Empath Series: Death or how it affects Empaths? – Part 1

English: A graveyard in Tokyo. The boards behi...

I’ve covered this subject before, but there are people, who from time to time, find this article and have told me they’ve found it useful.

I thought I’d post what I’ve previously written here for those who have not read it yet.

This is a channeled conversation with the answers indented in italics.

Tell me about the empath and death.

You mean how the empath views death and how they are affected by it?


When we are talking about death, it should be made clear that death is a transition from one state to another. Death does not mean you cease to exist.

What makes death so traumatic is the perception and illusion that those you love ceases to exist. What is left behind is a shell that once was animated by a soul. The body is no longer animated with the essence of that life.

For the empath, this will be traumatic on several levels.

If they were close to the departed soul, they will feel their energies still mixed in with departed one(s), and the shifting and breaking of energies will be extremely traumatic.  This is the pain many loved ones feel when they are suddenly and often unexpectedly separated from their partner.

Also, they face a change in reality, which they are not prepared for. Their world is no longer balanced, nor is it making any sense. As much as they wish it to make sense, it won’t, at least not right away.

Another level is the guilt that they often experience when someone departs. Even though there is nothing they could have done, many empaths feel responsible for when someone dies. How could they have stopped it? Should they have seen warning signs or had a feeling that something bad was about to go down?

This is especially true when suicide is involved, or if someone had a fatal accident. The ‘what if’s’, and ‘why didn’t I?’, and ‘if only I had’ thoughts come up and torment the mind and soul.

Then there is the pain of other people. For an empath, this is just as devastating as they are not only coping with their own pain and grief, but also from those around them.

This is also true for those who did not know the deceased. Going to a funeral for an empath can be quite traumatic as they can be bombarded with many feelings of loss and sorrow.

The reason why death is so hard in our current society is because we have it all tossed around, and the perspectives and understanding are often incorrect.

Death, as many know, and many more begin to know, does not exist. Nor do things such as accidents or untimely deaths truly exist.

The soul is never in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is never unaware of what is occurring from its astral levels.

The biggest question people face is ‘why’? Why did they leave me? Why did this have to happen?

That’s a reasonable question. I’m sure many have asked that and seen no rhyme or reason in many deaths. I know I’m left scratching my head about one or two.

That is because you do not know what was intended on a soul level, nor how one’s passing will affect those left behind. There is a much bigger picture involved here. The very act of someone passing can spark events and changes that may not have happened otherwise or even prevent undesirable ones from occurring.

The people who are meant to be in your life, are in your life, and that is not by random chance. Whether they touch a life for a moment or a lifetime will depend on what is needed and agreed to.

Does that make the loss of a loved one any less painful? No, it doesn’t  It takes a very high level of connection and psychic awareness for one not to feel that loss, and indeed, see it as an opportunity.

If you look back on the deaths you have had in your life, you’ll see how vital they were to your own growth and your own path.

Next: Part 2 – The why.

To channel or not to channel. It’s not really a question, though.

Automatic Writing (album)

I’ve decided I’m going to post more channeled type blogs as I seem to get my best information (and writing) while doing so.

As mentioned, they are conversation between me and my guide(s).

Since the age of 11, I was always having such chats in my thoughts, and at one point, back in 1997, we were discussing death: How people react towards it and why.

I thought: this is really good stuff. I should write it down.

However, found that when I tried, I could not remember any of it. It was frustrating and I figured that if it was going to happen, I would need to channel it as writing rather than try and recall it.

I suppose you might call it automatic writing however I believe t hat’s done without any intention in mind. You put pen to paper and see what comes out. This is more like having a conversation with someone.

At first, dong this wasn’t easy. I made my first attempt back in 1995. It was somewhat successful, but I also discovered that my attachment to outcomes tended to corrupt some of the answers I was getting.

Writing without subconsciously interfering turned out to be a challenge, because sometimes you think you know what the answer is going to be… or worse, what you wish the answer to be.

Corruption of the channel can occur easily, especially if you’re tired or having interruptions while doing so.

It took me around 15 years before I got to a point to where I was actually happy with the way things were channelled.

More often than not, what ends up being written is not what I’m expecting at all. I think that’s a good thing as it indicates that it’s coming from another source.

Writing channeled essays is probably the most interesting and enjoyable way of doing things for me. It’s like having a conversation with someone else and gaining new insight and information. From time to time, I’m told to go and look up something, and I find that the information given is validated.

Those are real ‘whoa!’ moments because they say to me that this is really happening, and not something I’m just making up.

Of course, this is certainly not a new technique for gaining information. Lots of people channel.

Personally, some of those articles rankle with me as I don’t sense any truth behind them. Then there are those who completely resonate.

One of the most profound channeled books I’ve read so far are the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch.  Those writings just resonate completely with me and serve as inspiration, not only on what can be achieved, but having the courage to put such work out there, in spite of what others might think or say.

As for myself, so far, I’ve written two books that are channeled. One, being The Empath Guidebook, which is my gift to the Empath Community.

The other is story of the spiritual events in my life. Those who have read draft version of that book have told me that it’s very intense and they experience strange events occurring to them.

The book is about my journey to save a soul by making a very dangerous deal. This will soon be available for USD3.99 for those who are interested.

In the meantime, I will be putting more channeled blogs up. Hope you enjoy them.

Out of body experiences or if they exist, why can’t we prove it?

Out of body experience

Astral travel or out of body experiences… if they are real, then why can’t anyone prove it? This question has been frustrating me lately, so , today, I decided to put this question to my guide.

This is a channelled conversation with the answers indented in italics.

So, if Out of Body experiences are real, then how come no one is able to prove it?

This is actually not quite true. There are certainly cases where people have seen things in their astral body which they can later verify. However, it’s not easy to replicate. It does take a tremendous amount of energy to view this world from the astral levels.

Really? How so?

It’s all on a different vibrational level.


Well, you can’t see the astral levels from the earth 3D level. It’s in a different place. Or rather, you can’t see it with normal senses. You can certainly see them with your mind’s eye or if you are attuned psychically.

Some are actually able to spiritualize their body, meaning raise their vibrations to such a high level, that can they enter the astral levels in that way, but as a general rule, you can’t see the astral levels while in a human body and you can’t see this 3D level while in an astral body. At least not very clearly.

Another thing to take into account here is that the astral levels are very easy to manipulate. You can make anything you imagine appear. While it will have substance to you on that level, it is of a much higher vibration and so will not have the same weightiness that object on earth will have. Before you ask, astral constructs are more like shells or facades, rather than something that has real substance to it.

What you see of this world while in the astral is also overlayed by the astral constructions by either ourselves, or other beings.

So, you’re saying that what we see here while viewed from the astral is mostly illusion?

You can liken it trying to view the bottom of the ocean from the surface. It gets denser and murkier, and the deeper you go, the harder it becomes to make out anything.

So, you’re saying that while we’re in the astral, we can’t see the 3D world clearly?

Correct. This is why it’s so hard to validate your experiences. Now, the closer you are to your body, the more dense your vibrations become, due to you being close to your own grounding source. So it becomes much easier to view things closer to where you are sleeping. The further away you go, though, the harder it becomes.

As mentioned, you can do it, but it takes a tremendous amount of energy, and it is exhausting.

The other thing is that for many people, the last thing they want to be doing while having an OBE is trying to prove it’s real. They are enjoying the experience too much.

So, no one will be able to prove it in scientific terms?

The experiments suggested for proving it are not practical because they lack the understanding of the physics of the situation. It’s akin to saying that there is no bottom of the ocean, simply because you cannot go there in your current physical form.

The day will come when people have advanced enough for OBE’s to be the norm, and they will need no proof as they will just be experiencing it for themselves.

And really, how do you prove such things to those who can’t experience it? It’s like trying to prove sight to a blind person. They have to take it completely on faith that it is so.

Okay, well thank you for that.

I wonder if anyone else has thoughts and experiences on this subject.

Empath Series: Empath guidebook or anyone want a free e-book?

Over the years, I considered writing a book for the Empath. Initially it was going to be Empathy 101, but when I finally looked around some years later, I found that many had already done that.

So, I decided it would probably be a better idea to write a book that was for the beginning and the advanced Empath alike.

One that went into greater details and one that gave techniques to turn the curse into a blessing.

And above all, one that could be accessible to everyone.

Sadly, I’m not given to writing simply and clearly. My words are said to be too ‘fancy’ and I deal with concepts that are every day for me, but completely new for others.

For this, I can only apologize, but it is my style, and I really haven’t worked out a way to resolve it.

So, a couple of years ago, I began work on the Empath Guidebook. So called because it was both a guide book, and I channelled my guide to help write it.

As it goes, it works for me, and I can get a lot more written when I use that technique.

Does it work as a useful book? I’ve not had enough feedback to know one way or the other.

Feedback is something people rarely give.

However, for those who actually read this blog, and want more information on Empaths, this book might well be worth your while.

I have toyed with the idea of using extracts, from time to time, on this blog, but I’ve found there’s still a lot of subject matter to cover, so I’ll just post a link to the actual document.

It is also my desire to discuss that wonderful article by ‘Just Be’ called 30 traits of an Empath with my guide. I have asked permission from the author and been granted it.

I plan to expand the book from time to time, as new ideas and information comes up.

This e-book is free.

If you decide to read it, and find it useful, please pass it onto someone who you feel can benefit from it.

The Empath Guidebook – download page.

Paranormal series: Dos and don’ts of channeling or does this fit my belief system?

Last post, I relayed my rare experience of getting a prediction that actually came true.

All that aside, getting answers to questions is not as quick and easy as just asking someone. At least, an answer that is useful and meaningful. Sometimes I can, for whatever reason, just see how things will pan out, and they do so as I foresaw, but it can be hit and miss.  There are too many variables. But getting information on demand is not something I can easily do.

Now, I have heard of people who get very strong messages to pass on to others, and I would say that fall under the category of soul calls.

I’ve certainly had that from time to time, too. I’ll have a strong pull to pass on a message. I don’t know if the source is a guide, a departed one or just a call for what someone needs to hear, but when the pull is strong, I will always answer it.

Then there are the times when I do get an answer, and it’s not the one I was expecting.  Sometimes I’ll get told that the person is making something up and I then feel like an idiot for believing them in the first place.

Even though I can sense truth, I tend to put myself in a space where I’m open to what someone tells me (as I do not judge), though at times, I often get a sense of anxiety when something isn’t right, but I tend to ignore it if the person seems to believe what they are telling me.

The problem then is, what do I say when I find out someone isn’t being truthful with me? Do I call them on it and tell them that they are embellishing their story or do I fade away from their lives?

Sometimes it’s just a matter of people exaggerating the truth.

The point really is, though, that just because you have a guide or you are in contact with a spirit, it doesn’t mean you have all the answers, or even some of them.

Generally, I find that there are several factors in getting correct information.

It depends on:

  • Your own level of awareness.
  • Your ability to ‘hear’ what is really being communicated to you.
  • Not filling in the blanks for information you are not receiving clearly.
  • Your ability to accept things that are not in your current belief system.

I’ve certainly fallen prey to all of the above at various points in my life. The stories told to me from my guides were ‘dumbed’ down at the time because I just couldn’t accept anything else. Even then, what was told was hard enough to believe (in spite of all the evidence supporting things.) When I received clarification later on, I found that it was the same story, except it was more fully fleshed out.

Sometimes, you just have to admit that you don’t know the answers, at least not yet. Sometimes it might take decades to reach a place where you do and sometimes it may not happen at all in your current life.

Letting go of preconceived ideas and ego can be terribly difficult, especially as we don’t like to be wrong, and we feel our own credibility is on the line. There’s also this odd perception that psychic people can do everything all the time and without any effort. That simply is not the case. I doubt there’s a single psychic out there that can be ‘on’ all the time without suffering severe burn out or will not get very ill because of it.

There have certainly been enough times where I’ve found out I’ve been wrong to make me question just how psychic I might be and just where those thoughts in my mind are coming from. Are they mine, or do they really come from a guide?

But then, I’ve also had really specific information given to me from time to time that I find out later that it was true.

Those are really wow moment for me. Generic information is easy. Anyone can do that. Specific information, now that’s a talent.

Anyone can say: My dear, I see you’ve had some trauma in your life, and it’s affected you.

Well, unless you’ve lived a charmed life that would certainly apply to most anyone. Now, if you could specify the type of trauma and when, then that’s another story.

Be aware of those who claim to be of the psychic world. Be critical. It’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to not believe. Just because there are fakers out there, it does not mean everyone is fake.

Just remember, this is not an exact science.

But we are always learning, and being wrong is just as important as being right. Look at it critically. See how you felt at the time you received your information. Did it flow? Where there any anxieties? Did you feel any resistance in passing it on? Self observation is very important to success.

It’s okay to say: Yeah, it wasn’t right this time, but at least we’ve learned something from it.

Next: Psychic Empath or Psychic Skeptic? 

Personal experiences: Part 5 – Possessed or Q and A with the Devil.

Statesboro High School

This is a six part story about a paranormal event that occurred in January 1980. As usual, it’s told without any embellishments and according to a document that I had written after the event.

The next morning as I was going down the stairs, I felt that the chain that the cross was on grow hot. It was an odd sensation. It was a definite heat, though I guess I could have been imagining it, too.

Shawn told me that every time he saw the cross, he had the urge to get me to take it off. Indeed, he insisted that I should take it off. Every time I went down the stairs, I felt the chain get heavy, and the urge to take it off come over me. I nearly once did so, but thought better of it.

A bit later on, back up the stairs, I was walking with Shawn towards the doors on the other side of the room when they opened for him. We walked through and they closed behind us. I asked how he did that, as I had felt no wind. He said, he didn’t know. He was just thinking that wouldn’t it be good if the doors opened and they did.

The next day, the temptation to take the cross off was so strong that I actually felt uncomfortable wearing it. The night, Shawn was trying to make me take it off, once again, and I was refusing as usual when he suddenly doubled up in what he said was an agonizing pain. The thought that I should give the cross to him entered my mind. I asked him if he wanted me to give it to him, and he said, yes. I almost did, but decided against it. With that choice, the pain abruptly stopped. I asked him if he would have worn it and he said: No, moods change, and he wouldn’t have given it back either.

Things become quiet after that for a short while. As I wore the cross, I felt protected. The camp went on and was coming to the end. It was only two weeks, but it felt like a very long two weeks.

On the last day, we were all clearing up after ourselves, and I found myself, ironically, being told to sweep the stairs with Shawn. We discussed what had happened, and I asked him about the voice he heard. I was curious about if I could talk to it and asked some questions. Shawn agreed.

The first thing I asked was if Robert Rice died there, and the answer was he didn’t, nor were his ashes upstairs.

I then asked if this was the Devil. The answer was yes. Had he tried to get me before? Yes, he had and was trying to get me now. I asked, why me? It answered that it had failed before and it didn’t like failing and it was trying to possess me. I asked why me and I was told that I was more vulnerable than other people and I expected him to get me. It also said it had posed as my subconscious mind, pretending to be someone who was helpful. I asked if it was after anybody else at the camp, but it said it only me.

I then asked about the pressure we had felt in the stairs. What was it? He said it was trying to frighten us, and it was a stupid thing to have had the séance. I asked what it was trying to do to Shawn when he said the Lords Prayer backwards. The answer was that It was trying to possess him.

I asked if he had succeeded, but he said, no because he hadn’t done it long enough. He also said that he had possessed many people, but they didn’t know it. They just thought they had a bad temper.

I asked if I was interfering with him and if I was a danger to him. He said yes and I was. It told me that the cross gave me some protection, and so did asking for God’s help, but an imaginary cross was not powerful enough and I couldn’t ask for God’s help all the time and I was most vulnerable when I was asleep. It had decided to use the staircase because I had to use it to get to the bathroom. It had taken over Shawn because he was my friend and was using it as a stepping stone to get to me. It also said that it had blown out the lights.

My mistake had been leaving Shawn on the stairway at that time and telling him about my experiences, which left him open to such things.

I asked a few more questions, but all Shawn was now getting was ‘stop it you bastard!’ I stopped and Shawn came ‘back’. He told me that at first he had let me talk to this thing, but after a few questions, he had lost control and it sounded like two people have a conversation. He also couldn’t remember any of what had been said, something I later found out that this was typical of a channel. He also said that sometimes he was reluctant to answer my questions because he felt he was lying.

With what I know now, many of those answers actually make no sense, nor do they ring true.  My feelings are that it was certainly not the Devil, imagined or otherwise. Also, if Shawn felt he was lying, and he didn’t say which questions were lies, then there’s no reason any of it could have been the truth.

I seriously doubt that any of it was true. If Shawn felt it was a lie, then there is no reason to tell me what was really going on, except to tell me what I thought I wanted to hear, and what it wanted me to hear.

This, of course, does beg the question if any channel you get is true.

I know that when I’m writing documents with the aid of my guide, some things flow amazingly well, and I can sense what feels like a connection, or a corridor. Other things don’t however, and I get a sense of anxiety or frustration and I end up erasing what has been written because I’m clearly not either in the space for writing, or the information I need just isn’t available to me as yet.

Sometimes there is also a tendency to write what you think is true, rather than what comes to you, assuming anything comes at all. It’s a trap that’s easy to fall into, and interestingly enough, those are the things that I find out more later on.

In regards to the entity at the camp, I really haven’t gotten any answers I’m happy with yet. I’ve channelled that it was an opportunistic entity who knew who I was, but… that doesn’t feel completely right. I feel I’m still missing something, even 33 years on.

For me, near enough isn’t good enough, but sometimes it’s all I have at the time.

Next: Afterwards