Being ridiculed is a small price to pay for helping even one other.

As an Empath, I’ve come across a lot of strange things that I would have sworn could not be true. As a sceptic, I tend to not take things on face value. As a cynic, I tend to look between the lines. As an intuitive, I have learned to trust my feelings completely.

Logic, as much sense as it makes, never produced the results I desired. Trusting my intuition has. It has taken me places that I thought I would never go. Do and see things that I would not have done otherwise, and produced a life that is extraordinary that defies logic, and what logic would certainly defy happening.

I wonder, though, from time to time, how the other people in my life perceive me.

On one hand, I am constantly surprised by how people accept my experiences and the information I share with them.

On the other hand, there are always those who feel I’m either trying to start a cult (yeah, that’s where the money would be and I could quit this office job!) or am pretending to be something I am not.

I, myself, inwardly groan, thinking, here I go again on a certain subject, such as being an empath, type of depression and how to cure them, or Bach Flower Remedies, which I wish I had as stake in, cause I’m sure I’ve raised their sales by 1000’s of bottles.

The challenge of being yourself, in spite of the fear, is one that so many face.

It’s not easy. Anyone who has tried it knows this. The fear of public ridicule, rejection or even finding out that everything you ever thought was wrong are always at the back of your mind. (And God knows, everything I ever believed in has been shaken to the foundation a few times in my life, though, my current experiences and belief system are working as they should.)

So why do it?

Because it has to be done. If one person finds the courage to be themselves. Tell their own story, no matter how improbable or impossible it might seem, and that one person goes on to inspire others to do the same, then it is worth it.

I put myself out there so others can.

I hope it inspires those who are holding back to do so, too.

Spirit Guides – Part 6 – Many guides: Handle them – (A reference only World of Warcraft players will get!)

The following blog  is a 8 part series on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own. 


Having written all that, it’s worth noting that the Dakini don’t appear to be my only guides. I do appear to have one main one, and he feels very different to them.

The energy of the Dakini is quite different to that of my main guide. It’s hard to explain the subtleties of how energies feel and even arguing with them is a different experience.

I’ve not won an argument with a Dakini.  They mostly seem to be one step ahead of me, and are amazing planners, able to plan many years in advance for major goals, and avoiding all the pitfalls along the way.

I have met an incarnated Dakini, (that is, one that is in human form and is aware of who she is).  I found she has the same traits. Extreme intelligence, amazing planning, and very hard to argue against and win. (Even when I know I’m right.) She also has knowledge about my agreement with them which I did not share, so that’s certainly validation there.

My other guide is chattier. When the Dakini talk, they do so in very short phrases or sentences. ,They don’t say a lot, but tend to repeat the same messages over and over again until I understand the meaning… and that can take a long time!

My other guide tends to be easier to talk with. In fact, it’s hard to shut him up at times. Once again, guides like this are hard to verify, except from time to time, I get information which I can check up on, and find that it’s correct. Sometimes it’s information I’m looking for. Otherwise, it’s a warning about something that is happening that I’m able to validate later.

This particular guide appears to also channel though other people, and some I’ve met claim they have also spoken to him.

One of the ways I like to communicate with him is by writing down the words I get. I guess you could call it a channel.

It does have its limits, though. I find that I can only write so long, before this fatigue sets in and I become mentally, and psychically exhausted.  Forcing the issue just produces information that isn’t as accurate.

Some subjects are easier to write about than others, and some just are completely blocked. Timing appears to be very important here.

Writing a channelling is also very useful when I’m trying to do an article, but can’t find the words. The result is always superior. I’ve not yet included any such works in this blog to date, but I am considering it.

The majority of my written work is information I’ve gained from my main guide.

There also is another type of guide, which is somewhat controversial.   That you are your own guide. The you, from a future point of time, has come back, and is now guiding the you of now.

I certainly feel that’s true for me. I know that sounds bizarre, but it feels as though there’s a part of me which is way more aware of what I’m doing, and is able to transcend time and space to give me advice and guidance.

Luckily, I’ve read of other such cases where people are able to return be their own guides, so it might sound improbable, but it’s still being experienced by others.

If you consider that time is an illusion, and not sequential, then it’s possible to return to a point in a timeline where you can help yourself. Does this create a paradox? Not if you consider that it’s all happening ‘now’, so all that is, what, and ever will be is happening all at the same time.

Yeah, it’s complex.

I’ve love to hear about people’s own experiences with their guides.

Empath series – Spirits, ghosts, negative entities and all those fun things that can’t possibly exist.

Psychics and the spirit world.

Here’s the problem with empaths and other sensitive people: They see and sense and even hear things that others generally do not.

Scientifically, such things are hard to prove, if not impossible, as what we experience cannot always be recreated and tested under lab conditions.

I was listening to an old podcast the other day, and it was said that there are no haunted houses, only haunted people.

I thought about this and I think that’s a fairly accurate statement because sensitive people are the ones who will pick up on areas that have a higher amount of activity occurring. Someone who is not able to pick up such things will experience nothing noticeable happening, though that doesn’t mean they are not being affected. I’m sure there are plenty of sceptics who have suffered depression from unknown causes and the draining of their energies.

There are certainly those who love to mock those who do sense and see spirits and that’s okay. We need perspective. We need to not fall into the trap where we read every little sign as something paranormal, even when it may not be, and can be proven as such.

Still, I wonder just how many of these sceptics have put themselves into places where such activity is high?

I only muse on this subject because psychics, empaths, and sensitive people can, and do see things that do exist on other levels.  They may not have the ability to interpret the information correctly, after all, it is just another sense and not even our normal five senses will always be correct. Just ask someone who is colour blind if that’s not true.

As scary as it is for some, entities, spirits, beings, elemental energies do exist.  The normal person in the street may not see them, but that doesn’t mean they are not there.

Those who can detect them will be under no doubt that what they see is real to them, even if they do believe they are, perhaps, crazy.

I don’t believe they are, though. Everything exists on some level and some people are just more adapt, and attuned, at seeing them.

For those following this blog, I need to make it clear that I believe that these things do exist, and the reason why is because there will be blogs which will cover these things which will be important for empaths, especially those who are suffering from depression.

Spirit Guides – Part 5 – Some guides just have no sense of humour…

Discovering the Dakini – Part 3

Guides are certainly not easy to proof that they exist, though I think I’ve had more than my fair share of proof over the years.

For instance, in regards to the Dakini, I remember when I was 12 or 13, I would see these beings flash into existence around me and dance.  It was always to the song Fantasy by Earth Wind and Fire.

From what I have found on the net, the beings do dance and when I’ve mentioned them  to other psychic friends, they say they seem them dancing around them, too.

I also noticed that the message ‘You still have no idea who we really are’ had finally stopped after all those years, which is what happens when I finally understand a message.

It’s clear to me that throughout my life, the Dakini have guided, protected and worked extremely hard to ensure I was on this path. The scope of their work is just mind boggling when I look at it with 20/20 sight.

They don’t seem to have much of a sense of humour about me being attacked and I’ve seen people come to grief who have attacked me without provocation. Many are the times when they’ve told me that if someone does not stop attacking me behind my back, they will take care of it and every time they have been right about who has been attacking me.

For instance, there was one time at my job where this work colleague was relentlessly attacking me behind my back (even though he had nothing to do with my job and I had no reason to suspect him.)  Let’s call him John. The Dakini said to me on several occasions that  John was attacking me, and that if he didn’t stop doing it, they would do something about it.

As time wore on, I started to hear from others that this was in fact happening, though John’s demeanour would suggest that butter wouldn’t melt in this mouth.

Then one day, while I was working back, he suddenly fell over, face first, for no apparent reason.  I had a nasty niggle that there was more to this than met the eye, but as he suffered from a muscular disorder, I thought it was something that was more likely to happen than not.

Then a while later, the Dakini suddenly asked me one night, as I was getting ready to sleep, if I wanted to send healing to John. I said, of course, and focused on sending light and healing, knowing that it would only help him when he was ready.

The next day he failed to turn up to work, and the day after that. Eventually, I was told that he had fallen forwards, and in an effort to brace his fall, fell on his hand, breaking it.

I asked the Dakini if they had anything to with this incident, and while they remained somewhat cagey, they did point out that I could absolved myself of any negative attacks on him as I had been sending healing the night before.

It is certainly worth noting that when he did return to work, he told me that he no longer was getting involved in office politics and keeping out of everything, and the attacks from him stoped. He also departed the office about six months later, and my work life was much more pleasant because of it as he was no longer turn my own staff against me.

This certainly was not the only incident of its kind, but it is one that stood out to me at the time.

Also, many messages that they have relentlessly give sent to me over the years started to make sense

Many of the messages I had over the years finally started to make sense. The trouble was, they were short and cryptic, and only made sense once I knew the context. But they were extremely accurate.

I have been told by others that they were to help awaken and guide me. (Which they have done a mind boggling job of doing.)

The Dakini have also, quite a few times, told me that they are loyal to me. They explained to me that before I reincarnated, I made an agreement with them that I would give them part of my energy in exchange for their help, guidance and protection. They thought this was a good agreement as this allowed them to more power to do things.

They also said I do not carry their energies as it would not have served my purpose here.

I’ve also, occasionally, sent them to help others, during times when I was tired and not up for doing the work needed to help others or clear attacks on them. I was constantly amazed that these people told me how they were contacted by the Dakini and verified my own experiences. I guess I shouldn’t be so amazed, really, not after all I’ve gone through and experienced, but there is always a small part of you that wonders just how much of it is really true.

There was also one time in 1996, when I asked them to prove to me that they were real. At the time, I just knew they claimed they were guides, but I wanted something to show me that it wasn’t in my mind. They told me I would have something in the next few minutes.

At the time, I was checking my car which was parked in a four hour zone for chalk marks, to see if it had been marked or not. As I approached it, this man, who I had never before said, if you’re looking for the chalk mark, it’s on that tyre. And so it was. I thanked him and he went on his way.

Was it coincidence, or someone just who was helpful? Something like that had not happened before, nor had it happened since, and I was told I would have proof.

My feeling was it was clearly that: Proof.

If anyone has had any similar experiences, I would love to hear about it.

Next: Other guides:

Depression Series – You’ve done great! So why do you feel so down about it?

The pressure of success

You’ve done well. People love you, and some even hate you (which probably means you’re doing something right.)

So why do you feel so depressed? Why do you have a sense of anxiety and foreboding that something bad is going to happen?

The trouble with success, and more importantly, reputation, is that they are hard to live up to.

People see what you have done, and what you have said. They see how you have reacted, and admired your calmness within the storm.

But now you feel they expect it from you all the time.  You can’t have a bad day because that’s not supposed to be you. If you get angry over something, you get admonished for doing so, in spite of the fact others (especially those telling you off) are doing the exact same thing. The hypocrisy can be frustrating.

Once you’ve set a certain standard, the pressure is on to not only maintain it, but improve it.

But you know that’s just not feasible. Somewhere along the line, you are going to fail, let everyone down and they might decide that you were deceiving them all along.

We you being fake? We you pulling the wool over other’s eyes? Did you go out of your way to deceive anyone?


However, there is much more to you than this one aspect. You are not just a one dimensional Mary Sue type person.

You have your own fears, doubts, bad days and down cycles.

That’s what makes you feel so down and anxious. You don’t feel you can be yourself on those levels, and not have all hell break loose.

Moments of brilliance are sometimes more the exception than the rule, and when you fail to deliver, your followers descend on you like sharks in a feeding frenzy over bloodied meat.

They may accuse you of being lazy, selling out, ripping off those following. They will accuse you of motives that you never in your wildest dreams imagined.

But is it so? In most cases: no.

It’s not possible to be perfect all the time. You can’t give everyone what they want all of the time.

This is a very severe type of depression, because it is insidious, and you won’t even know why you are feeling the way you are, just that you are feeling it.

Taoism states: After great success, retire.

There is great wisdom in those words, though how practical they are to apply is another matter.

What creates an empath?

A lot of people are empaths, but what makes them one?

Here are some thoughts about that.


Some people are born very sensitive to those feelings around them. Others become empaths out of necessity. 

For instance, a child that has a very traumatic childhood will develop the ability to sense others emotions so they can try and avoid dangerous situations.

This could be from the horrors of sexual abuse, or maybe physical abuse. Perhaps you might have a had a victim type parent who would constantly turn to you to unload their problems on.

Perhaps the empath grew up in a dangerous neighbourhood and had to develop a sixth sense in order to avoid trouble.

If the empath has been borne from such situations, then healing tends to be required as such people will find their life an unending living hell.

There are certainly ways to heal these things. I’ve found that the most gentle and effective way is by using Bach Flower Remedies.