Causes of depression – Invalidation



Invalidation can lead to despondency, frustration and cause depression. In this entry, we take a In-depth look at it.

It may seem like an unlikely cause, but depressive episodes can stem from not being taken seriously.

Let me explain.

What it is.

To understand why the lack of validation is a problem, we first should look at what it is.

A quick search on Google will show: Recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.

This sums it up succinctly.

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of knowing something about a subject or person, only to be told that you are incorrect.

Or worse, that what you are feeling is wrong.

Continue reading “Causes of depression – Invalidation”

Empaths: I know you’re weary

Being an Empath is a difficult thing.

It’s tiring. Sometimes you feel like you’re on the same path you were when you first began your journey: Retreading the same old grounds.

Sometimes it seems that no matter how much you do, no matter how much you try and no matter how much you strive to make a difference, it’s all futile.

Being an Empath can be challenging, exhausting and depressing.

We, as Empaths, have a tendency to take on the negative and overlook the positive.

Yes, we do get joy from the good we see and receive, but it’s short lived. It only takes one negative comment to pull us back down again.

Being an Empath is a path that can be both draining and wearying.

There are always others who try and tear you down and invalidate you. There are always those who seem to dismiss all the progress you’ve made, all the work you have done and all the sacrifices you make.

I know it’s hard. I know many are tired. I know they wish they were anywhere but here.

Even I wonder if it’s worth it at times. But I can’t give up. That is not an option. Even when the darkness is at its greatest, I will push on through because it’s all  I can do.

I owe it to myself.

And you owe it to yourselves.

Empaths, remember you are not alone. You may feel like you are, but I promise you, you are not.

I know you are weary, but our time is coming.

Empath series: Beware of the holiday depression or Merry Christmas.

Empath ChatroomIt’s almost Christmas time.

Generally, it’s the period where people are happier and even the more hard-nosed of people tend to mellow out. Families gather, gifts are exchanged and we all eat way too much food.


It’s also a time of great loneliness for many.

There are so many out there who feel lost and alone.

People who may have no one to be with during the holiday period.  Perhaps they have no family. Maybe they don’t feel they have friends. Perhaps they are at the age where everyone has left and all they have are memories of how wonderful things used to be when they were younger.

Maybe things aren’t going well in their life due to work situations, health, money, fears about loved ones or they just don’t feel they fit in and everyone is having one big, joyous party but them.

Even if you’re not a Christian. Even if you’re not religious. That sense of being alone will be intensified during those few weeks.

As Empaths, we are particularly vulnerable to those energies.

As December started, I started to see more and more people comment that they felt something bad was happening and they were feeling down without any obvious reason.

I believe they are picking up on those many others who feel alone.

The holiday season is a very big time for depression and many Empaths can’t wait for it to be done with so things can get back to normal.

For those of you who feel this pain, just remember you are not alone. There are many others out there who feel the same way, and many others who endure what seems like a torturous few weeks.

Just know that there are many ways to connect and support each other such as Empath forums, blogs or chat rooms.

I also have a free ad-free chatroom for this specific purpose. It has been open for the past five or so years. You don’t even need to register to login. You can just type in a name and join as a guest.

This is one of my gifts and services to the Empath community, so if you feel like trying to connect to others, please feel free to visit and say hi.

The room ebbs and flows with the amount of people who are there, but there are certainly people there every day, depending on the time.

Remember, you are not alone, and there is a lot of support for those who seek it.

You can find the Empath Chat Room at this link. (or just click on the picture above.)

It requires Java to run (as do most chat of this kind.)

You can sign in as a guest by just typing a name into the User Name section or you can register a password protected name by using the ‘create new user account’ link underneath it.

The only rules are courtesy and validation.

Hope we get to see a few there.

Empath Guidebook – Now fully edited.

Empath cover version 1Just a quick note.

The Empath Guidebook (my free e-book) has been fully edited by the amazing Julianne Victoria.

My heartfelt thanks for doing what is a tedious and meticulous job.  I’m sure those who read the edit version will certainly thank you, too!

It’s rare to find someone so selflessly giving of their abilities and time.

I really do recommend visiting her sites (all listed below). There is a lot to this lady and she has a lot to share.

Through the Peacock’s Eyes, Insights for Spiritual Living

On the Streets of San Francisco, Photography



Haiku By Ku, A Poetic Pup’s Poem

Swami Zoe’s Yoga and Zen

Thank you for the gift you have given to the Empath Community.

This guidebook is ever evolving, so from time to time, there should be some major updates. Watch this space.

Empath Series: Death or Why? – Part 2


I’ve covered this subject before, but there are people, who from time to time, find this article and have told me they’ve found it useful.

I thought I’d post what I’ve previously written here for those who have not read it yet.

This is a channeled conversation with the answers indented in italics. 

This channel continues on directly from the previous entry.

This I know, though I’m working to keep this useful for empaths in general.

It is an example. For many, death is often a catalyst for growth and awareness. They move into things that they were unlikely to do before.

There is also a belief that we must feel sad for the departed, otherwise we are a bad or uncaring person. If we do not mourn, or do not go through a certain period of time of grieving, then we may feel guilt over it.

Guilt is often a reason why we hang onto grief. We ask ourselves: how much did we really love this person if we can just move on without any sense of loss or pain. How will others view us if we are seen to ‘not care’? How do we see ourselves if we find that we don’t wish to suffer for the loss of another?

Yet, make no mistake; the departed does not need you to grieve for them. Once they reach the light, they are in bliss, and more often than not, the concerns of this world are left behind.

That does not mean they are forgotten, and when you call on your loved ones, they will come and leave many messages in many ways that they are there. Some even will manifest themselves so they can show the ones left behind that they are just fine, and they will look just beautiful.

They are fine. They are more than fine. They are home.

To those who have lost one dear to them, I promise you that you will see them again. You will be reunited, and if you both so choose, you will live more lives together for as long as you desire.

It’s one thing to know this on an intellectual level, but how do you translate this to the emotional level? How do you bring comfort to those who have lost their loved ones? Saying that they aren’t really gone doesn’t seem to be all that useful.

As I said, it is natural to feel grief for the loss of someone dear. There is also a fear that your life may never be the same, and that you cannot cope without them. They may have been tremendous support, or loved you unconditionally, or they may have been the breadwinner.

Fear is one of those emotions that is intertwined with the sense of loss. Fear for the future, fear that they won’t be able to cope alone or be capable of carrying on looking after family or children.

Death is not about the ones who have passed over, but those who are left behind.

So, how does the empath cope with death?

The key is shifting your understanding and perspective of death. Do not look upon it as something that should not have happened. If it was not meant to occur, then it would not have occurred. This does not mean you suddenly dismiss the pain, nor do you suddenly decide that it is irrelevant. It simply means that you are seeing things in a more holistic manner.

Those who you truly love will never truly leave you. They are there. They are by your side when you call, and they are helping you. You may not always feel them, but they are there.

The shift in understanding and perspective is key to coping with the sense of loss.

Do not harbour feelings of guilt of another’s death.

Do not feel that your own life is ending because someone has departed.

Do not fear that you cannot cope. You will always have what you need to make it through, and indeed thrive.

Life is about the growth and experience of the soul, and such things can be powerful catalysts.

For my own comments, I’ve found that Bach Flower Remedies can be very comforting at a time like this.

For instance:

Star of Bethlehem   to help with the shock of a loved one’s death.

Sweet Chestnut to help move from a place where you can’t accept someone is gone.

Willow if you are feeling like a victim.

Pine if you carry any guilt.

Holly for the anger you may feel.

Bach Flower Remedies: Hornbeam or maybe I should put this off till tomorrow.

hornbeamIt’s another day. Another week. Yet another month.

You wake up. Everything feels the same as it did the day before. Nothing has changed.

How long does this go on?

I’m sure most people can relate to this.

Some call it Mondayitis. Others call it fatigue. I call it weariness.

It’s when you’ve done the same thing too many times already, and you can no longer stand it.

Everything is an effort. The day can’t end quickly enough, especially if you’re at work.

You tend to procrastinate, even putting off things that you do want to get done, but find it’s just too much effort.

Even getting up to face the day takes more effort than you want to expend.

Yet, if something changes, you find that you suddenly have energy, and the lethargy disappears.

You could liken it to listening to the same song over and over again. Sooner or later, no matter how much you love that song, you will get sick of it. If you hated it to begin with, then it will be even worse. If a new song is played, then interest is renewed. (Unless you happen to hate it, too!)

In Bach Flower Remedies terms, this is the Hornbeam state of being.

As Empaths, we seem to be particularly vulnerable to being weary. We take on too much. We expend our energy in order to get everything done, and we do it just about every day.

If you also believe in parallel timelines, where you keep on repeating your life in a Groundhog Day type scenario until you’re happy with the outcome, then you will most certainly feel the weariness as you repeat certain things over and over again (which you become aware of when you experience deja-vu, because that what that is. You have indeed done this before. You just don’t remember it.)

I suffer from weariness a lot. There are many times when I feel like I’m marking time, waiting for things to fall into place so I can progress to the next stage of my life.

Hornbeam makes an enormous difference.  Every time I take it, it gives me the energy to get things done and face the day with renewed vigour.

Of course, the real challenge with taking it is that you might not have to energy to find and use it.

This is also a useful remedy for people who make you feel weary.

I find that this remedy work well with Olive (exhaustion) and Oak (when you’re push past your limits.)