Where do Past Life Memories come from?

Past life memories

Past life memories

For this entry, we are going to take a brief look at past life memories and if they are real. If memory is stored in our brain, then past life recollections could not be there as the body did not exist at that time.

So where does it come from? Is it real?

This is what we will explore.

Three stages

According to Wikipedia: Memory is the faculty of the brain by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

There are said to be three stages to memory. Sensory, short-term and long-term.

As far as I’m aware, past life memories are not accounted for. You could argue that they don’t exist, and it’s the product of an imagination.

However, the experience of certain people, I have known, tells me that there has to be another source other than the brain.

Previous memories

These people claim to have been bound to human bodies for many millenniums. While their bodies will die, their awareness and memories do not. When they find themselves in a new body, they retain their previous memories as well.

Continue reading “Where do Past Life Memories come from?”

Seven tips for being a Medium

Tips for Mediums


So, you’ve found out you’re a Medium. Someone who can sense things, see potential futures (or timelines), or you get messages to pass onto others. In this entry, we look at seven tips for being a Mediums. What you should do to safeguard yourself and get the best from this ability.

Are Mediums real?

I used to go back and forth quite a bit on the question of are Mediums real? 

Yes, there are certainly plenty of fakes out there who use the cold reading techniques or use other various tricks in order to attempt to fool or scam people. I feel such people are the scum of the Earth and are manifesting some really bad Karma for themselves.

But this is not for them. I have also come across many genuine psychics and mediums. Those who have real abilities. They don’t use a vague, twenty questions, guessing game in order to get information that could apply to anyone. They are very good and have consistent results.

It takes energy

The thing about Mediums or psychic abilities is that it’s very rare for them to be active all the time. It takes energy and it’s the psychic type.

Continue reading “Seven tips for being a Medium”

Reoccurring Nightmares of the House of Horror

Ján Jakub Naništa

[image-comparator left=”https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/house-jan-jakub-nanista-171889.jpg” right=”https://psychicsupport.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/blood.png” method=”fade-in” width=”100%” value=”0″ hover=”true” overlayed_slider=”true” hide_slider=”true” link_images=”false”][/image-comparator]

Reoccurring nightmares

This entry is part of a series of my personal stories that I wrote many years ago around 2005.

My mother had these reoccurring nightmares for many years about a large house somewhere in the country. On Tuesday and Thursdays, there were certain rooms that it was a bad idea to go into. The days she did enter them, there was the spirit of two young children. One girl and a boy, who was evil. These dreams kept reoccurred for many years.

On the subject of dead children, the very thought always sent a shiver through me. Whenever certain topics on ghost stories are brought up, invariably, I’ll start to feel an immense sadness go right through me, and tears will begin falling. I don’t quite understand why that is, as yet, but certain subjects will trigger it. Dead children, especially the boy is one of them.

I remember when I first saw The Shining back in 1980. Those two ghost children scared the willies out of me, even though I thought that the rest of the movie was pretty average. There is little doubt that there was something in relation to children in my past.

Back then, I  would get a feeling of terror and sadness. When my mum brought up the subject again back in 1997,  I started to think more on the subject.  When I thought of the boy, I felt that terror, and the more I thought of it, the more I felt it was connected to an malicious being that had been plaguing me all my life.

The boy was evil, I was sure of that. The girl wasn’t. She was just led. As I thought on the subject, A scenario unfolded. One that told of a massacre that happened one night at a large country mansion. The two children were told to hide up in the attic, but something made a noise, and they were found. They were murdered by someone with an ax.

I wasn’t there, but apparently I was a local priest or something like that. I certainly had power from what I understood, and I went up to the attic to deal with the haunting that occurred there.

When I went up, the evil that was there manifested me, and as I wasn’t prepared, I panicked, ran and tripped and fell over the stairs and down to my death, landing on a spike of some kind.

The date felt like it was during the mid 1800s. I was also reminded of what a psychic who I once knew said when I visited her back in 95. She said she would be working, cutting meat or something, and all off a sudden, she’d have a past life flashback and the wall would be covered in blood.

At the time, I wondered what sort of event happened to cause that, but now I feel that she was one of the party present during that night.

Spontaneous Channeling.

Later that week, I mentioned it to a person on the chat server dal.net, which was the main way to chat before all the methods around today.

This person went by the nickname of Coco. She often came across as a little psychotic, but she was a definite psychic. I mentioned only that I had a past life flashback with no details of what it was about. She went into automatic writing / channeling mode.

“Here you go,” she wrote. “Spontaneous. I don’t do this often. Watch and wonder 🙂 A raven flew down to sit curiously on a black wrought iron fence. It stared at an old ivy covered house set back a ways off Wigham Rd. Startled it flew up to the roof and cawed screeching. Just then a crashing sound in a high attic loft was heard. A bloodied face was seen by the raven through the high window. It flew and alit on the sill and peered within. Four axes were seen embedded in the floor boards”

I was very impressed. It all fitted in, even with the raven causing the noise that attracted the attention of the murderers. After that, I found that if I concentrated on the boy, I could pick him up. I tried to deal with it by reconciling with him, but it wasn’t too long before the entity just disappeared.

I had hoped that maybe the energy had dispersed and it had finally decided to give up. However, this wasn’t just a one off thing. I felt that this thing had been plaguing me for many lifetimes, and I guess it wasn’t about to quit just because I cornered it for a moment.

This entity, I felt, was a long running battle which had lasted through many life times. I had battled it only a couple of years before and survived. At that point, it wasn’t ready to give up.

In any case, once I had pinpointed the boy’s energy, it vanished along with the dreams.

That’s not to say that the entity disappeared along with that energy. It still continued to cause problems (a subject covered in detail in my book I am The Phoenix) until one day, nearly two years later, I decided I had had enough and it was time to remove this being once and for all.

What occurred was the start of yet another battle. It also coincided with the opening of a chatroom called the Celestine Vision chat room. There I met several people who also picked up on this entity and validated what I was feeling. However, this isn’t what this story is about.

More reoccurring nightmares

A few months later, I was chatting to someone in the chat room (I will not use her name, but let’s call her Mary). She said that her life was terrible and the dreams she was having were draining her and making her life unbearable. When we queried it, she went onto describe how she was having dreams about a large house with a room that held something evil. She was having the dreams a few times a week.

I asked her how long she had been having those dreams. She said for around two years. Just around the time my mother stopped having them.
Well, naturally, I couldn’t ignore this, and began to work with her on stopping the dreams, as they left her drained and depressed.

I felt that these dreams were being used to steal energy from her in order for it to be used for its own needs, which also explained why she was waking up always feeling so tired, drained and depressed.

She also mentioned something freaky. She said that she was walking into a building, when she heard someone call her name. She looked around and the only thing she saw a raven that was looking at her.

Considering it was a raven in Coco’s vision, I felt that was quite significant. I spent a little time trying to help her, but her life was really messed up. My main goal was to stop the dream, and the only way I knew how was to defeat the entity.

Final confrontation

It wasn’t that long after when, I confronted the entity once more. This time it was in the chat room as I was holding a vision of it. Six other people came to help (one or two here might actually remember that) with the intention of destroying it once and for all.

I found out two things that night. One it was as strong as I was and two, I couldn’t destroy it as it wasn’t who I am. So the battle ended inconclusively

It was a few days afterwards when I finally managed to reconcile things with this entity. Perhaps an anticlimax, but it was the only way it could have ended. I don’t believe I’ve had trouble with it since.

As for the lady who was having the dreams, I went through a period where I lost touch with things at CV and lost contact with her. I didn’t know what has become of her and her dreams and her depressing life as she disappeared herself.

Then about two years after, I saw her in the room and she had brought her boyfriend along. She introduced me to him as the one who had helped her and stopped the dreams. (Me, not the boyfriend.)

This was news to me, but when I thought about it, reconciling the entity meant that it had no more need to use those dreams to gain its power. The best part was that her life had changed and she was much happier.

You can purchase I am The Phoenix at amazon.com by clicking here.

Feeling drained? The Bach Flower Remedy ‘Wild Rose’ can help.


The remedy for feeling drained.

Empaths suffer from being drained by others quite often. Fact is, they are very vulnerable to not only people draining their energies but also entities that have gathered around them.

The manifesting of being drained can appear in several ways.

  • Your limbs feel really heavy.
  • You feel emotionally and psychically drained.
  • You feel a strong sense of apathy where everything is a great effort.
  • You look at something and realize you can’t face it right now, even if it’s something you want to do.
  • You suffer from being lethargic.

As mentioned, entities are often responsible for this condition. It might be a deliberate attack or due to something that just likes your energy.

Also, many people in the 3D are energy / psychic vampires. They hook into you and before you know it, you are feeling drained.

I first noticed that Wild Rose was helpful for lethargy back in 1995, when I took it after I felt really heavy limbed after a Christmas party. My energy immediately came back.

It’s only recently that I made the connection that Wild Rose helps protect against being drained.

If you are feeling drained, give Wild Rose a go. It could well restore your energies.