating messages which come and g over the years.

But there is one that doesn’t stop no matter what.

The message is: You are The Phoenix.

It doesn’t end there either. My guides keep on referring to me as Phoenix. On the rare occasion they’ll call me by my name, but generally, it’s Phoenix.

There was a period of time where events lead me to completely shunned anything phoenix, but it didn’t help. In fact, everything became stronger, and no matter what I did, I would see the word Phoenix in almost everything I did or would hear it mentioned somewhere.

What was more, people around me, once they started associated with me, said they saw the same thing, too.

You could argue that’s confirmation bias, but that doesn’t account for everything that happened, especially the two years where I was extremely anti-phoenix.

Most people have heard of what a phoenix is nowadays, but for those who do not know, a phoenix is a mythical bird that was said to live for many  years, and then build a pyre and consume itself flames, only to rise again more powerful and beautiful than before.

It was primarily associated with Ancient Egypt, though it was been noted in many other cultures under different names. The death and rebirth part appears to be the more endearing part of this myth: The rising from the ashes, in spite of all the odds.

And for a while, I wondered if that is what my guides were trying to tell me: That I had risen from the ashes.

But no, that wasn’t it at all. In fact, they were being quite literal.

Now, last time I looked, I looked like a human. Not a bird. (Though, as I recently blogged, I never really felt all that human.)  However, my guides assure me that what they are talking about is a representation of energy.

When I finally started to look into what was going on, a story began to unravel that surpassed anything my imagination could conjure up and over the course of the years, what I ended up with was an amazing, yet cohesive sequence of events that made the statement ‘You are the Phoenix’ look like common sense because it only got stranger from there.

Around 2011, I tried to write a brief summary of what happened and the people involved. It just didn’t work on the levels I was looking for. So I decided it was time to write a cohesive history of what happened and everything that led up to it happening.  It’s taken me around 2 years to finish it. It was made especially hard because new information was (and still is) coming in all the time, putting new perspectives on things.

The book is called I Am The Phoenix.

It is for sale for USD3.99 in Kindle format from Amazon and is written in the same style as The Empath Guidebook. (My free e-book.)

It’s also available on amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/am-phoenix-Mr-Gary-Leigh/dp/1494378566

My intention is to provide a reasonable sample of this book on this blog, so people can get a taste for it, and decide if they want to hear the rest of the story, which, even if I do say so myself, is incredible.

Empath Guidebook – Now fully edited.

Empath cover version 1Just a quick note.

The Empath Guidebook (my free e-book) has been fully edited by the amazing Julianne Victoria.

My heartfelt thanks for doing what is a tedious and meticulous job.  I’m sure those who read the edit version will certainly thank you, too!

It’s rare to find someone so selflessly giving of their abilities and time.

I really do recommend visiting her sites (all listed below). There is a lot to this lady and she has a lot to share.

Through the Peacock’s Eyes, Insights for Spiritual Living

On the Streets of San Francisco, Photography



Haiku By Ku, A Poetic Pup’s Poem

Swami Zoe’s Yoga and Zen

Thank you for the gift you have given to the Empath Community.

This guidebook is ever evolving, so from time to time, there should be some major updates. Watch this space.

To channel or not to channel. It’s not really a question, though.

Automatic Writing (album)

I’ve decided I’m going to post more channeled type blogs as I seem to get my best information (and writing) while doing so.

As mentioned, they are conversation between me and my guide(s).

Since the age of 11, I was always having such chats in my thoughts, and at one point, back in 1997, we were discussing death: How people react towards it and why.

I thought: this is really good stuff. I should write it down.

However, found that when I tried, I could not remember any of it. It was frustrating and I figured that if it was going to happen, I would need to channel it as writing rather than try and recall it.

I suppose you might call it automatic writing however I believe t hat’s done without any intention in mind. You put pen to paper and see what comes out. This is more like having a conversation with someone.

At first, dong this wasn’t easy. I made my first attempt back in 1995. It was somewhat successful, but I also discovered that my attachment to outcomes tended to corrupt some of the answers I was getting.

Writing without subconsciously interfering turned out to be a challenge, because sometimes you think you know what the answer is going to be… or worse, what you wish the answer to be.

Corruption of the channel can occur easily, especially if you’re tired or having interruptions while doing so.

It took me around 15 years before I got to a point to where I was actually happy with the way things were channelled.

More often than not, what ends up being written is not what I’m expecting at all. I think that’s a good thing as it indicates that it’s coming from another source.

Writing channeled essays is probably the most interesting and enjoyable way of doing things for me. It’s like having a conversation with someone else and gaining new insight and information. From time to time, I’m told to go and look up something, and I find that the information given is validated.

Those are real ‘whoa!’ moments because they say to me that this is really happening, and not something I’m just making up.

Of course, this is certainly not a new technique for gaining information. Lots of people channel.

Personally, some of those articles rankle with me as I don’t sense any truth behind them. Then there are those who completely resonate.

One of the most profound channeled books I’ve read so far are the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch.  Those writings just resonate completely with me and serve as inspiration, not only on what can be achieved, but having the courage to put such work out there, in spite of what others might think or say.

As for myself, so far, I’ve written two books that are channeled. One, being The Empath Guidebook, which is my gift to the Empath Community.

The other is story of the spiritual events in my life. Those who have read draft version of that book have told me that it’s very intense and they experience strange events occurring to them.

The book is about my journey to save a soul by making a very dangerous deal. This will soon be available for USD3.99 for those who are interested.

In the meantime, I will be putting more channeled blogs up. Hope you enjoy them.

Are books dead or is it all vanity press nowadays?

As mentioned previously, I’m a compulsive writer.

By that, I mean, I love writing. I love sharing my thoughts.

Like so many others, I’ve got a lot of personal experiences and ideas to get out there.

Blogging is a wonderful way to do this, and I find this a much better venue than a message group or website.

I like it because it’s so easy to do, that even someone like me can do it with a little work.

And while I doubt this blog will ever amount to anything that makes a difference to this world, it’s still something that allows me to get my thoughts out there.

Every now and then, I get the urge to write a novel or a nonfiction book.  Most aren’t worth publishing, and can only be given away (such as the Empath Guidebook) but once in a long while, I’ll create something that I think might be worth trying to publish.

When that happens, I’ll look into how to do it, but I’ve found that it’s easier said than done.

There’s a lot of information out there on how to get books published. Lots of advice.  Many suggestions and links.

But really, it appears to boil down to being in the right place at the right time if you are successful or not.  I believe that you have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to show if you’re serious or not. (and rightly so, as there are an abundance of authors out there who want to be the next JK Rowlings.)

Going it alone is not something that’s easily done.

In order to even be looked at, you really need an agent to represent you. Few publishing houses will accept unsolicited manuscripts nowadays, and even if they did, there are literally thousands of people trying to get their own works published that you are completing against.

Your work doesn’t have to be actually all that good, judging by some of the works that passes for literature, but it does have to be compelling on some level.

If you can’t get an agent, you can also self-publish, or use a vanity house, but your audience is likely to be very limited, no matter how good your work is as the material needs to be promoted.

Traditionally, it used to be that a publishing house would pick up your work and pay you. Now it’s the other way around.  Not only do you pay them, but they expect you to have your own means of self-promotion and a list of people you can promote your book to.

Ironically, if you had those things, you’d probably wouldn’t need them in the first place.  If you had a large following, people would be likely to buy your product because they already enjoy what you produce.

But do books really sell nowadays? Many bookstores are closing because of lack of demand. Are we trying to publish in a world that longer has any interest in such things?

Be interested in others opinions.