Sometimes you’re forced to take a break

Sometimes you are meant to have some downtime, but you don’t take it because something always seems to come up.

It’s like you’re rushing from one fire to the next.

I have just completed four weeks of leave, but I still wasn’t getting any real rest for three weeks of it.

E-mails keep coming in asking for help. People have questions. Situations in the chat room that call for attention and so on.

Seems that my higher self decided that if I wasn’t going to take a break, it would force me to take one. And it did.

Due to an infected finger, typing became very hard and painful. I was forced to minimize what I did at the computer.

For those wondering, this blog will resume in due course. In the meantime, remember, there’s always the chat room and 200+ other blogs to go through if you’ve not already seen them. 🙂

I’ve been putting this off for a while now….

Phoenix drawing.I’ve been putting off writing this blog entry for a while now. Not that there’s anything in it I’ve not posted elsewhere before, but it is one that I feel it’s time to push into the mainstream.

The reason why I hesitate (and even cringe) is because the subject matter is so unusual that it will cause a conflict with people’s perceived reality and believe systems.

Trust me when I say that it certainly did with mine.

So deep breath and here we go.

What if you were told that you were a mythical being?

What if you had the same message in your thoughts for most of your life?

Moment after moment? Hour after hour? Day after day? Year after year? Decade after decade?

No matter what you do, no matter what you try and no matter how much you protest, that message never stops… ever!

And over those decades, amazing things happen and people come in and out of your life to validate that what you are hearing is not just in your mind, but a very real thing.

Well, this is my life in a nutshell.

This has been going on since 1988.

I’ve spoken a lot about various incidences in my life: Those strange stories that defy rational explanation. I’ve discussed my guides and done plenty of channellings when I’m stuck for ideas or answers to topics I want to write about.

And in a way, I’m comfortable putting those out there, because to me, they make sense and others seem to get something from it.

I’ve also discussed how my guides keep on telling me messages over and over until I get what they mean and I  do get a lot of repeating messages which come and g over the years.

But there is one that doesn’t stop no matter what.

The message is: You are The Phoenix.

It doesn’t end there either. My guides keep on referring to me as Phoenix. On the rare occasion they’ll call me by my name, but generally, it’s Phoenix.

There was a period of time where events lead me to completely shunned anything phoenix, but it didn’t help. In fact, everything became stronger, and no matter what I did, I would see the word Phoenix in almost everything I did or would hear it mentioned somewhere.

What was more, people around me, once they started associated with me, said they saw the same thing, too.

You could argue that’s confirmation bias, but that doesn’t account for everything that happened, especially the two years where I was extremely anti-phoenix.

Most people have heard of what a phoenix is nowadays, but for those who do not know, a phoenix is a mythical bird that was said to live for many  years, and then build a pyre and consume itself flames, only to rise again more powerful and beautiful than before.

It was primarily associated with Ancient Egypt, though it was been noted in many other cultures under different names. The death and rebirth part appears to be the more endearing part of this myth: The rising from the ashes, in spite of all the odds.

And for a while, I wondered if that is what my guides were trying to tell me: That I had risen from the ashes.

But no, that wasn’t it at all. In fact, they were being quite literal.

Now, last time I looked, I looked like a human. Not a bird. (Though, as I recently blogged, I never really felt all that human.)  However, my guides assure me that what they are talking about is a representation of energy.

When I finally started to look into what was going on, a story began to unravel that surpassed anything my imagination could conjure up and over the course of the years, what I ended up with was an amazing, yet cohesive sequence of events that made the statement ‘You are the Phoenix’ look like common sense because it only got stranger from there.

Around 2011, I tried to write a brief summary of what happened and the people involved. It just didn’t work on the levels I was looking for. So I decided it was time to write a cohesive history of what happened and everything that led up to it happening.  It’s taken me around 2 years to finish it. It was made especially hard because new information was (and still is) coming in all the time, putting new perspectives on things.

The book is called I Am The Phoenix.

It is for sale for USD3.99 in Kindle format from Amazon and is written in the same style as The Empath Guidebook. (My free e-book.)

It’s also available on

My intention is to provide a reasonable sample of this book on this blog, so people can get a taste for it, and decide if they want to hear the rest of the story, which, even if I do say so myself, is incredible.

Past lives: Why we remember and why we don’t.

past lives clockIn my last entry, I asked the question: If past lives are not important, why do we remember them?

When I’m unsure of the answer, I’ll sometimes ask my guides to channel one. As usual, their response is in italics.

This dialogue also ended up being more personal than I thought it would, so if that kind of stuff does not interest you, feel free to skip it.

So, my question to you is: If past lives are not important, then why do we remember? In fact, why did you go out of the way to help me remember?

It very much depends on what your soul agenda is. Are you here to experience yourself in the presence of what is not you? If so, then it generally is not required that you remember who you are. You will experience this without knowing or remembering anything about your past or future existence. (Which is all happening now.)

So, what you’re saying is that if we want to just experience who we are, we need to forget everything so we can do this?

Yes. That is the basis of most people’s experience here. It doesn’t matter what they did or what they were before, they can choose to forget everything they ever knew and have a life that seems completely independent of everything they ever experienced. Of course, they will not remember this, so they will assume they have only one life.

Is this a good way to do such a thing? The answer is: depends. There is no right or wrong way, just what suits your purposes and soul agenda.

And some people have no other agenda than to live a life without any recall of their other ones.

You, on the other hand, are not here to just experience who you are. You have a very clear and defined agenda. In your case, it is quite important that you remember who you are, and why you are here.

I guess so. I’ve certainly got a few comments that me defining who I am, and who others are is not a good idea.

If it wasn’t what you needed to do, you simply wouldn’t be doing it. As I said, you have a very clear agenda in mind. You have a very lofty goal and you would have great difficulty achieving it without those memories. Do you think anything you’ve managed to do in the past 20 years would have been achieved if you had no clue as to how it all fitted together?

It’s possible. Things seemed to happen regardless of what I wanted. Especially back then.

Then you reached a point where you could proceed no further until you began to understand exactly who you were. You were even told this at the time (though you rejected it out of hand).

Okay, so whether it’s important for us to remember past lives depends on what we are here to do then?

Yes. As we said, you have very specific goals and agendas. You also have stated that you do not wish to return so you need to get it right ‘now’ and not stumble about blindly.

So… what exactly am I hear to do that is so important?

Your main agenda is to help people remember who they are. Give their power back to them and have them understand that they have the ability to create the life they desire. Too many feel they have no control and have to live with the hands they feel they are dealt with. Little do they realize that they choose those very hands they believe to be random.

How does me knowing who I am help here? Surely I can just read this stuff in books and pass on it on to others.

You can’t read in books what you have remembered. You can’t find that information online. It simply doesn’t exist at this point of time. No, you can only impart it once you remember it. And on that subject, when are you going to start doing so?

I thought I was already doing that. Isn’t that what this blog and my websites are all about?

In part. That is general information. The knowledge you can pass on can help explain why this world is in such a mess. It can explain why things happened the way they did. It can help people understand some of the history and what can be done to create a higher version of this life.

But you hold back on doing this. Why?

Maybe because the information is so out there, I would doubt it would be believed in any way shape or form.

So, you’re deciding for others if they are going to believe it not? Fear is never a good enough reason not to do something. Yes, your information might appear to be ‘out there’ but think about this. People, who are meant to find it, will find it. They can only find it if you’re ready to put it there.

Empath information is wonderful, but you have other things you can share. It’s time that people understood that they are not the only ones experiencing the things that you do. You can give them this gift. Don’t worry about how it will look. People will make their own decisions regardless of what you write. Some will accept it. Some will reject it. That’s not for you to decide. That is their own life-path. Your job is to make the information available. What people choose to do with it is then up to them.

Okay, well, I think I’ve gotten somewhat off the topic here.

No, the topic is why remember past lives? In order for you to do what you must do, you need to remember. It’s that simple.

So, to sum it up, it depends on the individual and what they wish to achieve?

Exactly. Hence, do not tell another what they should or should not try, especially if it feels right for them. You have to right to do what you need to do and they have the right to ignore you.

That sounds like an open invitation for chaos.

All actions have consequences. Always be mindful of that. If your actions do not reflect who you are, and where you going, then you are best not doing them. If you wish for chaos, act chaotically, but remember, you will end up in a world that reflects that. If you wish for peace, then act peacefully, and you will end up in the world that reflects that.

Choose wisely. 

To channel or not to channel. It’s not really a question, though.

Automatic Writing (album)

I’ve decided I’m going to post more channeled type blogs as I seem to get my best information (and writing) while doing so.

As mentioned, they are conversation between me and my guide(s).

Since the age of 11, I was always having such chats in my thoughts, and at one point, back in 1997, we were discussing death: How people react towards it and why.

I thought: this is really good stuff. I should write it down.

However, found that when I tried, I could not remember any of it. It was frustrating and I figured that if it was going to happen, I would need to channel it as writing rather than try and recall it.

I suppose you might call it automatic writing however I believe t hat’s done without any intention in mind. You put pen to paper and see what comes out. This is more like having a conversation with someone.

At first, dong this wasn’t easy. I made my first attempt back in 1995. It was somewhat successful, but I also discovered that my attachment to outcomes tended to corrupt some of the answers I was getting.

Writing without subconsciously interfering turned out to be a challenge, because sometimes you think you know what the answer is going to be… or worse, what you wish the answer to be.

Corruption of the channel can occur easily, especially if you’re tired or having interruptions while doing so.

It took me around 15 years before I got to a point to where I was actually happy with the way things were channelled.

More often than not, what ends up being written is not what I’m expecting at all. I think that’s a good thing as it indicates that it’s coming from another source.

Writing channeled essays is probably the most interesting and enjoyable way of doing things for me. It’s like having a conversation with someone else and gaining new insight and information. From time to time, I’m told to go and look up something, and I find that the information given is validated.

Those are real ‘whoa!’ moments because they say to me that this is really happening, and not something I’m just making up.

Of course, this is certainly not a new technique for gaining information. Lots of people channel.

Personally, some of those articles rankle with me as I don’t sense any truth behind them. Then there are those who completely resonate.

One of the most profound channeled books I’ve read so far are the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch.  Those writings just resonate completely with me and serve as inspiration, not only on what can be achieved, but having the courage to put such work out there, in spite of what others might think or say.

As for myself, so far, I’ve written two books that are channeled. One, being The Empath Guidebook, which is my gift to the Empath Community.

The other is story of the spiritual events in my life. Those who have read draft version of that book have told me that it’s very intense and they experience strange events occurring to them.

The book is about my journey to save a soul by making a very dangerous deal. This will soon be available for USD3.99 for those who are interested.

In the meantime, I will be putting more channeled blogs up. Hope you enjoy them.

Otherkin: Myth or fact?

Chinese Dragon QM-r

In this life’s journey, I’ve come across a lot of people who claim they are not fully human. They are classed as otherkin.

That is: a creature that inhabits a human body.

There are those who claim to be vampires, gargoyles, dragons, phoenixes and god knows what else.

On the surface, it sounds preposterous and really, I have always had a hard time swallowing many of the claims people make.

Still, there are dozens of people who I personally know who makes such claims.

And to be fair, for nigh on 25 years, my guides, and many others claim that I’m a phoenix spirit in a human body.

I go back and forth on this, as you might expect, but those who know me have no doubt as to the truth of it.

That said, some of you might be wondering if I actually believe in dragons, phoenii, unicorns or whatever.

I think the best way I can explain is like this.

The soul is not a representation of the body. I believe that it is the other way around.

The shape, the look, the form and what radiates are reflections of that soul aspect. It is reflecting the energy contained within.

Beings such as dragons, phoenii, or even dogs and cats are just labels. They are names for the manifestation of energy we can see.

For example, a dragon would take on a particular shape that not only defines what it looks like, but also reflects its nature and what it can do.

If it looks menacing and powerful, it’s because it’s a reflection of the soul and energy within.

Of course, I doubt anyone has seen a dragon in the flesh, so to speak, but there are certainly plenty of representations of them about.

Even colours can tell you a lot as they represent various vibrations.

Each colour has its own properties. In general, though, the lighter, clearer and brighter the colour, the higher and more spiritual the soul is.

From my studies, I’ve come to the conclusion that when certain breeds become extinct, it may well be due to the group soul evolving to a new level.

Or maybe it may have manifested itself on another place or time.

One example is birds. Some are said to descended from dinosaurs. The hummingbird, according to some esoteric sources, is said to have once been a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This shows how the spirit has evolved from almost one extreme to another.

I do believe that mythical creatures exist, but they exist as a representation of certain energies. They are just labels that we use to name and identify.

Everything exists on some level.

Past lives: – Wrong information or a poet and I didn’t know it?

Khalil Gibran (April 1913)

When people ask me for a past life reading, I hesitate because they should come to their own realizations in their own time, and if I tell them they were so and so, how will they know it wasn’t me who put the idea into their head, and not something they would have arrived at in their own way and time?

Such information should be given with caution because past life readings can go wrong.

You wouldn’t think that’s possible, but believe me, they can.

If you get wrong information, or even partial information, it can literally send you into a tail spin.

On the other hand, when you hit upon a truth, it can feel like you’ve been hit by a truck.

It’s exciting, but sometimes you may find that who you were in a past life might not be to your liking, especially if you consider them to be someone negative, according to your current belief system.

I’ve known people who had great difficulty initially coping with such knowledge. It took them a while to come to terms with the memories.

The main reason was that, even though who they were had been recorded in history as a so called evil person, the true story was actually very different. Eventually, other memories started to surface, and that helped.

It’s worth remembering that no one does something that they consider ‘wrong’ considering their model of the world.

Sure, it may be evil to us, but to them, we might be the evil ones. Everything is all relative.

Still, that’s when the information feels right.

When it doesn’t, then you can really be thrown for a loop.

I mention, from time to time, I saw a psychic healer back in 1995. At one point, I asked who I was. Back in those days, the question: Who are you would always be asked by that voiceless voice that I came to know as my guides.

One session, my healer took me into a visualization that she was able to tap into a share. (She was certainly psychic enough to do that, it seemed.)

She saw a man who was writing poetry and she was getting the strong message that I was this person in a past life. The name was Khalil Gibran, a name that, at the time, meant nothing at all to me.

She tested this up several times with her pendulum, and each time it appeared to confirm this.

Now, you might think that being told you were a famous poet would be pretty exciting, but what actually happened was that I was thrown into a panicky spin.

In short, I came as close to freaking out as I never did, and considering this is something I don’t do, it’s saying something.

There was something about this information, and about the belief that I might have been this person, that made me frustrated, angry and very, very annoyed.

I don’t know if it was because I didn’t sense it was true, or if I did indeed have some connection there, but it was a horrible few weeks as I struggled to comprehend and come to terms with it.

Even today, I sense a turmoil here, and don’t wish to give it any energy or thought.

In hindsight, it wasn’t a good idea to be told I was Gibran. It didn’t add anything to my life. It didn’t bring any peace of understanding. Just the opposite.

I contrast this to my other revelations of who I was in my past lives, and I am at peace with that. They explain so much and I can feel the resonance.

However, those were not given to me by others, they were revealed to me over the course of many years and many events.

Knowing who I am came naturally (though the process was certainly danger filled and traumatic at times.)

It’s not a good idea to try and seek out who you were unless you have a strong pull to do so. Even then, it’s wise to let things unfold as they should. Do not try and force it. You may open that can or worms that you will find hard to put back